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Mutliple shots fired, Dawson College, Montreal


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Just coming off the wire right now...
CTV's been reporting on it,


But for some reason the videos' sound won't come on, on my computer. They probably don't have any kind of credible information, anyway: the best "source" they quoted was someone who was told by another student that they'd seen "four wounded."
There are reports that shots have been fired at a downtown Montreal college, and between two and six people have been shot.

CTV's Jed Kahane, reporting from Montreal, said only preliminary reports have been released, and police received a call about the shooting at just before 1 p.m. ET.

Kahane said reports coming in over the police scanner say shots are still being fired and there may be as many as four gunmen involved. Dawson College is located at the corner of Atwater and Sherbrooke in the heart of downtown Montreal.

"I'm just hearing a witness now speaking saying that she was in the college and she saw someone coming down the stairwell with a gun," Kahane told CTV Newsnet.

"They ran back into their classroom and closed the door. The person was apparently chasing someone, and they heard, in her words, at least 20 shots fired, and they stayed inside their classroom until they felt they could get out safely."

A number of officers surrounded the school with guns drawn, while others helped to evacuate students who are still hiding inside the English-language CEGEP school which houses about 10,000 students.

One student told radio station 940 News she saw two people who had been shot, including one who had been hit in the neck.

Were you on the scene?
Send your images, with descriptive captions, to newsonline@ctv.ca Please include your name and phone number.
The student said a friend told her four people had been shot.

Images captured from a helicopter hovering over the scene showed hordes of students running frantically from the building.

A number of police vehicles surrounded what appeared to be a bloodsoaked sidewalk outside the school, and several yellow ambulance vehicles were seen speeding from the scene after victims were carried from the building on stretchers and loaded in the vehicles.

"The gunman is believed to be a young man about 20 years old but that still isn't clear," Kahane said.

All classes at Dawson College have been cancelled.

So far I have read, one male with Mohawk haircut in army fatigues and with some sort of rifle shot 2-4 people then himself. appears the victims to be targeted.

F**king asshats ruin your own life, but don't fu*k the rest of the country by giving the anti-gun crowd a cause dejour on a silver platter.  >:(
Police have "neutralized" one suspect in a chaotic shooting scene at a college in downtown Montreal that has left three people in critical condition.


I hope "neutralized" is a euphemism for "blew his head off."
When the dust settles, I sure hope they find that the weapons used were registered. The last time something like this happened is what initiated the whole debacle of the gun registry and everything that it entailed.
There's between 2 and 3 shooters with AK...!!!.  2 are down...for sure. The third...they dont now wet.

If you go to this cbc.ca cite you can get live tv news feed.  Click on the box on the mid-top left.
CBC's web site is reporting the same thing:

There is speculation that one shooter is still on the loose... two of the shooters are dead (one shot by police, the other self-inflicted).

Currently, it looks as if police preparing to move on a building with weapons drawn.  Obvious further speculation is that the third shooter is involved with current police movement.

The satellite feed from the site is down but if you can't get to a tv, the internet feed has been good thus far.
Let's keep speculation to a mininum..  This is still ongoing.. The facts will come out.  Police movement means nothing other than they are securing the scene.  They are following training and procedure..  Let's leave this to fold out and watch the media scramble .. unless someone has something factual to add??
I should note that it is not my speculation.  I am simply relaying what is available from the scene and is being reported either by eye witnesses or police through reporters.
Please see http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/50204/post-443752.html#msg443752

12 victims sent to hospital in Montreal shooting
Updated Wed. Sep. 13 2006 3:45 PM ET

CTV.ca News Staff

Two suspected gunmen are dead in a chaotic shooting scene at Dawson College in downtown Montreal that has left 12 victims in hospital.

"Government sources are saying two of the gunmen are dead," said CTV's Jed Kahane, reporting from Montreal. "One may have taken his own life, the other was shot by police."

A police spokesperson told reporters that shots are still being fired, so officers are still looking for other potential gunmen. The college has been evacuated, and the public is asked to avoid the area.

Twelve victims of the shooting have been taken to hospital for treatment, including six  in critical condition, two considered serious, and four listed in stable condition.

Kahane said police received a call about the shooting at just before 1 p.m. ET. Witnesses heard shots at about 12:45 ET that lasted for 30 minutes, and there were questions about whether a third gunman was also involved.

Dawson College is located at the corner of Atwater and Sherbrooke in the heart of downtown Montreal.

Students told Kahane they saw someone roaming the halls with a gun, and heard at least 20 shots fired.

One student told Montreal radio station 940 News she was on the phone at the college's front entrance when she heard five gunshots and a window break. She walked into the hallway and was inches from the gunman.

"All of a sudden I turned around and saw a man dressed in black with a huge assault rifle," she said.

"People didn't know what was going on ... they thought it was a joke."

The man ran into the corner of the cafeteria to hide from police, she said.

A number of officers surrounded the school with guns drawn, while others helped to evacuate students from inside the English-language CEGEP school which houses about 10,000 students.

Some students and teachers have barricaded themselves in classrooms, and are waiting for police to rescue them from the school.

As many as 40 students and staff were hiding on the seventh floor, including eyewitness Adam Perez, who spoke to CTV Newsnet.

"No one came to really warn us," said Perez. "Our first warning of the incident (came from) phone calls and text messages."

One student told 940 News she saw two people who had been shot, including one who had been hit in the neck.

Michel Boyer, a student at the college, told CTV Newsnet he saw the gunman in a hallway leading to the cafeteria.

"I saw the gunman who was dressed in black and at that time he was shooting at people. It was probably one of the most frightening moments of my life," Boyer said.

Images captured from a helicopter hovering over the scene showed hordes of students running frantically from the building.

"Many people are crying as they are coming out, worried about who might still be inside the building and shocked by what happened," said CTV's Genevieve Beauchemin, reporting from the scene.

A number of police vehicles surrounded what appeared to be a bloodsoaked sidewalk outside the school, and several yellow ambulance vehicles were seen speeding from the scene after victims were carried from the building on stretchers and loaded in the vehicles.

All classes at Dawson College have been cancelled.

Today's incident is horrifyingly reminiscent of another school shooting in Montreal. On Dec. 6, 1989, 
Aerial view of Montreal Police and EMS workers treating a shooting victim at the scene following the incident at Dawson College on Wednesday.

Marc Lepine shot 27 female engineering students at the Ecole Polytechnique, killing 14, before fatally shooting himself.

The mass murder prompted tighter gun laws, which included the creation of the controversial national firearms registry. It also prompted Parliament to create the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in 1991, to coincide with the anniversary of the tragedy.

Family members of Dawson College students seeking more information can call (514) 280-2880 or (514) 280-2806.

Meanwhile, medical staff at the Montreal General Hospital Emergency Service are asking the public to avoid the hospital's emergency rooms, so doctors can treat the 12 victims.

Concerned family members can call a special hotline at the hospital: 514-843-2839.
