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  1. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    freeman, I am flying out of Toronto too, although I will not know the exact details regarding my travel arrangements until my enrollment date.
  2. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    exsemjingo, check the CFLRS St-Jean joining instructions.  In there you will find information on what they want you to include in your personal biography.  Someone posted the link to the .pdf file on this thread a little earlier.
  3. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Magravan Congrats mate! Another Zipperhead (to be).  I am being sworn in on December 19th at CFRC Toronto too.  I look forward to seeing you there.
  4. Nicholas2004

    Samsquanch joins the army?

    is your name tristan?
  5. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Anyone else on this forum got an offer for DEO Armour going to St Jean for January's course?
  6. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Got my offer this morning from CFRC Toronto.  Armoured Officer - St Jean 8 January.  The Cpl mentioned the course dates as 8 Jan - 9 March. Correct?  I originally thought the course was 4 months. Swearing in on 18 Nov.  See you in St Jean.
  7. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

  8. Nicholas2004

    Merit boards for D.E.O.

    Has anyone out there got a DEO offer from CFRC Toronto for January 2007?  My file was passed selection by the beginning of September. I applied for DEO Infantry.
  9. Nicholas2004

    Mutliple shots fired, Dawson College, Montreal

    RDI reports 4 killed, 16 injured
  10. Nicholas2004

    NDP call Canadian troops "terrorists" and say the CF is "Bombing Afghan villiages"!

    +1 to the person on another thread who called on the NDP to withdraw from Parliament.
  11. Nicholas2004

    Using the Forces to fight terrorism in Canada

    The following are a couple of suggestions on how the CF can help fight terrorism in Canada: (1) The CF could provide EXTRA manpower at border crossings/security at ports. (2) Joint training exercises with US military in the more remote areas of the Canadian/US border While these suggestions...
  12. Nicholas2004

    article that preaches negative perspective about the youth of the CF

    This NOW Magazine article was written by the kind of person that believes Canada became a country in 1967 (not 1867), probably a couple years before he came here to avoid the Vietnam draft. Canada has a military history.  Canada only exists because wars were have been fought (Plains of Abraham...
  13. Nicholas2004

    Saluting the Ensign

    i guess there will be a rise in the number of applications for the Canadian Marines!!
  14. Nicholas2004

    RAF Force Protection team foil rocket attack on Basra Air Station

    Has the Air Force or the RCAF (i.e. before unification) ever had an airfield defence capability similar to the RAF Regiment?
  15. Nicholas2004


    The clock is ticking. Get to the recruiting office soon.
  16. Nicholas2004

    Ontario Health "Premium"

    "As for other like groups- police/fire/ems- they are already well compensated, usually in ranges far in excess of the average working incomes. They are not millionaires (although I know several who are), but they are hardly starving either! They also have access to pensions and benefits...
  17. Nicholas2004

    Ontario Health "Premium"

    Cpl Thompson, I agree with part b) that the Canadian public would not tolerate it but some solutions are not always popular ones.   Would you please expand on part a) not being feasible.  If Bay Street executive who makes $100 million in the stock market and manages not pay a single cent in...
  18. Nicholas2004

    First Canadian killed in gun battle since Korea????

    Splitting hairs. Ever notice that the press never gets unit titles correct?
  19. Nicholas2004

    Ontario Health "Premium"

    CF members should not pay tax.  You risk life and limb for your country you should not have to pay tax.  A nice little recruiting incentive. Give CF members a chance to build up a nice little nest egg.  It could even help retention.  Think of you what you could save over 25 years.  The...