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Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

hanging in, its a tough go.  I love her so much.  She has been bad, and confessed, now says she wants to be good to me, etc.. i just don't know.

Its a crappy go. You need to be honest with yourself. Do you love the idea of her? Are you afraid of being alone? Or do you genuinly love her for her, including the blemishes and knicks against your relationship. only you can answer those questions, but they are questions that need to be answered honestly and truthfully by both you and her. If you both decide that you do love love eachother for what you are, not what you want to be or could be, then don't give up. I don't envy you my friend its hard. But keep on soldierin on. You will make it through it, just keep a positive outlook. It's hard but it makes a huge difference. The relationship will either sink, in which case it was not meant to be, as it was not a healthy relationship, and their is better out there for you, or it will work out which is also great. No words anyone can say will magically make you feel better, but the only advice i can truly offer that might help is be HONEST with yourself and the situation, when you are it makes working through it all so much easier.


I'm a broadcast student doing a radio documentary about Afghanistan for school.  Would you be willing to talk in a phone interview about your experiences?  It is the kind of story that would fit well with what I am doing.  Thanks,

uer said:
I'm a broadcast student doing a radio documentary about Afghanistan for school.  Would you be willing to talk in a phone interview about your experiences?  It is the kind of story that would fit well with what I am doing.  Thanks,

A documentary on Afghanistan or cheating spouses?  If the latter, makes me wonder what kind of story you are doing.
uer said:

I'm a broadcast student doing a radio documentary about Afghanistan for school.  Would you be willing to talk in a phone interview about your experiences?  It is the kind of story that would fit well with what I am doing.  Thanks,

Just having finished reading your blog with lines like this
"At the last hiphop against the war fundraiser 500 people came. 
Canada has been in Afghanistan for seven years.
During that time violence against women has increased by forty percent.
Afghanistan now grows ninety three percent of all the opium in the world
compared to ten percent before the war.
The general of the Canadian Armed forces called Afghan people "detestable
murderers and scumbags," he also said the military’s “job is to be able to kill people."
Does that sound like peacekeeping to you?
If you want to join the fight for peace go to www.mawovancouver.org"

I doubt you will get much help from the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to help the good people of Afghanistan so that you can continue your quest to be some kind of radio superstar.

..and I have to ask, just where, who, and how many "child soldiers" have you, a student at BCIT, managed to interview?
"Some" isn't very specific. :clown:

I am disappointed because I was the only sole only student there other than some people who already belong to MAWO.

Geez, I hope they teach you to write better soon.  ::)
Geez, I hope they teach you to write better soon.

PMedMoe ................HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH !!!!!! I concur!!!!!!
Thx for the laugh!!!!
I actually snorted at that line. 

She's got a bright future at the CBC.
Lil_T said:
She's got a bright future at the CBC.
I had to read that a couple of times; I thought you were saying PMedMOE had a bright future at the CBC -- thinking, "man, that's a pretty harsh comment on her current military career"  >:D
uer said:

I'm a broadcast student doing a radio documentary about Afghanistan for school.  Would you be willing to talk in a phone interview about your experiences?  It is the kind of story that would fit well with what I am doing.  Thanks,

The only experiences I will be sharing with you are the lack of respect and ignorance shown to soldiers by the majority of the media, and the vast majority of students in canada's universities. So sorry, NO. I will not have my story twisted into anything. It is my story and deserves to be told by myself alone as I lived it. Sorry if I'm being harsh, but I do not have good experiences with the media.
Lil_T said:
OMG NOOO  *sorry Moe* 

I meant the blog chick.

Geez, I got it right off the bat.  Maybe Journeyman has had too many late nights recently?  ::)
PMedMoe said:
Geez, I got it right off the bat.  Maybe Jouneyman has had too many late nights recently?  ::)

LOL, I'm glad you got it :D

Also,  I find it highly disturbing that she selected this particular thread to try to solicit information/  interview. 
PMedMoe said:
Maybe Journeyman has had too many late nights recently?  ::)
I had one, dammit, but the recovery time seems longer; must be the winter air  ;)
Journeyman said:
I had one. But the recovery time seems longer; must be the winter air  ;)

Yeah, ri-iiight. I'm sure the KBP closes later than Griffins.  ;)

Stick with that story too.  8)
I find this humerous. I thought I was being harsh in my last post, but after reading this chicks blog It seems I wasn't harsh enough. I'm completely amazed at her ignorance. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to speak to her, that is assuming I wouldn't have parts of her education process quoted, disected and used against any possible positive image of Canada's involvement in Afghanistan.