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  1. kmcc

    How to get family on board

    unfortunately I've agreed to go to college before i get involved with the military (long story) I'm not pleased with it but I didnt have much choice even my mother stopped supporting me. I also royaly f****** up my back helping some friends move so I have a 8-10 months to go before I can think...
  2. kmcc

    HMCS Chicoutimi {MERGED}

    My heart goes out to his family and the injured sailors RIP :salute:
  3. kmcc

    How to get family on board

    When you calm down and read over what you've said you realize just how much you left out. I feel rather childish now because of that ::) I'm just going to continue to grin and bear it like I have been for the last 6 months. I'll just have to prove to them what I already know, that I'm going to...
  4. kmcc

    How to get family on board

    Thanks for your reply. If I had gone to college or plan to. the money would have been found, but I don't want to put my parents in that situation. I know what I'm getting myself into. I've been doing as much research as possible and I look forward to it. I completly agree. edit: I forgot to...
  5. kmcc

    How to get family on board

    I think my head is going to fall off. I'm sick of people telling me I'm crazy for wanting to join the army. I'm sick of people telling me I won't make it. My father "doesn't want his baby girl to be a grunt" but has said that he will be damn proud and will probably cry when I get sworn in. My...
  6. kmcc

    CF Hair Regulations - superthread [MERGED]

    This is a topic I've been worrying about. I shaved my head a couple of months ago for charity and donated my hair to locks of love. I want to have to long again but by next summer( hopefully when I'll be going to BMQ) it may not be long enough for all of it to go into a ponytail. at least not a...
  7. kmcc

    Google's GMail (& invites)

    its been fine for me just a little slow
  8. kmcc

    Ding! Promoted!

    Congrats! ;)
  9. kmcc

    Blame it on Muskrat

    name = Insatiable Smurf username = Boozy Smurf hmm  ;D
  10. kmcc

    Need to ask!

    most likely just because they can
  11. kmcc

    Google's GMail (& invites)

    Gmails great so far. I have 11 invites if anyone wants one just pm me with your e-mail  :)
  12. kmcc

    army.ca page causes Mozilla lock ups and crashes

    IE has so many holes you could use it as a fishing net. *waves her Mozilla banner*
  13. kmcc

    What's Your Status? POLL

    soon to be member here. going for sig ops or veh tech
  14. kmcc

    Female in distress!

    oh my.. *ahem*  ::) my virgin ears...*ahem* eyes? ^-^