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A Deeply Fractured US

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I am talking in general about their activities and the authorities tip toeing around them. Antifa is far more of a social order threat than a guy wearing a fur hat with horns.
So the 300 or so arrested and charged for various things including domestic terrorism doesn’t count? Or is this just a case of whataboutism again?
So the 300 or so arrested and charged for various things including domestic terrorism doesn’t count? Or is this just a case of whataboutism again?
Politically motivated charges. This was a amateur hour event, both by the protesters and by the law enforcement. Had law enforcement being more switched on, this would have been a fizzle, that would not get more than a few paragraphs in the media. Also maybe if the Democrats had not bothered to put a swath of the country on ignore, they would not have this sort of reaction.
Politically motivated charges. This was a amateur hour event, both by the protesters and by the law enforcement. Had law enforcement being more switched on, this would have been a fizzle, that would not get more than a few paragraphs in the media. Also maybe if the Democrats had not bothered to put a swath of the country on ignore, they would not have this sort of reaction.
I was talking about the 300 antifa charged.
Politically motivated charges. This was an amateur hour event, both by the protesters and by the law enforcement. Had law enforcement being more switched on, this would have been a fizzle, that would not get more than a few paragraphs in the media. Also maybe if the Democrats had not bothered to put a swath of the country on ignore, they would not have this sort of reaction.
Jan 6th is actually over a thousand people charged with hundreds of convictions including various crimes of violence. If you’re going to write that off as ‘politically motivated’, you’re just telling on yourself as not having read any of the particulars of what people did to get charged.
Jan 6th is actually over a thousand people charged with hundreds of convictions including various crimes of violence. If you’re going to write that off as ‘politically motivated’, you’re just telling on yourself as not having read any of the particulars of what people did to get charged.
Vandalism and trespassing and even assault I get. It's the other stuff I take issue with.
All the cameras and security devices, including finger prints, available and the SS says they'll likely never know who it was. Truth or not, everyone knows what reaction that'll put out there.
Happened to catch Julie Mason (Sirius XM) this morning and one of her guests talked about the security protocols in place at the West Wing:

  • First, there is a main security checkpoint for access to the West Wing. And you can't just show-up and expect access. Your name has to put forward and a background check is carried out.
  • If cleared you have to go through a metal detector;
  • Any electronic devices have to be surrendered;
  • There is a detection system setup to check for any vapours from radioactive/explosives/bio-warfare agents. They mentioned a colleague who was undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer and when he went through the checkpoint, alarms went off;
  • While there are cameras monitoring people coming/going through the checkpoint there are actually very few cameras in corridors/rooms of the West Wing;
  • There were approximately 500 people who were in the West Wing on the weekend the cocaine was detected, but the only video the SS has is of them coming/going through the checkpoint; and,
  • No fingerprints/DNA evidence from the cocaine so the chances of finding out who was responsible is pretty slim.
Happened to catch Julie Mason (Sirius XM) this morning and one of her guests talked about the security protocols in place at the West Wing:

  • First, there is a main security checkpoint for access to the West Wing. And you can't just show-up and expect access. Your name has to put forward and a background check is carried out.
  • If cleared you have to go through a metal detector;
  • Any electronic devices have to be surrendered;
  • There is a detection system setup to check for any vapours from radioactive/explosives/bio-warfare agents. They mentioned a colleague who was undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer and when he went through the checkpoint, alarms went off;
  • While there are cameras monitoring people coming/going through the checkpoint there are actually very few cameras in corridors/rooms of the West Wing;
  • There were approximately 500 people who were in the West Wing on the weekend the cocaine was detected, but the only video the SS has is of them coming/going through the checkpoint; and,
  • No fingerprints/DNA evidence from the cocaine so the chances of finding out who was responsible is pretty slim.

FWIW, tough to get a decent print off something as small as a cocaine flap/baggie. Fingerprints aren't nearly the sure thing TV presents them as. DNA is only useful if there's a known sample to compare it to (e.g., police already have it), which is probably not the case for most people entering the West Wing. If someone dropped a little flap/baggie while digging something out of their pocket, I could easily see it falling to the floor without being noticeable on surveillance footage unless the angle's just right. Once on the floor, if it's a busy space, likely it would get kicked around a few times.

This is all speculative, but I've had some amazingly disappointing experiences with the quality of security video, even in places where I would have thought it would be really good. Really it depends on what the system is set up to be able to capture well.
his is all speculative, but I've had some amazingly disappointing experiences with the quality of security video, even in places where I would have thought it would be really good. Really it depends on what the system is set up to be able to capture well.
Yup. It's not like on tv where they can enhance and read the bills in your pocket from space.
Happened to catch Julie Mason (Sirius XM) this morning and one of her guests talked about the security protocols in place at the West Wing:

  • First, there is a main security checkpoint for access to the West Wing. And you can't just show-up and expect access. Your name has to put forward and a background check is carried out.
  • If cleared you have to go through a metal detector;
  • Any electronic devices have to be surrendered;
  • There is a detection system setup to check for any vapours from radioactive/explosives/bio-warfare agents. They mentioned a colleague who was undergoing radiation treatment for prostate cancer and when he went through the checkpoint, alarms went off;
  • While there are cameras monitoring people coming/going through the checkpoint there are actually very few cameras in corridors/rooms of the West Wing;
  • There were approximately 500 people who were in the West Wing on the weekend the cocaine was detected, but the only video the SS has is of them coming/going through the checkpoint; and,
  • No fingerprints/DNA evidence from the cocaine so the chances of finding out who was responsible is pretty slim.
The USSS has a lot more than that, anyone not thinking they have eyes pretty much everywhere in the WH is deluding themselves. But they sure as shit aren’t going to be admitting that to anyone.
Unless it was in a bathroom or bedroom, you can be sure it’s on tape, and even then the entry doors to those will have imagery.

But entry etc doesn’t mean they will have direct video on 100% of the room.

Yup. It's not like on tv where they can enhance and read the bills in your pocket from space.
Several years ago I watched a DC Metro Sgt dealing coke from his marked cruiser from a street next to the 8th Street USSS SOD building - pretty sure they have a Hubble Space Telescope as we zoomed in and could see the watch hands moving…

But, again you actually need to see the act on camera - and outside some direct entry areas you just can’t get 360 degree coverage of the entire building as it’s just way too much manpower to dedicate to staring at monitors, and they are there for Presidential Protection not personnel oversight.
What is ironic about the Jan 6th protest is that the majority of the people were there to protest what they believed to be election interference/stolen election. The politburo then declared those very people tried to steal the election and overturn the results. Next level gaslighting.
What is ironic about the Jan 6th protest is that the majority of the people were there to protest what they believed to be election interference/stolen election. The politburo then declared those very people tried to steal the election and overturn the results. Next level gaslighting.
There's definitely a certain irony in knowingly using fraudulent claims of a stolen election to incite the gullible into trying to steal an election, yes.
What is ironic about the Jan 6th protest is that the majority of the people were there to protest what they believed to be election interference/stolen election. The politburo then declared those very people tried to steal the election and overturn the results. Next level gaslighting.
There is some irony in being such sore losers that a thousand or more of them then managed to tantrum their way to losing even harder, yes.
There's definitely a certain irony in knowingly using fraudulent claims of a stolen election to incite the gullible into trying to steal an election, yes.
Have election results ever been fully and transparently audited? Genuine question.
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