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Aerospace Control Officers-AEC [merged]

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Thanks for the quick reply.  The position description was pretty vague with respect to tests and interviews.

So if I'm correct - in AEC you take IAP/BOTC, then training in Cornwall?  No SLT anymore?
Grando said:
Thanks for the quick reply.  The position description was pretty vague with respect to tests and interviews.

So if I'm correct - in AEC you take IAP/BOTC, then training in Cornwall?  No SLT anymore?
Training in Cornwall will be after a period of OJT at an air base, during which you will be doing a Distance Learning package on core AEC foundations. The DL package is usually done in the 6 weeks prior to you departing for Cornwall, so that the knowledge is freshest when you arrive.

There's a thread elsewhere on these forums ref SLT. If English is your first language, I think you're good, as all pilots are required to be able speak English to ATC.
Sorry - that's what I meant.  I realized that there was the DL package to finish.  Thanks for all the clarification!
There are of course different positions in both the Terminal (IFR) and Tower (VFR). AEC's (officers) are responsible for controlling VFR and IFR traffic.. AC Ops are responsible for PAR (Precsion Approach Radar) which works out of the terminal - Ground Controller (Tower) and data positions (both VFR and IFR) (basically inter unit coordinator, and recorder).

AND WHY IS AEC/ACOp listed as Air Force Support Trades? We are considered Air Ops (General).

Here is a picture of a terminal controller in Cold Lake:


And here is a Tower:

almost there said:
AND WHY IS AEC/ACOp listed as Air Force Support Trades? We are considered Air Ops (General).

Well, the other categories were maintainers and aircrew trades .....are you either one of those ?

CDN Aviator said:
Well, the other categories were maintaners and aircrew trades .....are you either one of those ?

Well AECs and ACOps are Aircrew... Just wondering as to why we were put in with the 'support trades'  as I'm new here.

And PS.. Yes I'm an ACOp
almost there said:
Well AECs and ACOps are Aircrew...

Really...what do you fly on exactly ?

Look at the AWACS wings........those are not aircrew badges. Having a dozen or so guys in the trade that fly on AWACS does not make it an aircrew trade.
We are considered aircrew for physicals etc...

I'm not here to start a pissing contest with you... like I said I'm new here and just asked a question, my appoligies.
CDN Aviator said:
Having a dozen or so guys in the trade that fly on AWACS does not make it an aircrew trade.
CDN Aviator:
I have been participating in this form for a few years now, and  have rarely felt the need to get into a 'pissing' contest, but here goes.  I have been an AEC for over 30 years now.  If you are going to take a position and quote numbers, please get it right.  In our occupations right now between AEC's and ACOps we have three locations with flying positions; Germany, Oklahoma, and Alaska.  The number will occasionally vary but at any time we have close to 70 people in flying positions in those three locations.
Also, I really have no problem being included in the 'support trade' part of this forum because it is certainly easier than creating another category, but we are, and have been for many years an 'operational', not a support trade.
Hopefully this post doesn't upset too many people.
Just a minor correction to the last reply.
To answer 'Grando's' first question, AEC Kapp is right there is no further testing for AEC but it doesn't mean there won't be in the future.  Our graduation rate here at CFSACO isn't as high as it should be, nor as high as it used to be.
Secondly, when your IAP/BOTP is complete you would go to some airbase for a period of OJT.  Hopefully before you are finished 'basic', you will have decided which branch of AEC you prefer to go to.  This is necessary so we can decide which base is the most suitable to send you.  If for example you are destined to go to the 'Weapons' side of the occupation, it would make most sense to send you to a base where you could see it like North Bay, Cold Lake or Bagotville.
Assuming you are in North Bay, approx 60(plus) days before the scheduled start of your course here in Cornwall you would start your DL package(currently undergoing a major review).  Upon successful completion of DL there would be a few days off before proceeding to Cornwall to start either your IFR, VFR or Weapons training.
SLT doesn't seem to be an issue for us right now as our occupation is significantly below PML(preferred manning level).

Hope this helps.
wow that's extremely helpful, thank you!

how long after basic would you start OJT?  what would you do between that time?
When you are finished basic, you would normally be sent directly to a base to start your 'OJT'.  Now I use the term'OJT' loosely.  Some bases(units) don't have a well defined program or plan for OJT, they simply keep the person busy until it is time to start your DL package, then you are off to Cornwall.
Now before you get worried, you will certainly get time off between finishing basic and officially starting OJT, but once you start your DL, you belong to us.

Sorry, I made a mistake.  You would start and complete(60 days) your DL, get a few days off then come to Cornwall.
awesome - this thread has answered nearly all of my questions

thanks for the info, and if I have any further queries I'll put them in this thread
Gazoo said:
To answer 'Grando's' first question, AEC Kapp is right there is no further testing for AEC but it doesn't mean there won't be in the future.  Our graduation rate here at CFSACO isn't as high as it should be, nor as high as it used to be.

Just out of curiosity, Gazoo - What is the graduation rate? Also, why do you think it's not as high as it should be?
Additionally, what happens to the officers that don't get through CFSACO?
Grando said:
Additionally, what happens to the officers that don't get through CFSACO?

The 3 R's - Recourse, Remuster, Release.

I've had a few drinks with a couple AEC's who took the course more than once (and have passed their checkouts here), and I'm across the hall in the shacks from one who is on the receiving end of a remuster to Health Care Admin.

What happens to you at that point all depends on a number of factors.

The best advice is don't worry about failing right now, only worry about it if and when the time comes. Just put your best foot forward.
Of course I'm not worried about failing - it's more of a curiousity thing.

I predict that, if one isn't suitable for AEC as shown by their training, they wouldn't just get shown the door...?  That there would be some sort of system that would enable that individual to stay within the Forces?  Remuster presumably.
First I am somewhat uncomfortable discussing actual graduation or failure rates(percentages).  Knowing what the percentage is before arriving could put unnecessary pressure on students.  The most important fact is that we are very short in this occupation and need people faster than we can produce them.
The best advice I can give is study hard, practice effectively(quality, not quantity), and give us your best effort.  That is all we can ask for.
I will be posting a new topic later tonight showing our numbers right now, highlighting how short we are.