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  1. IWannaBePPCLI

    When Do YOU Stop?

            I am talking about killing.  Its is a hard subject for many to talk about and I decided to bring it up. When you are told to Kill someone or something in the army/navy/air force... you do it... but when would YOU personally say "No, I won't kill that person."    I have very controversial...
  2. IWannaBePPCLI

    Applying for the CF -Cam's Story

    i am 15... my profile says that.  "Age  15"  and also It is a personal civvy ruck... its surplus and also... you guys are right.. People think im weird... but having no bother with others personal problems.. i wore it anyways, i checked to make sure it was surplus and not official.... i wore...
  3. IWannaBePPCLI

    Applying for the CF -Cam's Story

    Hey Cam,  I figure I'll ask you while we're waiting... Do you think I should bring my ruck to school for my presentation?  its a grade 10 careers research assignment and I chose infantry (obviously.. always do and always will) and so as you can see I incorporate infantry to EVERYTHING...
  4. IWannaBePPCLI

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    RCA I quite agree with the way I get the impression, but as well I wont knock him for wanting the chance for what he wants to do, hopefully he didnt take either one of us offensively and I am here to wish him well on whatever he chooses. Good luck. :salute: :cdn:
  5. IWannaBePPCLI

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    Maybe it could be education, like me I cant go into Officer right away because I dont even have grade 12 yet, but I thought you need at least that, I may be wrong. :salute: :cdn:
  6. IWannaBePPCLI

    Time length to become an officer when starting from scratch (pte.)

    Are you talking about the US army Rangers or ?  If you mean the army rangers in US then the diff is the country, and also the small idea that the rangers are a specialized team that is not basic military involvements.  But if you mean some other rangers then I can say that PPCLI is just like...
  7. IWannaBePPCLI

    Applying for the CF -Cam's Story

    thanks for the answer and update, must suck to do all those dishes lol. I heard that You don't need absolutely perfect vision but almost perfect, mine is close but not perfect, considering I've had glasses for 14 and a half years I am sure that they won't have to stay much longer, if my eyes...
  8. IWannaBePPCLI

    Applying for the CF -Cam's Story

    Any more updates? That said, I agree that Infantry is the best, but for some reason I would like to be a fighter pilot.  My main problem is that I have glasses and I can't remember what my perscription is! I hope I am allowed to do fighter pilot or (Even more hopefully) Infantry! :salute: :cdn:
  9. IWannaBePPCLI

    How to get family on board

    QORvanweert, I will give it a shot, I will try ANYTHING that may help me out!! Thanks. :salute: :cdn:
  10. IWannaBePPCLI

    Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

    NEWEST UPDATE! The school has DENIED access to utilities, so now I am currently awaiting contact from all members that want in so that I can arrangea time and place.  ALL MEMBERS OR ASPIRING MEMBERS PLEASE CONTACT ME!!! Thankyou for your time. :salute: :cdn:
  11. IWannaBePPCLI

    How to get family on board

    Kmcc  I am going through what you are at this time, I have gotten ZERO support from my family, friends and anyone else i talk to.  I hope that you will have fun in the CF and I will just let you know, I'm all for you, and also i wanted to say what i'm going for, RHLI for the COOP BMQ and...
  12. IWannaBePPCLI


    Thanks guys, I will keep checking the Surplus stores around me.  If anyone in hamilton, Burlington or Toronto sees CADPAT somewhere then please let me know (If its not already taken :P) Thanks again!!! :salute: :cdn:
  13. IWannaBePPCLI


    Northern, I am sorry for being sarcastic, or sounding that way.  As well, I am not entirely sure why it would be a reason to get it for an advanced time, so I am sorry and I revoke anything that you have stated to be incorect or irresponsible. Have a good day! :salute: :cdn:
  14. IWannaBePPCLI


    My intentions for the CADPAT Uniform are as follows: 1.Training in my club. 2.Personal training. 3.When i start in the CF next year. 4.Training. 5. Did I mention training? I Know it is illegal for me to buy the uniform, now, except that when the CF came to my school last week they said that I...
  15. IWannaBePPCLI


    I am looking for ALL pieces of CADPAT Camo, the vest, trousers, coat, hat, and anything else that i cant think of at the moment.  Preferred green but ANY colour is OK and Large or bigger please (med will do as well.) Please help me out here I am trying to collect it and USE it! :salute: :cdn:
  16. IWannaBePPCLI


    Hey I remember those ones, you got em? nice.
  17. IWannaBePPCLI

    Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

    It is yearround so we will do it in wintertoo.  The weighted outfits are for anyone who wants em and they can wear them whenever they please, the grant thing has passed through my mind and i am actually in the process of writing a report to see if i am able to get one.  I am at school right...
  18. IWannaBePPCLI

    Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

    LOL ;D  An addition i didn't state before is that I dont think that it will be ARMY only but maybe ALL forces, but im not sure how many NAVY or AIR FORCE people there will be, so it all depends. any questions are always appreciated, because that way i will answer them and know the answer...
  19. IWannaBePPCLI

    Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

    sounds cool, we also are going to do Physical Training. not just studying, actually studying is more of a secondary thing. Though i like SOG. sounds cooler then ome other suggestions i got.
  20. IWannaBePPCLI

    Starting a club: need Hamilton or nearby peoples advice.

    Infanteer,  even thouh your suggestion is very good, i would like to also see other suggestions as well, and I am looking for something moreso original, not movie related.  But thank you for you suggestion and participation!! :salute: :cdn: