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  1. I

    What's the dumbest thing you heard said today?

    We're cleaning up from a barbecue across from our base HQ building - buddy points at a pile of ice cubes somebody dumped out onto the grass from a cooler? "Sergeant, what do we do with those ice cubes over there?" Sgt - "I don't know, private. Think if we just leave them there, nobody would...
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    29 Apr 10: CF Wainwright Pers "Arrested For Alleged Drug Trafficking"

    Knowing most of the guys in question, I am quite sure it never occurred to them. None of them are exactly rocket scientists.
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    R&Q at public expense

    I'll forego the pissing match and just say thanks for clearing that up ::) I lived on my own before I joined the army and expect no hand holding now that I'm in it..
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    R&Q at public expense

    I'm not saying it isn't illogical, I've just been told enough horror stories about R&Qs to want confirmation. I'm not sure what you find confusing about my posts, they're worded pretty clearly imo.
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    R&Q at public expense

    I'm awaiting paperwork for MOC reassignment into Comms Research, so yes CFSCE. However, I have (second hand) information that due to the length of time it takes to get trained in said trade, I may/will be allowed to live on the economy after Phase 1.  I'm single and have no dependants - I'm...
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    R&Q at public expense

    My apologies for thread necro I'm having trouble understanding the net result of this thread. Do I need to have a spouse living with me to get my R&Qs back? I'd like to move out on my own in Kingston once I'm done phase 1 - ie living on the economy. Can I get them back if I'm renting an...
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    Advice for a Recruit

    Getting swipes on basic is definitely not a big deal unless, as already mentioned, it's for repeat offences. 4 counsellings by week 9 is definitely not uncommon, though I was far from a model troopie and I made it through with 3...the last of which resulted in a PRB for missing a spot shaving in...
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    Occupational and Component Transfers (OT/CT/VOT) During and After BMQ (Merged)

    I'm in a similar though not identical situation to your husband, and have been forced to learn a fair amount about this, so I may be of some help here. First, until your husband is trade qualified, the process is called a Voluntary Occupational Reassignment. An Occupational Transfer only...
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    CFB Wainwright mailing address

    I'm trying to do a little personal admin while I'm on leave in Ontario and am trying to figure out my mailing address at CFB Wainwright. I couldn't find one on the DND website - the nearest I got was a Canex shipping guide PDF, so can anyone confirm or deny that this is correct? A12 345 678...
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    Keep Politics Away From Forces

    While I agree with this, it irks me that I am not, as a serving cf member, allowed to be part of a political party or contribute money to one. I could see it being a problem if I were a senior officer, able through influence threats or armed revolution to influence policy...but as a mere...