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  1. TAS278

    Berets vs. ball caps, which do recruits wear?

    Someone mention it isn't just dockyard... ANy building where the authority has been giving also including Stadacona and Naden bases...
  2. TAS278

    NEIP...what is your opinion?

    What happened the Nelles Clean TEAM? There were the shiz after a hard night on friday. You would hear every garabage can with booze cans/bottles in it... None of them are supposed to be there... Man.
  3. TAS278

    UN "human rights"

    Quite disturbing. Maybe I should read a bit more though and reserve some opinions.
  4. TAS278

    Close in Weapons System (CIWS)

    There are many platforms that run this system. You can do whatever fits your agenda :) It works. Is it completely neccesary? Not really. I really don't see any reason to upgrade. If anything though a better CWIS would have a much better impact.
  5. TAS278

    NEIP...what is your opinion?

    Soory for sounding snarky, It is still a sour spot for me I guess. I would love to now that critiques work across the board. I know for some schools, when people who are in charge care, the take them seriously and try to action them, the best they can.
  6. TAS278

    Afghans & Western personel don't share portable toilets in Kandahar.

    HAHAHA :) Sorry but I was thinking the same thing. I find it quite funny that people think now a days we would do things "just because we feel like it". It is obviously not a secret what is going on.  The media is so interwoven (through our own decisions as well) That there is no way we ever...
  7. TAS278

    I have a few questions for you fine gentlemen and/or gentlewomen

    Yikes, You are right there. Sec/Clear is sucha  huge pain right now. Keeping your life as simple as possible seems to save a lot of headaches. Good Luck in what ever you choose.
  8. TAS278

    Close in Weapons System (CIWS)

    I not sure if the upgrades have made it out to the ship but most of the time the only control is the on/off swtich.... Then kisten to chainsaw noise for 60seconds. I am sure they could easily add a Whoosh noise too.
  9. TAS278

    A wierd OT... I need your help....

    Ya, it works straight out like that no exceptions. If you have your leadership courses complete you are good to go .
  10. TAS278

    Blogs as another front in the war

    What is scary about it? Honestly, how could you be scared of some random internet personality preaching something that you may not believe in our can choose to ignore. This hype seems to take advantage of some people really quickly. Hackers and other internet Vandals have been around as long...
  11. TAS278

    NEIP...what is your opinion?

    BS Huh ? Well I can obviously only speak from experience. I have been on two pilot courses for my trade. We had 3 times as many critiques to write. We spent more time analyzing the value of the course than actually getting any value from it. The entire course recommended some sincere...
  12. TAS278

    Side Scan Sonar

    Well right now we have PO2 *** ******** here. He was posted in at Christmas so I would say the job is filled for the next two years :) edited for persec army.ca staff
  13. TAS278

    Navy doing trials on new clothing???

    So wearinf our uniforms more often will allow us to build up morale?
  14. TAS278

    Canadian Shipbuiding? Hehehe.

    It is against Terms of Use to be ignorant.. Jeez guys.
  15. TAS278

    A wierd OT... I need your help....

    Happens all the time. Units will promote you regardless of current paperwork that is in for OT. As an OT isn't comfirmed until the call is received it would only make sense to promote. You have your appointment removed for obvious reason. QL3 (reg force) instructors are usually Masters.
  16. TAS278

    Navy doing trials on new clothing???

    Well the ashamed to be military thing sounds very far fetched to me. I recall the "Salt & Pepper" days. What happened with Civvies was 911. They didn't want military personnel being targeted. I had also heard something about some insurance issues while in uniform. While traveling to and from...
  17. TAS278

    Navy doing trials on new clothing???

    I am sorry, I thought that way, maybe my first 3 years in but there is no reason why we can't wear our work dress/civilians in and out of the base. #1's #2'S will just give another watch for some poor RPO to stand and inspect people. Unless you are talking about not having enough things to screw...
  18. TAS278

    Blogs as another front in the war

    Yes but unlike flyers you still have the choice to view it or not.
  19. TAS278

    Blogs as another front in the war

    Information warfare.....  over the internet... Maybe if they had virus's galore heading towards banks and other important infrastructure. All I see is the opportunity to lure in weak minded people.   I really find it hard to believe that a forum user as yourself, would suggest that posting...
  20. TAS278

    NEIP...what is your opinion?

    Your  opening remarks through me off as I have seen many AAR's/Course Critiques get completely ignored (especially in the navy). BUt everything else that you say makes great sense and I as well concur. If people would like to see things change then they need to stand up and voice it. :)