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Aborting P.Res, needed help for R.Force

  • Thread starter Thread starter Red-Water.06
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The way it was explained to us was enrolments - line serials on the ARE (I think that's the acronym) vice man-day monetary budgets.  Hence my CO's efforts to find ways to "trim the fat".
It's also a matter of how many can be trained in a given year.  If you only have the instructors to train X number of troops, a unit is not going to be authorised to recruit X+1.
I visited CFRC Missi today and like CDN.Aviator said there is no way I can keep going to high school along with reg force.
I am suggested to do co-op or keep trying to get in a P.Res. (Co-Op is not my option because I need all classes (of course not because failing, it's because I value my education more than my career.) next semester and next year.)
A recruiter at CFRC Hamilton confirmed that my file is still opened (and complete) and is now being transferred to a unit at my request(Lorne Scots).
A recruiter gave me a sheet and highlighted a bunch of units that are hiring.The recruiter highlighted,
709 Toronto Com.
Toronto Scots
7th Arty
48th Highlander
Governor General's Horse guards
32 Combat Engineer
Navy Operational & Support trades.
My last choice out of this is Navy/Support trade. I don't have much opinion for other units than Lorne Scots (the only reason that I prefer Lorne Scots is because A company of this unit is just in my town within 10 mins driving distance). Could someone preferably in part of some of those units give me their opinion? I will highly appreciate that. I yet assume that Lorne Scots isn't having a summer BMQ until I contact Lorne Scots unit recruiter.(because they didn't last year) I would like to start my BMQ as soon as possible because I want as much experience as I can as an NCM before think of being an officer cadet through ROTP or probably RMC. Also I'll find myself even more stupid sitting around or doing volunteer works in summer than than only couple months less than a whole year. If you haven't read my previous posts, I applied last July then first contacted by a recruiter in September when school started.
P.S. I suppose it's more of What Unit? rather than Aborting P.Res Now.
HMCS YORK is the "Navy Operational/Support trade" unit, located at....well, HMCS YORK (near Fort York and the Ex).  Lots of different types of trades to do there...obviously it will be different than anything the Army has (except Boatswain, which deals with weapons as well) so all I can say is a browse through the Navy site would be my advice. 
Greenrubberduckie said:
I visited CFRC Missi today and like CDN.Aviator said there is no way I can keep going to high school along with reg force.
I am suggested to do co-op or keep trying to get in a P.Res. (Co-Op is not my option because I need all classes (of course not because failing, it's because I value my education more than my career.) next semester and next year.)
A recruiter at CFRC Hamilton confirmed that my file is still opened (and complete) and is now being transferred to a unit at my request(Lorne Scots).
A recruiter gave me a sheet and highlighted a bunch of units that are hiring.The recruiter highlighted,
709 Toronto Com.
Toronto Scots
7th Arty
48th Highlander
Governor General's Horse guards
32 Combat Engineer
Navy Operational & Support trades.
My last choice out of this is Navy/Support trade. I don't have much opinion for other units than Lorne Scots (the only reason that I prefer Lorne Scots is because A company of this unit is just in my town within 10 mins driving distance). Could someone preferably in part of some of those units give me their opinion? I will highly appreciate that. I yet assume that Lorne Scots isn't having a summer BMQ until I contact Lorne Scots unit recruiter.(because they didn't last year) I would like to start my BMQ as soon as possible because I want as much experience as I can as an NCM before think of being an officer cadet through ROTP or probably RMC. Also I'll find myself even more stupid sitting around or doing volunteer works in summer than than only couple months less than a whole year. If you haven't read my previous posts, I applied last July then first contacted by a recruiter in September when school started.
P.S. I suppose it's more of What Unit? rather than Aborting P.Res Now.

32 CER (formaly 2 FER) ain't a bad unit. For more info check out their site 32 CER
Greenrubberduckie said:
I visited CFRC Missi today and like CDN.Aviator said there is no way I can keep going to high school along with reg force.
I am suggested to do co-op or keep trying to get in a P.Res. (Co-Op is not my option because I need all classes (of course not because failing, it's because I value my education more than my career.) next semester and next year.)
A recruiter at CFRC Hamilton confirmed that my file is still opened (and complete) and is now being transferred to a unit at my request(Lorne Scots).
A recruiter gave me a sheet and highlighted a bunch of units that are hiring.The recruiter highlighted,
709 Toronto Com.
Toronto Scots
7th Arty
48th Highlander
Governor General's Horse guards
32 Combat Engineer
Navy Operational & Support trades.
My last choice out of this is Navy/Support trade. I don't have much opinion for other units than Lorne Scots (the only reason that I prefer Lorne Scots is because A company of this unit is just in my town within 10 mins driving distance). Could someone preferably in part of some of those units give me their opinion? I will highly appreciate that. I yet assume that Lorne Scots isn't having a summer BMQ until I contact Lorne Scots unit recruiter.(because they didn't last year) I would like to start my BMQ as soon as possible because I want as much experience as I can as an NCM before think of being an officer cadet through ROTP or probably RMC. Also I'll find myself even more stupid sitting around or doing volunteer works in summer than than only couple months less than a whole year. If you haven't read my previous posts, I applied last July then first contacted by a recruiter in September when school started.
P.S. I suppose it's more of What Unit? rather than Aborting P.Res Now.

It all depends what you want to do. You want to be infantry I assume- if so, you can discount 709 comms, 7th arty, GGHG, 32 CER and the NAVY...
popnfresh said:
It all depends what you want to do. You want to be infantry I assume- if so, you can discount 709 comms, 7th arty, GGHG, 32 CER and the NAVY...

Well don't discard the Engineers as our Secondary Role is To Fight as Infantry
visited CFRC Missi today and like CDN.Aviator said there is no way I can keep going to high school along with reg force.
I am suggested to do co-op or keep trying to get in a P.Res. (Co-Op is not my option because I need all classes (of course not because failing, it's because I value my education more than my career.) next semester and next year.)
A recruiter at CFRC Hamilton confirmed that my file is still opened (and complete) and is now being transferred to a unit at my request(Lorne Scots).
A recruiter gave me a sheet and highlighted a bunch of units that are hiring.The recruiter highlighted,
709 Toronto Com.
Toronto Scots
7th Arty
48th Highlander
Governor General's Horse guards
32 Combat Engineer
Navy Operational & Support trades.
My last choice out of this is Navy/Support trade. I don't have much opinion for other units than Lorne Scots (the only reason that I prefer Lorne Scots is because A company of this unit is just in my town within 10 mins driving distance). Could someone preferably in part of some of those units give me their opinion? I will highly appreciate that. I yet assume that Lorne Scots isn't having a summer BMQ until I contact Lorne Scots unit recruiter.(because they didn't last year) I would like to start my BMQ as soon as possible because I want as much experience as I can as an NCM before think of being an officer cadet through ROTP or probably RMC. Also I'll find myself even more stupid sitting around or doing volunteer works in summer than than only couple months less than a whole year. If you haven't read my previous posts, I applied last July then first contacted by a recruiter in September when school started.
P.S. I suppose it's more of What Unit? rather than Aborting P.Res Now.

Well, if you're close to Mississauga, you could try the Toronto Scottish.  75th company is based out of there.
As for summer BMQ Courses, these are brigade level, the units aren't running their own, they may be tasked to run the course or not, but the positions belong to the brigade, in BC For example it's done a summer training coy Chilliwack, In Alberta Militia Trg District Calgary (41 CBG), if its still called that runs their courses at Camp Wainright, for the Comm Res it's a national level course, sometimes in Shil, Dunduren, Kingston, you name it. Basically, just beacause the unit doesnt run the course, doesn't mean you wont be able to attend it.
Again, thanks for your advices and answers. Last year almost as soon as I turned 16, I applied for the CF(of course haven't finished gr.10 back then) turned down, went back when school's over then turned down because Lorne Scots unit wasn't having a summer training plan.
I'm not saying anyone is wrong or a liar but if what ArtyNewbie said is right, does that mean the recruiter of that unit misinformed me?

ArtyNewbie said:
As for summer BMQ Courses, these are brigade level, the units aren't running their own, they may be tasked to run the course or not, but the positions belong to the brigade, in BC For example it's done a summer training coy Chilliwack, In Alberta Militia Trg District Calgary (41 CBG), if its still called that runs their courses at Camp Wainright, for the Comm Res it's a national level course, sometimes in Shil, Dunduren, Kingston, you name it. Basically, just beacause the unit doesnt run the course, doesn't mean you wont be able to attend it.

For the other answers I thank you all for your advices. Like i said before, my last option is Navy/Support trades. I would like to do one of these over the other ones.

Since I've been and seen some of Infantry trade training, I have no clue what the other ones do. They do sound interesting but I just don't know what exactly do. Ex. Engineer, Arty

I've also checked the units' websites some of them are not online, and some of the units don't even have any.
I find that it's quite hard to get the idea of what you do from reading an article.
I know some people who's in Communication, whom often talks about how much it sucks to be at the worksite and have to study as well. Like those kind of opinions (or complaints?)  would help me a lot making a final decision.
Yet, I hope I can get in Lorne Scots Unit. (When I spoke to the recruiter of the unit last July he said it'll be nearly impossible to get a spot till 'next year' which is this year. I also highly doubt that I'll be able to do in this unit, if I can, it'll be awesome.)

P.S. I find it quite ironic that I once had an account 'waited17yrs' and I guess it's true. (16 years of necessary education and one year of paper jerking)
Since I've been and seen some of Infantry trade training, I have no clue what the other ones do. They do sound interesting but I just don't know what exactly do. Ex. Engineer, Arty

I've also checked the units' websites some of them are not online, and some of the units don't even have any.
I find that it's quite hard to get the idea of what you do from reading an article.

If you're looking for more info on the trades, I suggest you look at the recruiting videos.  You can find them online at www.forces.ca.  As to what regiment, the infantry is the same job no matter what regiment you are with.  Differences are there, but it would be near impossible to base your decision on these without first joining and/or interacting with these units.  I suggest that if you are looking for a unit in your area, and if infantry is the path for you, that you go Lorne Scots or Toronto Scottish.  If one is not taking you, apply for the other.  You can always transfer to the regs (and change trades this way) at a later time.

BTW, no offence, but I would think that by now in the recruiting process, you would have done the research and know what trade you want.

No offence man, but sometimes, it hurts to read some of these posts.  The grammar and spelling is just atrocious.  Not picking on you rubberducky specifically but referring to posts in general.  It takes more time to figure out what the author is trying to say/ask then I usually have available.  A clearly written post with clear questions can usually be answered within a few posts instead of spiralling into 2 and 3 pages.....
TCBF said:
Full of what?  What is full?  Is the limit on man-days or enrollments?

The problem is that Reserve Units are only allocated so many line serials each; and thusly is the funding apportioned. My own unit has a whole slew of pers willing to sign on,; but we cannot take even a fraction of them due to: Lack of posn on BMQ / SQ; lack of line serials to move them into; and of course; funding.

We go through a yearly nightmare trying to fit the people we have in to the line serials we are allocated. The Company Sergeants Major and the Chief Clerk must practise sleight of hand to fit people into allocated positons.

Steel Badger said:
The problem is that Reserve Units are only allocated so many line serials each; and thusly is the funding apportioned. My own unit has a whole slew of pers willing to sign on,; but we cannot take even a fraction of them due to: Lack of posn on BMQ / SQ; lack of line serials to move them into; and of course; funding.

We go through a yearly nightmare trying to fit the people we have in to the line serials we are allocated. The Company Sergeants Major and the Chief Clerk must practise sleight of hand to fit people into allocated positons.

You do realize the the budget for BMQ/SQ comes out of Brigade rather than the Unit's.

I do. The funding issue I am referring to is the lack of sufficent Unit funds to pay for any extra line serials that may be given to a particular unit.
I've read many threads in past few days, I'm currently concerned. If I do get the summer BMQ spot with one of the units (after a year of waiting) and suddenly I get injured from sports? (fracturing bones) I've read other threads regarding to this and decided the following are the best ways to deal with this are:

-Don't get hurt.
-Wait it out if you are hurt.

Luckily i don't see myself in a cast at the moment (nearly did from falling off from 15 meters high snow/ground), but I believe I can find myself in school's rugby team by April. Last year during first 3 weeks of preperation, a kid broke his leg and had the cast for the entire summer. In experience I had some family member injured during the training (broken ankle at 2nd last week, broken fingers during PT etc.) and stayed.
I wanted to ask in case if I do get hurt in this season and don't heal till summer, what injuries are accepted to continue/go on for the BMQ? I found that many threads suggested "consult your doctor." I am a yet a year late to catch up with my career schedule, I don't want to lose another second from this point.

to make myself clear, my question is "What injuries can I have prior to BMQ before being fully healed."
Again, I thank you for your support and help in advance. (I'm sticking with the advice to write on an already opened post rather than start a new one)
That my green friend is up to the medics, sure you can be mildly hurt, most recruits are at some point of trg, bruises,  bumps, sprains, strains, broken fingers that sort of thing, but its a case by case basis, and keep in mind you miss 24 periods total or 9 in any one topic ands thats all she wrote.  I played Rugby the spring before I went to then GMT and hey no problems, don't sweat the small stuff, and play the what if game,  it always ends up coming around to what if I get hit by a bus, live life, have fun, and don't look to far ahead this early in a career. 

(as I wait for counter battery fire)
Thanks Arty Newbie for answering and correction to my amateur writing skill.
I wanted to ask a final question about my situation. At this point, I've been waiting for one year - 22 days from the first attempt to apply for the CF. I decided last year not to bother with Primary Reserves anymore if the process takes over a year. It's very close to it and yet I think my decision fits for money, experience and plan.

Before December 2007, my aim was to start my BMQ by January. Now I can see that doesn't work. I want to forget about the CF while leaving an option for it. Till the end of December, I made over 20 phone calls (heck I think it went around 50 phone calls) regarding to my process. I did my best to know what the heck was going on and why the heck couldn't I find a unit. Now I know that I would barely have any experience as an NCM, I give up on the phone calls and I want to wait instead.

What can I do at this situation to confirm that I will be able to join the P.Res before 2009?
My status is waiting and will call recruiter at Lorne Scots Recruiting centre this Thursday. I believe my recruiting process is completed and my file is at L.S. Unit.
Please nevermind my last question. Just yesterday, I got a call from unit recruiter from Lorne Scots about swering me in and BMQ opportunities.
I must say.. Ouch, I guess last year him saying "no spot open till next year/spring" stays.
Redeye said:
The way it was explained to us was enrolments - line serials on the ARE (I think that's the acronym) vice man-day monetary budgets.  Hence my CO's efforts to find ways to "trim the fat".

ARE = Army Reserve Establishment.  This is the Bible that says 'what' you can have, and how many of them, per unit establishment.  It starts at the Bde HQ level and works down to all the imagineable unit types and sizes.