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2024 BC Election

There is nothing racist about the descriptor "savage". It is a legitimate description of many people groups and their behaviour although it can be derogatory. It is a colonialist attitude I suppose but how else would she address the issue without appearing so? She did agree that the Europeans were also savage. The fact that she excused them through science just indicates that she understands the nuances of the word savage. The attack on Oct. 7th was savage. Much of Putin's war is being conducted by savages. There are numerous accounts of our forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq behaving in a savage manner, and lets not forget Serbia. WEBSTER: Savage a person who behaves in a violent, cruel or uncultivated way. wild and ferocious, extremely cruel primitive, uncivilized
There is nothing racist about the descriptor "savage". It is a legitimate description of many people groups and their behaviour although it can be derogatory. It is a colonialist attitude I suppose but how else would she address the issue without appearing so? She did agree that the Europeans were also savage. The fact that she excused them through science just indicates that she understands the nuances of the word savage. The attack on Oct. 7th was savage. Much of Putin's war is being conducted by savages. There are numerous accounts of our forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq behaving in a savage manner, and lets not forget Serbia. WEBSTER: Savage a person who behaves in a violent, cruel or uncultivated way. wild and ferocious, extremely cruel primitive, uncivilized

She's been a doctor, in a Cobble Hill clinic, for over 30 years. There are several large First Nations communities there so many of them will likely be her patients.

If a professional service provider, whose income is wholly reliant on my tax dollars, referred to me as a 'savage' I'd be a bit peeved myself. There's unprofessional, and then there's this idiot...

She's also only 24 votes behind the NDP candidate and is sweating the recount process...

There is nothing racist about the descriptor "savage". It is a legitimate description of many people groups and their behaviour although it can be derogatory. It is a colonialist attitude I suppose but how else would she address the issue without appearing so? She did agree that the Europeans were also savage. The fact that she excused them through science just indicates that she understands the nuances of the word savage. The attack on Oct. 7th was savage. Much of Putin's war is being conducted by savages. There are numerous accounts of our forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq behaving in a savage manner, and lets not forget Serbia. WEBSTER: Savage a person who behaves in a violent, cruel or uncultivated way. wild and ferocious, extremely cruel primitive, uncivilized
You can argue whether or not Indigenous people should not shouldn’t be offended by someone calling them savages, or if their behaviour was or was not indicative of the term. However what you can’t argue is that anyone trying to prove they have the judgment and common sense needed to sit in legislature should be smart enough to avoid a charged term like that.
Alright look. I got a bit of native blood in my lines. Want to call my great grandma a savage? Well go ahead, she was one of the meanest and kindest people of ever known. She would have listened to that and thought “well I guess we have much to learn if we want to survive” meaning both natives and the ignorant. She would also be quite disgusted with the way First Nations carry on with their sensitivities and endless crying about stuff. Everybody needs to grow up about all of this because the cry baby gravy train is going to end and it must end someday sooner than some realize.

Take a lesson from Star Trek:

People are just too soft these days and easily offended.
Yes who knew calling indigenous primitive and uncivilized, recalling early colonial opinions and leaning back to Morgan’s depiction of human society which placed “savages” at the bottom of his moral step ladder, would illicit a negative response. You can go on about snow flakes all you want, the point is that using terminology like that displays the inability to assess current environments and make a decision based on that.
Perhaps she did assess the current environment and spoke her truth. I don’t know. Natives are not snow flakes, white people who make it their life mission to perpetuate the guilt and shame theory and then get offended and label everyone who doesn’t agree with them as a bigot are snow flakes.
Yes who knew calling indigenous primitive and uncivilized, recalling early colonial opinions and leaning back to Morgan’s depiction of human society which placed “savages” at the bottom of his moral step ladder, would illicit a negative response. You can go on about snow flakes all you want, the point is that using terminology like that displays the inability to assess current environments and make a decision based on that.
The Saxons labelled the Vikings as savage. The french still consider anyone other than themselves are savage. The Chinese label all of us as savage. Islam considers us as 3rd class. Savage is just a word and can be used to describe all of our ancestry, as the lady in question admitted, and as the saying goes sticks and stones may break etc. Collectively we need to grow up and quit apologizing for half the words in the English language and the manner in which our predecessors behaved. Our country is facing its greatest crises in 50 years. We have emasculated our armed forces, insulted would-be allies, bankrupted our economy, driven our industry offshore and we, including me, waste our time chasing after an obscure politician over a word. Dumb
her truth.

That’s got to be the dumbest phrase ever invented by progressives. There is “the truth” and “her opinion”. This silly phrase has now been co-opted by the right so they can spout “alternative facts”. No one is entitled to their own truth.
That’s got to be the dumbest phrase ever invented by progressives. There is “the truth” and “her opinion”. This silly phrase has now been co-opted by the right so they can spout “alternative facts”. No one is entitled to their own truth.
Just to stir the pot a little, if one considers himself as the result of an evolutionary accident then there are no absolutes and therefore your truth is as valid as my truth and there is no such thing as real truth. I don't believe that by the way but it does serve to demonstrate the result of not having an unchangeable standard.
The Saxons labelled the Vikings as savage. The french still consider anyone other than themselves are savage. The Chinese label all of us as savage. Islam considers us as 3rd class. Savage is just a word and can be used to describe all of our ancestry, as the lady in question admitted, and as the saying goes sticks and stones may break etc. Collectively we need to grow up and quit apologizing for half the words in the English language and the manner in which our predecessors behaved. Our country is facing its greatest crises in 50 years. We have emasculated our armed forces, insulted would-be allies, bankrupted our economy, driven our industry offshore and we, including me, waste our time chasing after an obscure politician over a word. Dumb

Context in language is everything. Your examples don’t really involved the English language and aren’t related to the historical context in play here. I don’t see how “emasculating our armed forces” is solved by a BC provincial MLA insulting indigenous peoples.
In the context of this discussion, "Savages" was a term used to write off the local indigenous population. Using it harmed the rest of her argument which was more factual. The FN currently are not keen on factual, science based discussions and examinations as it would undermine their bargaining position. The reality is they could be right bastards and treated other tribes often like dirt. Pretty much like any other human population. That being said they did have a culture based on the tools and technology they had. But their pace of technology change left them at a distinct disadvantage on the global stage.
As I have said before the failure of the Viking settlements in the East and for the Asians to set up a settlement in the West, sealed the fate of the populations of the America's. Had they succeeded, the spread of knowledge, technology and diseases would have put the FN on a much stronger footing to resist the Europeans expansion.
A term can have a common use plain meaning, and also be quite loaded in certain contexts. While there’s absolutely legitimate use for the term “savage”, when it’s used to refer to Canada’s indigenous peoples, either as individuals or collectively, that’s situating the use of the word in a context where it absolutely does have a horribly racist connotation. The notion of our indigenous as ‘savages’ - along with some other people encountered in the history of British colonialism - has been trotted out plenty to justify exploitation, colonial paternalism, and outright atrocity at times. It’s part and parcel of the same thinking that led to colonial settler populations thinking it was morally OK - and thus creating structures whereby it was legally OK - to try to stamp out cultures and beliefs. Whether forcing indigenous populations into reserves, kidnapping their kids and sending them to residential schools, or various other abuses and excesses, the notion of the indigenous as ‘savages’ has been part of that colonial ideology.

So yeah, used in this context it’s absolutely fair to denounce the term as racist. There’s no good, useful, constructive reason to pick something so historically premature to refer to indigenous peoples, their cultures, societies, or their historical struggles.
Context in language is everything. Your examples don’t really involved the English language and aren’t related to the historical context in play here. I don’t see how “emasculating our armed forces” is solved by a BC provincial MLA insulting indigenous peoples.
With vote counting of mail-in ballots continuing, the NDP have increased their narrow leads in a couple tight races, and have closed the gap to just 12 voted in Surrey-Guildford. That seat may swap from Conservative to NDP once counting is done, which would give NDP an absolute majority in the legislature.

Not sure when they’ll be 100% done.
It would actually be better if the NDP get 47 seats.

If the Greens are the king makers, BC is screwed.
Yep. As much as I don’t like Eby, at least he realized that some of his signature policies are blowing up in his face and he’s had to rethink things. The Greens would probably force him to double down on those policies, and implement PR without a referendum to boot.