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Why does Canada need an army?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beatty1
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Slim...he‘s a crunchie with 3 years in. What did you expect? :D

Ex Dragoon
I thinks the only old Dragoons here are Gerry, Yourself and me.
As for having a military, a country without one is no real country.
Grow up get alil time in. Then beek off.
Originally posted by Franko:
[qb] dominas...good point in your last paragraph.

Beatty1...don‘t worry about Gerrycan. He‘s just venting. Although I can‘t understand why.
He‘s a newbie...FNG...three years in and you‘re making statements like that? Come on!

Thankfully we all know that crunchies often speak BEFORE they think :D

Regards [/qb]
Ok Franko, why not explain to me exactly how long in the military you need to be able to make such ‘statements‘. Now don‘t get me wrong, I would never try to disgrace someone which such superiority as yourself, escpecially someone referring to Infanteers as crunchies, yet doesn‘t have a tank to back it up with. ****, we‘ve got more firepower than you do, so maybe there‘s a start in how the army is screwed up right now?? But don‘t mind this ‘crunchie‘ just speaking before thinking... :cam:
Now it‘s come down to this? :rolleyes:

Grow up and realize I was being SARCASTIC...
Note the HUGE grin after my statement.

As for the infantry having more fire power than the Armour Corps :rolleyes: We still have the same amout of tanks as before, currently so to speak.

The "crunchie" statement was blatantly sarcastic in response to your attack of Beatty1‘s question, as was FNG...newbie..etc.

The only thing in your last statement was"****, we‘ve got more firepower than you do, so maybe there‘s a start in how the army is screwed up right now??" that ACTUALLY made any sense. Not having tanks in the future leaves our guys vulnerable during intimate ops such as clearing a position after an attack. Intimate call signs would be fully exposed, as would the troops following behind for cover(you guys). This is such a bad idea that more than likely our concept of ops would likely change, causing another bunfight in the higher echelons of DND.

As for "Ok Franko, why not explain to me exactly how long in the military you need to be able to make such ‘statements‘."

Are you for real?

You‘re sitting in Drvar right now, playing PING PONG, and doing nothing(acording to your write up), complaining that Beatty1 had no right to comment on the state of the military. When in fact you‘re statement reflects what the military has become.

If the military used their pers more responsibly and employed them in areas where they were needed then the state of the military would be better off, but instead, the powers to be have you playing ping pong and eating your tour away. So, to that end, by your own admittance your existance in Bosnia is no longer required....

You as a private have every right to comment on military issues that have been in effect since you joined(3 years ago).

Perhaps we should go back to the old days where soldier didn‘t have the right to comment on Gov‘t policies but just did their job as laid down by their commanders. Old tankers like myself wish and pray for the old days to come back so that we once again can be proud of our military heritege, where we would SEEK AND ACCEPT RESPONIBILITY.

‘Nuff said

*yet doesn‘t have a tank to back it up with. ****, we‘ve got more firepower than you do*

Good to see the old pissing contest is alive and well. It‘s an embarassment to CANADA that our government is putting such a low priority on MBTs.

As an crunchie (never heard that one before?) myself, i‘ll never turn down a free ride from a zipper head ;)
Ghost778...you‘re correct, it‘s a crying shame.

As for a ride...your always welcomed :D


Note...I‘m waiting for a retort of"OH YEAH?!" from Gerrycan :D
Franko careful what you promise my friend I‘m in VK right now and i just turned over 4 of my Iltis with the remainder of my vehicles going in a few days.
Mind you, having to drive around a Nissan diesel 4x4 here and there makes up for it kinda ;)

Kinda makes me sad the lack of brotherhood thats in the forces. People complaining that others are driving too fast on base, guys turning vehicles or equipment over dirty, just basically people trying to screw with one another. I‘d like to attribute a lot of it to being bored with nothing productive to do.
Makes you yearn for the old days, doesn‘t it?

As for the vehicles...getting rid of them is a real pain...UUNNGGHGH!

I can‘t say I‘m bored though. I keep myself plenty buisy with that and other things I can‘t get into over these means, hope you‘ll understand.

It‘s unfortunate it had to come to this, but Slacker has been banned. Hopefully we can get the threads he has derailed back on track, and I apologize for the disturbance.

Score one for the Morons.
Just to get the topic back to where it ended. Any comments?

May I take this argument/discussion/topic further? Interservice rivalries aside but do we need an air force and navy as well? Do you guys/gals feel (realistically) that we don‘t need this elements?
I believe without the other two elements an army would have a rough go at it. Idealistically, I think all services should have one point. To support the infantry. Just like a real army where everyone‘s job leads to supporting the pointy end. My job is to provide communications. Why? So the 031 guys can get their job done with a little less trouble. Air Force? Drive the 031 to battle, or provide fire support and bring their supplies. Navy? They can ferry the heavy kit over until we smarten up and trade the subs and CF-18s for a half dozen heavy lift aircraft.

So to answer Ex-Dragoon‘s question I would say yes we do need them.

Unfortunatly many non-combat arms people don‘t share this belief and it colours their perseption on what is needed.
Personally I don‘t think one service should get the lionshare of the budget...we all have needs and they should all be realistically prioritized.
True..but without an effective army, why bother with the rest? We are slowly getting away from war fighting, especially with the Styker MGS.

Thoughts or comments?

I dont think this is even an arguement we have enough resources in central/western Canada to remove any country off the map just because "we‘ve banned nuclear weapons" doesn‘t mean much just like how gas in war even by the germans and they resorted to it, just like the United states droping a second nuke on Japan very un-needed. I‘m implying anything about world domination im just saying most countries can create nuclear weapons extremely quick or introduce conscription again? Canada has never had a HUGE army when its not in war times, when it gets into a war they have one of the fastest growing militaries because of all the young lads wanting to make a name for themselves and protect there country.. I dont think USA should be protecting anyone providing they cant even protect themselves. Sorry for the typo‘s this one was fairly quick. I‘m not taking sides just food for thought.
A few things to consider about do we need an army, is that Canada is not a super power we don‘t need huge military to exercise influence, control or show power around the globe, by"aggressivley attacking other nations",we can do this through NATO(or God help us)UN missions.
Would Canadians not want a formed, disiplined, trained body of professional soldiers in Defence of the Nation.Without someone selling our country out so that the states can protect us.Without having a formed Armed Forces who represent the Governments Authority. My main point is to think about the Oklahoma City bombing. Done by a militia group without regulation. Just something else to consider.
Originally posted by TECH.:
[qb] My main point is to think about the Oklahoma City bombing. Done by a militia group without regulation. Just something else to consider. [/qb]

As a side note on this, it might be premature to jump to the conclusion that it was done ‘by a militia group.‘ Not that I am a fan of the structure in the U.S. system at times and the deregulation you mention re: weapons and militia‘s. Mabey they came off a little strange in ‘Bowling for Columbine‘, but many American‘s share that fear of, or at least scepticism of government. (Note that I also use the word some and not ‘all‘) Just because McVeigh and the Nicols brothers had attended militia meetings doesn‘t mean that they supported what those three (two convicted) did in Oklahoma. At least that is the claim of Moore, that they attended militia meetings. Does anyone know if they were members or have heard anything to the contrary? Even so, does anyone know anything about the militia supporting it (that is the Oklahoma bombing)? Unless someone comes up with something, I would think it unfair to assume this.
"Mabey they came off a little strange in ‘Bowling for Columbine"

They are a little weird as to hitler was a little evil.
Shall I invoke Godwin‘s Law now? Can we end this thread?

Bowling for Columbine is a propaganda movie. When the director is presented with proof of his evasions, equivocations, and selective edits, he just shrugs his shoulders and claims people are out to get him.