Just a minor correction to the last reply.
To answer 'Grando's' first question, AEC Kapp is right there is no further testing for AEC but it doesn't mean there won't be in the future. Our graduation rate here at CFSACO isn't as high as it should be, nor as high as it used to be.
Secondly, when your IAP/BOTP is complete you would go to some airbase for a period of OJT. Hopefully before you are finished 'basic', you will have decided which branch of AEC you prefer to go to. This is necessary so we can decide which base is the most suitable to send you. If for example you are destined to go to the 'Weapons' side of the occupation, it would make most sense to send you to a base where you could see it like North Bay, Cold Lake or Bagotville.
Assuming you are in North Bay, approx 60(plus) days before the scheduled start of your course here in Cornwall you would start your DL package(currently undergoing a major review). Upon successful completion of DL there would be a few days off before proceeding to Cornwall to start either your IFR, VFR or Weapons training.
SLT doesn't seem to be an issue for us right now as our occupation is significantly below PML(preferred manning level).
Hope this helps.