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What's wrong with Meaford?

Although Meaford isnt my favorite base, it still doesn't quite bring on that sinking feeling that Borden does.

Everytime i step into the Borden training area, I feel like i just walked into a Walmart (in respect to every tree, in perfect alignment, similar to the store isles)

For me it had something of a Children of the Corn feel to it. I can't really talk about it, they don't like it when I talk about it :crybaby:
Speaking of Borden, one of my college teachers was an ex-MP from there, said nothing but wild parties take place there ..

This thread does confirm the thing that I hear about Meaford the most -- poison ivy.  I'm looking forward to going up there (if thats where I do go) simply for the fact that I'm itching to buy a house in the area and wanted to see it.  It'll probably be mid-June or so when I go.
The reason why theirs wild parties taking place is because you have hundreds of recruits fresh out of basic who have nothing better to do then drink while at PRETC. I've voiced my opinions about PRETC, and I've found the place completely drains the life out of any person who unfortunately has to stay their for a more then a few weeks.
I did my SQ in ValCartier, then my DP1 in Meaford.  If I had to chose, it would be Meaford.

The entiretimes I was there, it rained once (no joke.  The dirt roads were so dry, we could barely make out the vehicle in front of us when we drove on them from the dust).

After coming from a base that is surrounded by mountains, creating a bed where precipitation clouds constantly form is not pleasant.

ValCartier suffers from a bad case of ecological PMS.  One minute its nice and sunny, the next its lashing out at you in a wrath of rain and high winds....only to return to sunshine minutes later.

It's quite the display of mixed emotions.

IMO Meaford isn't too bad...  I'm in OS and it's not to far from Meaford...  I think Borden or St. Jean's would be more, ideal if you wanted to have an enviorment where everything is perfect...  IMO they seem to right, I haven't started my BMQ yet, start soon, waiting for my 2 week papers to be mailed back to me so I can be sworn in, but in my mind, I tihnk Meaford is good for recruits.  BMQ is suppose to be hard, the hardest, to train you, to prepare you.  If your training for something you wouldn't train the easiest, you train the hardest, in the hardest conditions...  By the posts I'd say Meaford is the best bet since it's more realistic...  Hell, I'm probably wrong but yeah...  Enjoy...
Meaford is pretty much hell, you actually have to cross the "River Styx" to get there. The only good thing aboot it is leaving.
Its been confirmed, I'm off to Meaford on the 26th of June.  Anyone else going?
I went through Dp1 in meaford, let me tell you the weather sucks, the conditions are pretty harsh, however I would not want to train anywhere else.  Anyone who wants to be a solider and is afraid to be wet, cold and miserable, should take a look at the job they signed up to do!The only thing that would make meaford a better training facility would be if they had some mountains for the rucksack marches.  I may have hated it while I was there, but looking back I wouldn't change it for the world.
Amsdel said:
Its been confirmed, I'm off to Meaford on the 26th of June.  Anyone else going?

You got the call today??! Which unit did you apply to?
My recruiting Sgt. at QOR told me my files just cleared and I should be getting a call soon, how long did you wait?

I'll take Meaford over Gagetown anyday.  For goodness sake if you get lost navigating in Meaford you deserve a kick in the nuts.  Meaford is nothin'.
There's a map of it pinned up in one of my unit's offices.  It looks like a huge place.  Is it bigger than the other training bases?
Amsdel said:
There's a map of it pinned up in one of my unit's offices.  It looks like a huge place.  Is it bigger than the other training bases?
If you are talking about Meaford, as that is the Topic, then the answer is "No".  Meaford is small compared to other Training Bases.  However, Aldershot has to be the smallest that I can think of.

Don't let the size of the paper fool you.  ;D
The Meaford training area is a nightmare when it comes to ankle injuries.  For those heading out to play in the field, watch out for the tank ruts, especially when pepperpodding or during night recce patrols.
George Wallace said:
Don't let the size of the paper fool you.   ;D

Its a big piece of paper .. Anyone could've made that assumption. :)
Meaford.  You will get put on extra duties and have your week-ends taken away for walking on the grass yet on morning PT you can run on it.
George Wallace said:
However, Aldershot has to be the smallest that I can think of.

Don't let the size of the paper fool you.   ;D

Yup. only place I can think of where you could stick the map of the training area inside your FMP.... without folding it. Of course I did see people get lost there too. ::)
Meaford = Government controlled weather experiment.
Inside is absolute crap, but once you leave the front gates, its beautiful!!!
Ah Meaford. Brings me back to my SQ FTX. It was blistering hot for the first few days resulting in some going down with heatstroke. Followed by some rain.... then hail.... then snow... in late July... resulting in people going down with hypothermia literally a day after some went down with heatstroke. Oh and the fact that they brought in machinery to dig our trenches since it was taking so long.... resulting in THOSE breaking down because of the clay. Good times, good times