I‘ve always wondered, if throughout history, men thought so little of women, why didn‘t they send the women into battle to kill each other and the men just...survive?
I don‘t understand what this whole discrimination argument is all about. Yeah, it happens. Yeah, it‘s there. I‘ve seen it, but I‘ve seen it outside the army too. I don‘t think anyone can deny it‘s there, and it‘s not just sexual discrimination, it‘s jokes about Arabs who are terrorists, or French Canadians or ‘frogs‘, et. etc. I don‘t think anyone who is in the forces can say honestly that they have never made a joke, or never laughed at a joke that was discrimitory to some minority.
In the standardized police testing in Ontario, both men and women have the same standards. If you can‘t pass them, then you‘re not going on.
And it‘s not just women who can‘t pass the forces PT test, I know teenage guys that just couldn‘t do it either. I did it, so I‘m in. I was infantry for a year before I remustered to musician. Hey, they‘re discrimination in piping too!
I just find it amusing to see a bunch of guys arguing about gender discrimination. Continue guys, it‘s amusing!
By the way, I‘m an 18 y/o female attached to an infantry unit.
If a woman wants to be combat arms, there is nothing stopping a woman with a goal. I want to be armoured if I ever quit my job and go reg. force! (There‘s no armoured reserve units anywhere close to where I‘m from). Do you know how many comments I get, being a female piper? (Oh, god forbid, I know! And guess what? I wear those army-issued skivvys under my kilt!) I am no longer offended by anything anyone says. I stopped being offended a long time ago. And yeah, my other female friends in the army and I on occassion do discuss how good some guys look in uniform, espically CF‘s....so I guess that‘s a sort of discrimination in itself, right?
If you want to email me, or flame me, or just completely disagree, or agree, go ahead.