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What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?


From the UK's the SUN website

TWO escaped convicts have dodged a huge manhunt - by disguising themselves as SHEEP.

The pair dressed in full sheepskin fleeces, complete with heads, to lie low among farm flocks.

Robbers Maximiliano Pereyra, 25, and Ariel Diaz, 28, stole the sheep hides from a ranch after breaking out of an Argentinian maximum security prison a week ago.

And they have managed to evade the 300 cops on their trail - despite locals seeing them running through fields at night.

A farmworker at La Almeda said: "They were wearing grey clothes but had full sheepskins, including the sheeps' heads, over their heads and backs."

Police say spotting the pair among thousands of sheep is "almost impossible". But one warned: "They can't pull the wool over our eyes."  

Life on the, ahem, lamb...

In an O-group at work today---  Mrs Bloggins will be acting CO for period  xxxxx to xxxx while the LCol is away.  Makes me wonder what the hecks has happened up here.  BTW although our Maj will be gone but we will have a few Capts on the ground.
Northern Ranger said:
In an O-group at work today---  Mrs Bloggins will be acting CO for period  xxxxx to xxxx while the LCol is away.  Makes me wonder what the hecks has happened up here.  BTW although our Maj will be gone but we will have a few Capts on the ground.
Mrs. Bloggins, as in a civilian, named Bloggins, will be "acting CO"?  Disobey that lawful command, for she neither the authority nor the commission from Her Majesty to be in auch a position.  It is your DUTY to do so.

From QR and O, Vol I (Administration), Chapter 3, Section 2 (Command):
In cases not otherwise provided for in QR&O, command shall be exercised by:

In cases not otherwise provided for in QR&O, command shall be exercised by:
(a) the senior officer present;
(b) in the absence of an officer, the senior non-commissioned member present; or
(c) any other officer or non-commissioned member, where specifically authorized by the Chief of the Defence Staff, an officer commanding a command or formation or a commanding officer.

323 Command of Units:
Subject to articles 3.235 (Command of Ships) and 3.25 (Where Commanding Officer of a Ship is Absent or Ceases to Exercise Command) and to paragraph (3), unless the Chief of the Defence Staff or the officer commanding the command, formation, base or unit concerned otherwise directs, in the absence of the officer in command of the base or other unit, the officer’s command shall be assumed by the next senior officer who is on strength of and present at the base or other unit.
(3) Command of a base or other unit shall not, unless the Chief of the Defence Staff or the officer commanding the command, formation, base or unit so directs, be assumed by an officer who is on a course of instruction at, on temporary duty at or attached to the base or other unit.
NOWHERE does it mention ANYTHING about civilians.  I'm sure it's pretty well prohibited. 
I'm glad I got out a few years ago or I would be having issues, I'm sure some of the MWO's are and WO as well.  Technoviking, thanks for that info, I passed it on to a few of my old friends.

Edit for Grammer
Hmm, well we have MDO's (civ drivers) who can get as high as MDO 7 which is = to MWO on some outpost bases... :crybaby:

dale622 said:
Dumbest thing I heard said today...... "I DO".

What is it Mae West said, "Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet."

Others seem to enjoy getting married. They do it over and over again. I read that Elizabeth Taylor is ready to give it another whirl:
George Wallace said:
Makes us wonder who wears the pants in your unit.

Guys can wear the pants ... it's just that it's we women who choose their colour.  ;)
Ah!  "Pretty in pi ah...... Salmon". 

Is it light weight?  Is it seethrough when it gets wet or you sweat?  Will the girls like it? (Guess that if they choose it, they would like it.......Then again; not......They do change their minds a lot/too much.)  Will I get in shit for saying this?  Should I just nod and say "Yess Dear."?  Should I quit now while I am ahead?
Oh?....and are they going to change from calling drill, drill or is it going to be organized prancing?  ;D
GAP said:
Oh?....and are they going to change from calling drill, drill or is it going to be organized prancing?  ;D

That's my next posting --- CSM of the CF Drill team; apparently, it really does exist. You figure it out.  ;)
It's not Pink...It's Salmon...
AND Salmon is an aggressive fish!! 

{so says the padre we had in Mirage}

Still say pink looks better on girls than boys!!
ArmyVern said:
That's my next posting --- CSM of the CF Drill team; apparently, it really does exist. You figure it out.  ;)

Congratulations, Vern!
Is this it?: