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What would change if (when) we had a King

Inch said:
The crowns don't always change. Here's the 1st Hussars capbadge with none of the 4 crowns shown in M O'Leary's link.

That's what I meant when I said "coronet".
Michael Dorosh said:
That's what I meant when I said "coronet".

Gotcha, you were speaking in tongues, I thought next you were going to say that the King wears wears a peaked collar vice a shawl.
Old Sweat said:
The Master Gunner can probably correct me, but the crest on the barrels signifies that it has been accepted into service. One of the first things we did when we took delivery of both the M109s and L5s was to etch the cypher on each piece after it was test fired. I believe there is an EME instruction that outlines the procedure. As a mark of acceptance into service, it need not be changed, and frankly I can not imagine how it could be.

I was going by what my BC (Bty Commander) talked to us about last Parade night. He said that when the new monarch takes over, all the new barrels for the guns that are made will have the new cypher. Before long the old barrel comes off and the new one takes it's place.
thorbahn said:
I was going by what my BC (Bty Commander) talked to us about last Parade night. He said that when the new monarch takes over, all the new barrels for the guns that are made will have the new cypher. Before long the old barrel comes off and the new one takes it's place.

I know of no precedent for the replacement of ordnance based on the change of sovereign.
The entire EME branch would have to change cap badges, buttons on Deus, collar dogs and lappel pins.

CFN. Orange said:
The entire EME branch would have to change cap badges, buttons on Deus, collar dogs and lappel pins.

Why? Did you read through this thread before posting?
What would really throw things in a tail spin is the fact that Charles will be likely be king for a short period of time before William acsends the throne (This is a bit like Prince Edward being King for a few short years after Victoria's death).

After the mad dash to determine the "proper" crown and get CIIIR on everything, we will have to scrape off the paint, pull out the sewing kits and do it all over again for HRH William III....
a_majoor said:
What would really throw things in a tail spin is the fact that Charles will be likely be king for a short period of time before William acsends the throne (This is a bit like Prince Edward being King for a few short years after Victoria's death).

After the mad dash to determine the "proper" crown and get CIIIR on everything, we will have to scrape off the paint, pull out the sewing kits and do it all over again for HRH William III....

Wouldn't that be HM William III?
The cypher on the barrel is due to the fact that the Guns are our Colours. There is also some kind of "proof mark" or similar engraving on the barrel, Old Sweat - that signifies test and acceptance. If I remember correctly, it may be a small crown...

From the Standing Orders of the Regiment, page 4-1

When, in 1893, Queen Victoria conferred the title â Å“Royalâ ? on the artillery in Canada, the
honour included the right to engrave on artillery equipment the Imperial Cypher VRI surmounted
by the Imperial Crown. The honour is perpetuated today by inscribing the Royal Cypher of the
reigning monarch on each artillery piece

I don't have access to it, but 
Instructions concerning the application of the Royal Cypher are found in Canadian
Forces Technical Order (CFTO) C-71-010-021/MN 000.
Michael Dorosh said:
Wouldn't that be HM William III?

I believe either will do.

The correct form of address for Infanteer is "Imperator"  ;)

Thank you very much for your clarification.


Old Swaet
I was watching the news today about how more than half of Canadians would like to seperate from the Monarchy and it was said that Prince Charles has taken "a keen interest in the Canadian regiments".

What do you think this means for the Canadian Forces? Good, bad?

Think he'll be interested in "lending" us some billions of dollars?  ::)

From a purely constitutional point of view that is impossible. One outcome of the English Civil War was that the Army belonged to Parliament, so the King would not have an instrument to oppress the people or usurp Parliamentary prerogatives. The Navy was still "Royal" in the sense it was the duty of the crown to defend the realm from foreign invasions (and this analogy applies to the Air Force as well).

The British Army was never a "unitary" army like that of France or Germany, but was considered in theory and practice (at least until the mid 1800s) to be a collection of more or less independent regiments. Some of these regiments were associated with the Crown ("Household" troops), and others could have the Royal Warrent bestowed upon them for exemplary service. We have evolved from the same pattern and maintained some of the same customs.

Apologies to the historians out there who know I have painted this with a very broad brush, but this is the quick and dirty answer to why Charles (or HRH Elizabeth II, for that matter) cannot "loan" money or otherwise directly become involved in the units of the commonwealth armies.
Hopefully nothing would change............IMHO we don't need a King or a Queen for that matter.
Well, the good old former Guardsman will have to throw his 2 cents here...

The Queen or King is referred to as Her / His Majesty - hence HM

All other promenant Royals (ie Prince Charles, etc) are referred to as His / Her Royal Highness - hence HRH

All minor Royals (ie Duchess of Kent, etc) are referred to by their title.

I knew all that protocol training for the Royal visit in 1997 would come in usefull some year ;)

On the cap badge note, the Canadian Grenadier Guards would definitely change. As a Guards regiment their 'grenade fired proper' always has the Royal Cypher of the current Monarch. I imagine any other regiments that follow this 'tradition' would also change, but I have no idea who they might be. All the other regiments I can think of do not change their names with a change in monarch (ie King's Own, etc.).
Actually, you can refer to Dukes or Duchesses as "His Grace" or "Her Grace".  I believe there are few level-specific titles lower than that....
Gunnar said:
Actually, you can refer to Dukes or Duchesses as "His Grace" or "Her Grace".   I believe there are few level-specific titles lower than that....

Gunnar, I think your right. My bad for trying to give too simplistic an answer.

If anyone here has ever been an ADC to the Governor General or the various Lt-Governors, they would know for sure.
This would be the perfect time to get the crown off the Capbadges, and for the country to move on.

But would "PPCLI" now become "CLI" (and still be 2/3 mech).  ;D

Time for Numbered Regiments (that's how they started out, anyways....)  8)