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  1. MamaBear

    How to wavie the cost of living in base after get married?

    Hi there, My daughter encountered the same thing as you and your husband.  You might want to read the topic here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/80675.0.html (not sure I did this right) I don't think there's much that can be done for my daughter, but see if the thread offers any ideas...
  2. MamaBear

    The Christmas Dolly - a good laugh

    Can't stop laughing! This is an article submitted to a  1999 Louisville Sentinel contest to find out who had the wildest Christmas  dinners. It won first prize. As a joke, my brother Jay used to  hang a pair of panty hose over his fireplace before Christmas. He said all  he wanted was for...
  3. MamaBear

    Edmonton police allege man made movie about murder

    And to make matters worse, he apparently received a grant from the Canadian Government to help make his film (according to the Edmonton Sun).
  4. MamaBear

    Happy Birthday Celticgirl

    You should do what many women do Eye.....start going backwards at 40!  Give me a few more years and I'll be living my second childhood! Happy Unbirthday!  (thanks a bunch though....I've now got that song stuck in my head)
  5. MamaBear

    Happy Birthday Celticgirl

    Happy Birthday CG!!!  A little older and wiser never hurt anybody!  Now drop and give us 20 before you have that birthday cake!
  6. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    I agree CDN Aviator.  But I am a little guilty of subterfuge on occasion.  :-[
  7. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    I see that Common Law has been brought up.  My daughter and her hubby were NOT common law before her enrollment, so that information has no bearing upon her situation.  Sorry for not catching that in the conversation sooner, but I just got back into the house.  They only became common law in...
  8. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    Well, I did some reading as Eye suggested.  The Aide Memoire from 07 does actually have the rule.  In paragraph 7.4 under the Temporary Relocation heading it reads: 7.4 Marriage or Common Law after COS date: There is no entitlement to SA except for service couples as per paragraph 3.2 above. ...
  9. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    Hi Eye...gee that rhymes  ;) Thanks for the suggestions.  I'll have her ask for the documentation supporting their ruling regarding her being married after her COS.  Although she (being an untrained private) will have to work up the nerve to ask again as she thinks she's making waves. If you...
  10. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    George - I appreciate your take on it, and in part, agree with you.  I found it strange that a married person would not have to pay for rations.  They have to pay to eat somewhere - either back at home (increasing the grocery budget) or on base.  But as the rule DOES exist that married people...
  11. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    Pte Brat - I would really appreciate any checking you can do - somehow it doesn't make sense to me. George - I do understand that the decision to marry was hers (and his too - no shotgun wedding here  :o)  But they purposely took the opportunity to get married now without much pomp and ceremony...
  12. MamaBear

    Eligibility date for free R & Q due to marriage?

    My daughter was posted to PRETC after her BMQ to await a course.  She managed to get temporarily posted back to the base in our hometown.  During that time (3 months) she got married and is now back in Borden awaiting course.  She filed all the paperwork regarding her change in status, but has...
  13. MamaBear

    Leaving Children For Training, Etc. -Merged

    CelticGirl, You've been a Mom long enough to have figured out that when you gave birth to that child, the baby came out....and the guilt went in!  Mothers are plagued with guilt no matter their choices in life.  Moms who stay home feel guilty because they aren't offering their child the...
  14. MamaBear

    A Thread About The Legality of Using Others Bandwidth- Renamed From the Original

    Interesting discussion, but I'm with the moral majority here. I liken the whole situation to air - it's free.  But when my husband goes scuba diving and has to have his tanks filled, he pays for that air.  Rather.... he pays for the materials and time provided by a business person to get the...
  15. MamaBear

    The journey begins

    Yay CG!  Glad to hear things are moving ahead for you.
  16. MamaBear

    Anybody have any good Donair stories or favourites to eat (KOD, Roberts, Tonys)

    For anyone posted to Edmonton, the best donairs in the world are made by Queen Donair.  There are a couple of them around town.  Make sure to order extra sauce - it's not tatziki (or however you spell it), but boy is it delish!
  17. MamaBear

    Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

    Thank you for being honest.  And I agree with you 100% pfl, you must understand that there is a difference between you and someone who dedicates their life not only to a job, but to a CAUSE.  Your motivation is different, not necessarily wrong, but insulting to those who have more altruistic...
  18. MamaBear

    Commonly Confused Word Test

    Sorry Old Sweat, you are only half right on that one.  Its without an apostrophe is indeed possessive, but the example you used was incorrect.  "It's mine" is not possessive (it is the contraction of "It is mine", and therefore has the apostrophe.  But a correct example would be: A bird never...
  19. MamaBear

    change the enrollment standards

    There's always a fine line between anything.  But the line in the sand has to be drawn somewhere.  And though I feel sorry for someone whose dreams are dashed in this way, that's life.  And in truth, it shows more character to swallow a "no" and press forward to another rewarding goal, than to...
  20. MamaBear

    change the enrollment standards

    Some may argue that it isn't fair to limit a new applicant to an H2 standard considering there are now service personnel who, through age, environment and simple physical deterioration, are an H3.  The difference is... and it's a big one.... is that the service person whose hearing has...