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2006 Parliamentary Debate on AFG Mission

I think, sorry my 1st time watching one of these not sure how it works exactly.
I think I heard a couple with the name Martin vote against it but I couldn't tell you if it was him.
Craig Oliver: IMO generally a media scum bag, but he said this: " it is shocking that Paul Martin did not have the moral courage to show up and vote ....  "
Clearly, NOW is the time for the CPC to call a federal election.  The Liberals are broke and leaderless, and the guvmint can use the mis-informed statements of the opposition to show Canada that they need a chance to fill parliament with REAL Canadians who understand the REAL Canada.

I have no animosity towards the NDP or Bloc in this issue; they have been consistent nay sayers or fence sitters, so they have been consistent. Consistently wrong.

But look at the Liberals. They were willing to throw the Afghan people to the wolves, destroy the credibility of Canadian servicemembers, diplomats and aid workers wherever they go and take away Canada's newly won credibility with our allies and all for what? To steal a few votes away from Jack Layton.

What a bunch of disgusting, unprincipled opportunists. Readers have my permission to cut and paste the paragraph above into letters, emails, op ed pieces and wherever else it may do some good. Oh, be sure to email it to a Liberal MP as well.
William Webb Ellis said:
"asshats"  I like it......Premission to use it?

If you're asking me, go for it.  I can't take credit for that term.  It's pretty common around these parts. 

a_majoor, the only thing I find curious about your bang on post is the out-of-place surprised tone to it.  Surely the self serving and morally bankrupt nature of the Lieberals could not catch you off guard?