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  1. I

    Canada security council seat

    I've got no problem with countries like Iran and their stooges or Zimbabwe, Sudan, North Korea, UAE or a whole lot of others not voting for Canada. Don't want their votes don't want to be associated with them in any way. The games they are playing I don't mind being the last kid picked. I will...
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    Canadians and distorted reality...

    First let me say that I am 100% civilian. I don't even know anyone in the CF. I started reading this site to try and get more info on Afghanistan. But reading the comments of some of the posters on here has got me shaking my head. It seems a lot of you don't  think there is much support for the...
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    Name This Photo!!! - The AFV Recognition Thread

    I remember seeing this at the PNE. It's the heavy armoured ring toss
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    Ignorant Civies

      Where to begin? As a civilian I am pro military and very appreciative of the efforts and sacrifices of our men and women in the CF. And also of their families. I  am certainly not going to defend ignorant civies and their remarks, although I think they are in the minority. I have also seen...
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    New Tank Creations?

    Before you write off his idea, consider that there might be room for a Tim Hortons franchise on it :cdn:
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    Jetstream - The Series

    Very interesting show, really shows how difficult physically, academically, and how mentally determined and tough you have to be. And how important it is to have confidence in yourself. Shamus seems to be making mistakes, but he also seems to know what he is doing wrong. So hopefully he can...
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    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    Inch, I said born and raised, too answer MedTech about not having to swear an oath. I too know many good Canadians not born in Canada, my mother and sister for 2. And I never said anyone had to be born and raised in Canada to be head of state. What have you got against a Canadian citizen who...
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    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    I don't consider Mr Toews or Mrs Jean or any other MP or Gov. Gen. that was born outside of Canada to be foreign. If they have become a landed immigrant or Canadian citizen and are living in Canada, while they are in government. I don't know why you would get the impression that I would be riled...
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    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    MedTech, I've never had to swear an oath to the Queen. Born and raised and still live in Canada, too bad our head of state can't say the same thing. I understand the legal part of the  Queen not being foreign. In reality she is foreign, she doesn't live here and is a citizen of another country...
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    RMC Officer Sues to Avoid Saluting, Toasting Queen?

    As someone who has never been in the military, I must say that I'm a little surprised at the strong pro monarchy feelings expressed. I can understand living up to your oath and the tradition of the monarchy in the CF. Amongst my group of friends and aquaintences the feeling is somewhat...
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    I guess that means no. Sorry for the stupid question. And I would like to fly in a F22
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    The Russian Military Merged Thread- Air Force

    Hello everyone, first post. Non military person here. I have a question about Russian  helicopters. Would it be possible and feasible to purchase Russian medium lift helicopters? With the delay in getting the Chinooks at least we would have something in Afghanistan. I watched a tv program called...