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A Deeply Fractured US

Senate "holds" aren't limited only to appointments, and can be overridden. The process for overriding is time-consuming, but could be used to move some appointments through. Or, the Senate could vote to change the applicable rule to narrow the scope of what can be held.

Holds, like filibusters, are a vital linchpin of American democracy to the minority party, and an obstructive anti-democratic abomination to the majority party.
However it’s characterized, holding up the approval of your senior military appointments is self-defeating and effing stupid.
This is just daily prodding and pandering on the Hill. Tomorrow it'll be something else. The Marine Corps is not going to grind to a halt over this nor wander aimlessly without direction. All this does is provide opportunity for both sides to assail each other. It makes the constituents think their representatives are working and gins up money from backers. There is much more important business they should be taking care of. However, it stops people from paying attention to what an arse biden is making at the NATO summit.
However it’s characterized, holding up the approval of your senior military appointments is self-defeating and effing stupid.
Many things parties do in government are effing stupid. Holding up formal appointments while people hold "acting" positions is hardly at the top of the list. I wouldn't choose to do it, but I doubt it's crippling the US as much as their overspending.
This is just daily prodding and pandering on the Hill. Tomorrow it'll be something else. The Marine Corps is not going to grind to a halt over this nor wander aimlessly without direction. All this does is provide opportunity for both sides to assail each other. It makes the constituents think their representatives are working and gins up money from backers. There is much more important business they should be taking care of. However, it stops people from paying attention to what an arse biden is making at the NATO summit.

It’s not just the USMC commandant, it’s all of their GOFO appointments. Over 260 so far with hundreds more to come this year. This has a real impact on senior leaders, their units/commands, and their families who were already in posting mode.

Many things parties do in government are effing stupid. Holding up formal appointments while people hold "acting" positions is hardly at the top of the list. I wouldn't choose to do it, but I doubt it's crippling the US as much as their overspending.

Nobody is claiming it’s the worst or most important thing they’re neglecting to do. It’s just plainly stupid with no redeeming qualities.

This hurt my brain to watch, this guy actually is advocating to basically abolish police forces, and give the money to communities cause crime will magically stop some how. Why the CBC gives these people screen time blows my mind.
'Cause its govt funded and must toe the line!
It’s not just the USMC commandant, it’s all of their GOFO appointments. Over 260 so far with hundreds more to come this year. This has a real impact on senior leaders, their units/commands, and their families who were already in posting mode.

Nobody is claiming it’s the worst or most important thing they’re neglecting to do. It’s just plainly stupid with no redeeming qualities.
Tuberville and people who support what he's trying to achieve think it has redeeming qualities. "Real impact" is the whole point. Holding up nominations in Senate didn't suddenly become more important because it isn't just judicial and agency appointments. The hold has been in place since April. It's within Senate's power to move individual nominations forward, and to have planned for the eventuality (ie. in whatever passes for its calendar). I suppose it sucks that obstructionist parliamentary procedural rules can sometimes be exploited to serve purposes with which we disagree instead of only ones we support.
There are statements to the court in advance of sentencing. And then there are statements to the court in advance of sentencing.

There are statements to the court in advance of sentencing. And then there are statements to the court in advance of sentencing.

Lol, you saw that too?

Mehta always sentences these cases below guidelines. Way below guidelines. He issued all the Oathkeepers sentences that DOJ is appealing as too low. All she had to do was STFU and take her lumps and she’d have gotten maybe three years. Instead she gets twice that. What an idiot.
Lol, you saw that too?

Mehta always sentences these cases below guidelines. Way below guidelines. He issued all the Oathkeepers sentences that DOJ is appealing as too low. All she had to do was STFU and take her lumps and she’d have gotten maybe three years. Instead she gets twice that. What an idiot.
The FAFO has been awesome.... Loving every J6 moron getting sent to jail.
The FAFO has been awesome.... Loving every J6 moron getting sent to jail.
Arrested Development Treason GIF
One bad thing about harsh sentences here is it means any group to attempt to do something similar will likely be much more violent as they know now its all or nothing
One bad thing about harsh sentences here is it means any group to attempt to do something similar will likely be much more violent as they know now its all or nothing
I suspect the word going around is that people wouldn’t face consequences. Now that consequences are being felt a large mob like that might not form. The extremists will likely keep being extreme but they may not have thousands of useful idiots backing them up next time.
I suspect the word going around is that people wouldn’t face consequences. Now that consequences are being felt a large mob like that might not form. The extremists will likely keep being extreme but they may not have thousands of useful idiots backing them up next time.
To bad they didn't use that approach with Antifa
When did antifa violently storm the Capitol to attempt to overturn an election? When they do I’m sure they will be treated the same. Unless you are talking about something else unrelated to Jan 6th.
I am talking in general about their activities and the authorities tip toeing around them. Antifa is far more of a social order threat than a guy wearing a fur hat with horns.
The legal distinction isn't particularly relevant to ordinary people. What most people see is one of "protest", "mostly peaceful protest", and "violent protest", and a lot of people are keeping score on how authorities choose to take heads. Hint: "deep fractures" are not being lessened.

Deterrence tends to discourage only the least committed. As usual, I'd prefer a tolerant environment in which the cranks are comfortable being carelessly visible.