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A Deeply Fractured US

To be confirmed but it seems cocaine was found in the West Wing of the White House in a work area. I wonder the what the punishment would be for such an offense.

Story Link
Secret Service Examining How Suspected Cocaine Ended Up at the White House
An initial test of the white powdery substance found inside the White House on Sunday evening showed it was cocaine. President Biden and his family were away when it was discovered.
By Katie Rogers
Reporting from Washington
July 4, 2023Updated 2:49 p.m. ET
A small amount of a white powdery substance was found in the White House on Sunday evening, according to a person familiar with the episode, and an initial test by emergency response workers determined that it was cocaine.
President Biden and his family were away at Camp David when a uniformed Secret Service agent found the substance during a patrol of the West Wing around 6 p.m. on Sunday, the person said, prompting a brief shutdown of some of the White House campus as response workers assessed whether the substance was hazardous.
Later that evening, a test of the substance by hazmat crew officials returned a result: “We have a yellow bar saying cocaine hydrochloride,” an official said on a dispatch sent at 8:49 p.m. and logged by a website that gathers the agency’s radio communications.
A person familiar with the investigation, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an open inquiry, said that the radio dispatch discussing the test of the substance was placed between the District of Columbia Fire Department’s hazmat team and other officials within the department.
Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesman for the Secret Service, said that the substance had been found in a “work area of the West Wing” and that another dispatch that said the substance had been found in a White House library was incorrect.
In a statement, Mr. Guglielmi said “the item was sent for further evaluation and an investigation into the cause and manner of how it entered the White House is pending.”
He did not confirm or dispute the initial finding that the powder was cocaine.
Vito Maggiolo, a spokesman for the District of Columbia Fire Department, declined to confirm the contents of any of the dispatches, but said officials with the department “were requested to assist the Secret Service as they conducted an investigation.”
On Tuesday morning, Mr. Biden returned to the White House with several of his family members.
Katie Rogers is a White House correspondent, covering life in the Biden administration, Washington culture and domestic policy. She joined The Times in 2014. @katierogers
All the cameras and security devices, including finger prints, available and the SS says they'll likely never know who it was. Truth or not, everyone knows what reaction that'll put out there.
Time to piss test everyone in the West Wing. One of the most secure areas in the US of A. I think they probably know who it is. They just want it to go away. I'll bet if it were anthrax, someone would in jail. Jean Pierre's tell is, when she lies her eyes get blinking like she just had sand thrown in them.

In other news, Executive branch and three letter Departments will not be able to have contact with social media organizations, except in extraordinary circumstances.

Judge blocks U.S. officials from tech contacts in First Amendment case​

That one was judge shopped very hard. For a national case they picked a pretty obscure district where they could be confident they would get a very sympathetic judge. There are cases where that’s quite predictable, and this is one. DOJ is already appealing and will likely prevail. Possible I’m wrong of course, but I think I’m the fullness of time this will not be a decision that stands.
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That one was judge shopped very hard. For a national case they picked a pretty obscure district where they could be confident they would get a very sympathetic judge. There are cases where that’s quite predictable, and this is one. DOJ is already appealing and will likely prevail. Possible I’m wrong of course, but I think I’m the fullness of time this will not be a decision that stands.
It's not finished yet, the fifth circuit will take up the DOJ appeal. Justice Alito is the circuit Justice for this court. I have no idea how the Justice fits into any decisions by the fifth circuit.
It doesn't stop something like the FBI from contacting them for investigative purposes, like getting background on a murderer. It does stop them from interfering in elections like the did with Hunter's laptop or getting social media to push their narrative or censor people like during the pandemic.
It's not finished yet, the fifth circuit will take up the DOJ appeal. Justice Alito is the circuit Justice for this court. I have no idea how the Justice fits into any decisions by the fifth circuit.
My understanding is he only comes into play if, following a decision at the circuit court level (which is the first appeal from federal court), there’s some sort of urgent/emergency motion that needs to be heard, such as an urgent interlocutors injunction to put a pause on the circuit court’s decision until the Supreme Court can decide if it will take up the matter.

I believe that, as of right now, DOJ is asking for certain parts of this decision to be stayed pending full appeal to circuit court.
My understanding is he only comes into play if, following a decision at the circuit court level (which is the first appeal from federal court), there’s some sort of urgent/emergency motion that needs to be heard, such as an urgent interlocutors injunction to put a pause on the circuit court’s decision until the Supreme Court can decide if it will take up the matter.

I believe that, as of right now, DOJ is asking for certain parts of this decision to be stayed pending full appeal to circuit court.
Thanks for that.
Further to last after a bit more digging: ok, a bit more clarity on what’s being litigated. Judge Doughty granted in part a preliminary injunction, pending what should be expected to be much lengthier litigation in a federal district court. The actual underlying case is in its early stages - the same decision also denied a request to certify it as a class action - and so the actual action being brought isn’t decided on yet. The judge issued a preliminary ‘while this gets litigated’ injunction. DOJ is appealing that temporary injunction to the Circuit Court. The actual lawsuit, in the meantime, will be proceeding routinely at circuit court level. This will likely be one of those matters that periodically bounces between various levels of court as they hammer out preliminary issues. Sometimes the underlying root case can sort of get lost in the noise of the more newsworthy interim issues such as injunctions. So- quite some time to go on the case as a whole, but potentially some much quicker litigation on the preliminary injunction issue.
The White House cocaine story changes again. It started with a hazmat incident on the grounds, moved to the library, then to a general public area and now it is alleged it was found in the executive entrance area.

That one was judge shopped very hard. For a national case they picked a pretty obscure district where they could be confident they would get a very sympathetic judge. There are cases where that’s quite predictable, and this is one. DOJ is already appealing and will likely prevail. Possible I’m wrong of course, but I think I’m the fullness of time this will not be a decision that stands.
Shopping for judges is a time honoured thing in the US.
The dems shop judges all the time, especially when they target Trump.
It’s likely that both sides of America’s political divide engage in this, yes- though a judge’s political leanings seem mostly likely to be apparent earlier on in preliminary matters and get less significant as the presentation and trial of fact continues later into a proceeding. I believe that’s what we’ll see here.

If it makes you feel any better, the criminal case in which Trump currently faces the greatest legal jeopardy is being presided over by his own appointee, judge Eileen Cannon in the southern district of Florida. I’m not saying that you personally are likely to find the process any more legitimate as a result, but if it plays out not in his favour, at least he’ll have less cause to question the judge’s political leanings as he seeks grounds to appeal.

Well, this is going to suck for some people.

‘Missing’ Biden corruption case witness Dr. Gal Luft details allegations against president’s family in extraordinary video​

It’s likely that both sides of America’s political divide engage in this, yes- though a judge’s political leanings seem mostly likely to be apparent earlier on in preliminary matters and get less significant as the presentation and trial of fact continues later into a proceeding. I believe that’s what we’ll see here.

If it makes you feel any better, the criminal case in which Trump currently faces the greatest legal jeopardy is being presided over by his own appointee, judge Eileen Cannon in the southern district of Florida. I’m not saying that you personally are likely to find the process any more legitimate as a result, but if it plays out not in his favour, at least he’ll have less cause to question the judge’s political leanings as he seeks grounds to appeal.
It's not "Likely" it's been that way for years, done by both sides. As I recall the 9th circuit is the court of choice when pushing anything gun control related.