Stating that women are a distraction, so therefore they shouldn't be there, is much like saying that war is dangerous, so we shouldn't go. I understand the base emotion involved in seeing a woman in a state of undress, but there is another element, professionalism, that makes people carry on. I worked with the Dutch in Bosnia, and we heard tell of the co-ed showers, and because we were raised on a steady diet of Porky's, Animal House, and the other types of frat movies popular in North America, we were giddy with glee to partake. Before you get too worked up, the co-ed showers were actually cubicles, and if you were to jam your face against the shower floor (ewwww!!!!) you may see the first 4 inches of a womans leg (right before she would drive her foot into your eye, probably). I found it strange, and yes, I was all aflutter at the prospect of being naked within 3 feet of a female soldier, separated only by a thin wall, but I got over it fairly quickly. I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before the same sex showers as seen in the sci-fi StarShip Troopers will be a reality, but it will take a bit of a leap for us maturity wise before that happens. I'm sure most guys who went overseas have been to a topless beach, if not a full on nudist beach. The novelty wears off pretty quick.
I think I would rather have a woman who can do her job (mentally and physically), is comfortable in the mostly male environment (ie can tolerate juvenile male humour, doesn't mind hearing the odd swear word or sex story (BTW has any guy here ever been the only guy around a bunch of women talking about sex ..... it can be very uncomfortable (esp. if any of the women are hot >

), and they are usually worse than men in their graphicness.....), and is just part of the group, than some guy who creates hostility within the group with outdated, outmoded lines of thinking, be it racist, sexist or just being a bully towards others. I have seen that enough to realize that those types are more of a problem than a woman could be. As Infanteer mentioned, we have to acknowledge that there will be issues (fraternization), and not pretend it won't happen. I have seen people dating within units, and as long as they aren't in the same chain of command (particularly if one is in a leadership role), things tend to go more smoothly. If people hide their relationships, and then push comes to shove, it could prove to be a problem ("Baby, go attack that MG nest!!!!" "What do you mean no nookie because I made you kill a Commie for mommy?!?!?"). But seriously, I think that if men can "storm the beach" and watch their childhood buddy go down in a hail of bullets and keep pressing on, I think that a man will be able to watch a woman get killed and still press on.
Most of the speculation is what bad things might happen, as opposed to what good things may happen. I'm sure there was/is much resistance to female cops, firefighters, and the like, and I'm sure there are many in those positions that aren't suited for them (be it male or female), but the world didn't implode. On a somewhat relevant note, if you can, watch "Rescue Me", the firefighter show with Denis Leary in it. It's on Showcase, Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning. You'd swear they were army guys with the way they talk about sex, women in their trade, the cameraderie, etc. An excellent, funny show......
As for not wanting women in combat roles, I don't remember stating as much (APS.... aluminum pot syndrome, plus I'm too lazy to re-read my post....) but it probably was implied. I have a vested interest in not neccesarily wanting it to happen: my wife is a medic, and she was in Afghanistan in 2002. When the 4 soldiers were killed, I was quite worried that she was there on the range (ever been to a live fire without medical coverage???). I was very relieved that she wasn't hurt or killed, and I felt the same way that most guys (civvy) wives feel when they hear something like this happens while their husbands are overseas. Some people insinuated it was easier for me (than a civvy wife) as I "know what it's like" over there, but I think it made it harder in some regards. As well, as she has stated (or will state again in a post) she was attached to a infantry platoon for Op Cherokee Sky over in A'stan. She didn't tell me about it until after the fact (OPSEC concerns), but I was still worried, as I knew those types of missions were going to be carried out. She was attached to the Strat Recce Sqn another time over there, and I know that my buddies that were over there would take care of her (no, not that way.... well, as long as it's kept in the Corps, I guess ^-^). The bottom line is that she is a soldier, she did her job, and had she died while in combat, I would have accepted that she died doing the same job that a male soldier would have been expected to do.
My wife knows that I work with women, and I know that she works with men, and sometimes we see members of the opposite sex in their skivvies, and sleep in close proximity sometimes (a 4 man tent was really designed for 4 midgets I think.....). I'm sure if I was in a tent with 3 severe hardbodies, she would worry somewhat that my ability to control myself would be impaired, but the reality is that after a few days in the field, there isn't a whole lot of attraction going on between the sexes. Yes, I've been known to do the old "snail eyes" in an attempt to check out a female (before I was married, though, I swear to God!!!!!!!!!), but that is pretty much natural, and if it's not "PC natural" I don't think that our natural tendencies have caught up to what the PC police would like (it'll probably take a LOOOONNNGGGG time, I would hope). I think the stories of the "Love Boats" and orgies that occur in mixed gender units are over-blown (wishful thinking, more than likely) and if they do occur, it's probably unit's with shite discipline and (I was about to say a morale problem, but caught myself.....) leadership problems.
Anyway, I hope this thread can continue in a somewhat sensible vein, without the same old tired "don't like it, don't want it to work, so I'll be an idiot about it" that derailed the last couple of threads about this. I would be interested to hear from somebody who has been in combat with women (Medak Pocket, Afghanistan, Iraq, Gulf War 1 or 2, Israel, etc) and hear honest, unbiased opinions, rather than "I was on a 3 day exercise once, and ......." or hearing what somebody's grandpa told them (remember the change in women's roles in society.......).