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Why does Canada need an army?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beatty1
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That is what I was getting at ArmyAl. You never need them till it‘s all going up in flames. And you never need a military till the enemy is at the gate. We just sit around and wait. And wait. And wait till something crazy happens.
"And you never need a military till the enemy is at the gate."

But, who keeps the enemy away from the gate?
Once "Ol‘ Dirty Red Ivan" puts his nose across it I‘ll whack him on it with a rolled up newspaper!

Or I‘ll issue fire orders to my section!
Never fear our Liberal lawyers will defend us.
Now only if they can get the rest of the world to register their firearms
Never fear our Liberal lawyers will defend us.
Don‘t be ridiculous. The Liberal lawyers will send out the RCMP in their red serge to defend Canada.
Never fear our Liberal lawyers will defend us.
Don‘t be ridiculous. The Liberal lawyers will send out the RCMP in their red serge to defend Canada.
Interesting thread!

As for ‘another organization‘ able to assist in natural disasters... if you look at the US model, they have the National Guard - something we don‘t have. We just have one CF, that goes anywhere, anytime.

Would the US, or another nation, protect us in the event of an attack on Canadian soil? Probably - but would they be serving the interests in Canadians in doing so?

One of the most important reasons that a nation has a military force is because that force is the ultimate instrument of government policy. Think of how much foreign and domestic policy gets demonstrated via our armed forces: humanitarian efforts, our role as peacekeepers, helping Canadians in need, search and rescue of anyone in a pickle...

As well, let‘s look at our responsibility to the rest of the world. Take the Navy for example, working seamlessly with US and UK carrier groups. If we want to be treated like a first-world, NATO country, then we have the responsibilitiy to contribute to that.

A lot of Canadians question our sovreignty, and the impression that some have of Canada just being the 51st state. I don‘t think not having a military would help that attitude.

My thoughts...

I don‘t think the concept of "Army" in the orginal question was suffiently defined to consider a standing regular army and a national guard (as in the US model) two distinct organizations. I would suspect the original poster wouldn‘t understand the differences in the context of his question. Given the posing of the original question, I suspect he meant it to include any uniformed armed soldiery.


(Edited to correct the grammar.)
I have some questions for you Beaty1....

What were you doing when the world stood still?

What were you doing after the planes slammed into the WTC, the Pentagon into the ground that night?

I know what I was doing....

Gearing up my Coyote...getting ready to draw ammo...sleeping NEXT to my Coyote and waiting for orders with the rest of my squadron....

My buddies in the tank squadron sleeping next to their tanks doing the same....

What were you doing when the ice storm hit?...

I was going door to door in -30 weather making sure people were OK and rescueing others that weren‘t....

What did you do when the (unfortunate)OKA crisis happened?

I was patroling in a Cougar around civilian homes and going out on riot control to protect lives and homes...

What did you do when the Red River flood hit?...

My buddies were stacking sand bags for people they didn‘t know to save their homes and property...

What did you do when the fires of BC happened?...

My buddies in Edmonton fought them....

and now I‘m here, in Bosnia, with 1200 other troops, to keep the peace between once waring factions.

Lots of my friends are in Afganistan( go Recce Sqn RCD!), going after the same guys that made the world stand still.

You‘re going to be joining soon....

and you have the parts to ask a question like that?

Would you ask the same question to a Great War, WW2 or Korean War vet‘s face?

You asked if there is a reason to still have an army?

‘nuff said.

something to think about ;)


Maybe it‘s just me, but I don‘t think Beatty1 is being a tree hugging anti-military hippie, saying that we don‘t need an army, just is looking for all the reasons why we do need one..

BTW, Franko, good post.
I never said she was. Just trying to get some reasons across.

I hope I did.

Did I Beaty1?

Yes you did franko, thanks.
I really like the thread that was made!
And in doing so I have realised what the Canadian Army is: A government tool used to protect our borders, and our way of life. In doing so we have helped out the world we live in, and I think that this isn't so much of an aside, as the help our soldiers give overseas helps protect the world and in doing so protects ourselves. In saying that however, I wonder if maybe were helping out to out much? (the recent news of there only being 500 troops left in Canada.)

This brings up the question asking if our army is to small? Do we need more money, like the â Å“Doom or Gloomâ ? report from Queen's University states? Or should we be more worried about not having enough men? As many of the Canada's soldiers are nearing retirement, and not enough recruits to fulfill they're place?

Recently David Pratt has stated that the current soldiers will be taking a brake (to the sorrows to those who are looking for more pay). Is this a good thing? It means more people to teach new recruits. Its saving money, which means more toys for the boys. Is this maybe a step towards a new well-organized DND? Or, is this just a plot to ease fears that maybe the Canadian military is slowly going away? (Because the prime minister has no one to take lead from *cough* Bush *cough* because this certain someone has an election to worry about...but I digress)

That's a lot of questions, but what is comes down to is; does Canada need a bigger military?(it seams most of why Canada needs a military in the first place is being fulfilled) if we do need a bigger military HOW?
Yes, the Canadian Military has too few personell. One reason is that the more personell there are, the greater the costs (everyone wants to get paid, everyone needs equipment, everyone needs to be trained properly). So, it‘s not just a matter of needing more money or needing more people, we need both.

Does Canada need a bigger military? Eventually, I would like to see Canada‘s Military grow, but first, I would like to see that the current Military get the proper funding it needs to make sure every soldier has everything they need.
Thank you for your recent post, Franko! :)
Is that a Springbok on your cap badge?
Your welcome.

Second question....yep :D

Why do you ask?


I have heard my Dad mention the Springbok on the Dragoon‘s hat badge but wasn‘t sure if I spelled it correctly.
There is also a regiment called the British Columbia Dragoons, right?
Are the two hat badges similar?
Also, how long have the RCD worn the current cap badge?

Again, any replies would be appreciated! :)
Ex Dragoon....no. I was working with Cforce and the Armour School(on B class) mostly when I was in the Reserves back then. Did my Leo D&M in 93 with them too. Didn‘t see my home unit very much..always on callout/course with the regs.

Veteran‘s Son...There is a res. regiment that goes by that name. They‘re armour.

No..the badges are quite different.

The current badge,which was approved by Queen Victoria, has been in use for 1912.

Any other questions....fire away!

I have no problem with people asking for reasons why Canada has an army.

The day we stop asking questions is the day we have given up our rights and freedoms, and all start calling ourselves "Comrade Bloggins" and goosestepping around the town.

And it is precisely because of that threat (the loss of freedom and our way of life) that an army exists, here in Canada, and the rest of the Commonwealth.

Our army is just one tool in the toolbox. Some jobs require other tools, like education, health care and other social services. But sometimes, when those tools don‘t work, we need to use other tools, like our police, military, justice system, etc. We prefer to use the first set of tools, because they can help avoid bigger problems. But we keep the other tools in good condition just in case.

It is because the "other" tools exist that allows us to rely mainly on the first set of tools, like our hospitals and shelters, schools, etc. If the army and police and courts don‘t work at all, there is no way our schools and medical services have a hope in ****.