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Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread

uer said:
Everyone has a bias...even if they don't think they have one. 

You are indeed correct.  When researching you and with the links provided earlier in this topic, what would we be lead to believe your bias' may be?  I think you may have a hard sell here with the track record you have so far presented us in those links.  Perhaps you have other links that have been less frequented by Yahoo and Google dataminers, that may provide us with more of your work?
uer said:
The media doesn't really have an agenda because it represents a diversity of opinions.  

:rofl:          Oh.....I'm sorry; you actually meant that.

I apologize for mocking your naïveté..unless, of course, you were merely being disingenuous, in which case further dialogue is pretty much useless.

Assuming naïveté, however, media most certainly does have an agenda....not because it's evil or cunning....but because it plays to a specific audience. No station caters unequivocally to each of the 6+ billion folks on the planet -- not even yours. For reasons of audience share and commercial revenue, EVERY media outlet caters to a specific audience, and this cannot help but build bias into programming.

In the case of your media outlet (please note, I'm not saying "in your case,"), the target audience is obviously one perceived to have an anti-military bias.

Bias exists. You can claim to deny yours, but it's apparent nonetheless.
uer said:
This group is paying for promotions and air time.   It's my job to write commercials, stories, and press releases for diffrent clients, be it childcare services, hairdressing schools, musical show or art gallery opening or war protests.   Our station also plays commercials for Canadian Armed Forces as well for free which students have written, produced and voiced.  In fact I have written an ad for them which was on air, and have not recieved any compensation.    

The media doesn't really have an agenda because it represents a diversity of opinions.  Right now,  I'm just collecting information and gathering stories for a project, I don't  have an agenda because as a writer I can easily write fiction stories and still get published.  As for my radio project, it's a documentary, so real stories and interviews are what I'm looking for. 

Everyone has a bias...even if they don't think they have one. 

What is your Documentary about?

You seem to have an interest in PTSD, one of various OSI's, interesting topic to talk about.

Maybe we can help, with a little more information.



This thread did not end how I expected it.

Relationships can be like mathematical equations.  The pair bond in a relationship can degrade during separation with limited contact, however the conversations had during physical separation should be positive and loving strengthening those bonds.

I was working on the Rigs in Alberta for and allot of the other guys were extremely insecure about their relationships. They thought about it all day and then yelled at their spouses when they had a chance to talk. Needless to say allot of them got cheated on. When I left for the rigs the first time, I was ready to leave my girlfriend of 7 years. I was sick and angry at her, but we had a good positive conversations with her when I was on the Rigs, it changed our relationship for the better. Sometimes you don't know what you have until it is out of your reach. I learned how much I took for granted and how much I truly loved her.

It is my personal belief that relationships are an art that must be cultivated. They are a predictable system that has causes and consequences. So inherently the worse thing you can do is act insecure or jealous this will generally just weaken your relationship. This is a bad idea when you are dealing with a long distance relationship.

I dunno I guess I will eventually have to deal with this emotional reality, I am counting down the days until my BMQ but this is my humble understanding on the situation. I am sure there are people with greater experience with this then me, if anything I would be asking them for their wisdom.

As for uer, I had an experience in politics that may be relevant.

I remember one instance when I spoke to my colleagues about the desire to join the Canadian Forces, they laughed about being behind a desk while I am in Afghanistan hiding from bombs in a rather condescending way. Like everything in politics it changed in value, a week later they were heralding me as a future Minister of Defense  ::)

There are allot of rewards and incentives to conform to social norms within a community. My experience with Politics has been that many put ambition and notoriety ahead of ethics. It is truly rewarding to encounter exceptions as they deserve tremendous respect.

Please understand how a journalist looking for information in a thread titled "Afghanistan, is it worth it- Cheating Spouse Thread" may stir up suspicion.  We are a generation that has had our view of the soldier painted by Vietnam.

Through personal experiences with mentors and friends I have come to realize that this is not the Canadian Soldier :piper:

I hope that what I have said is useful.

its been a while since posting on this thread... regardless, she cheated, i took her back, she is (was) now cheating again.  I left her this time, but the way I found out needs to be shared.  Couple weeks ago, I had some symptoms that were scaring the shite outta me.  I went and got a std test, and got wicked suspicious.  Wouldn't you know, I found evidence (emails sent and recieved) and she was cheating again.

My worry is that I left her, and now she is out whoring around petawawa, and she gave me the clap.  If any of you on here from pet are on p.o.f. be wary of new users looking for their one and only.  If you aren't on p.o.f. good for you, and stay away from the hammered chick with tattoos all over her arm and back. 

This is a matter of public safety, not a flame on her, my revenge on her will be to focus on and be successful in my career, and to replace her with a massive upgrade (it wont take much).  I just dont want anyone else around here catching this from her, and spreading it etc....
Well, at least you went and got checked and the good news is, is that it's treatable.
Gumby said:
its been a while since posting on this thread... regardless, she cheated, i took her back, she is (was) now cheating again.  I left her this time, but the way I found out needs to be shared.  Couple weeks ago, I had some symptoms that were scaring the shite outta me.  I went and got a std test, and got wicked suspicious.  Wouldn't you know, I found evidence (emails sent and recieved) and she was cheating again.

My worry is that I left her, and now she is out whoring around petawawa, and she gave me the clap.  If any of you on here from pet are on p.o.f. be wary of new users looking for their one and only.  If you aren't on p.o.f. good for you, and stay away from the hammered chick with tattoos all over her arm and back. 

This is a matter of public safety, not a flame on her, my revenge on her will be to focus on and be successful in my career, and to replace her with a massive upgrade (it wont take much).  I just dont want anyone else around here catching this from her, and spreading it etc....

Pet and Borden seem to be notorious for a lot of spouses cheating eh? I guess that is what happens in areas where there is nothing else to do.

Don't get me wrong, I sit in the mess and hear guys talking about all their shenanigans on weekends, especially the ones on IR and the ones that just got back from deployments or exercises.
ruckmarch said:
Pet and Borden seem to be notorious for a lot of spouses cheating eh? I guess that is what happens in areas where there is nothing else to do.

Don't get me wrong, I sit in the mess and hear guys talking about all their shenanigans on weekends, especially the ones on IR and the ones that just got back from deployments or exercises.

So it is a two-way street then? 

I don't think the fact that there's "nothing to do" has anything to do with why spouses (male or female) cheat.  It's more to do with who one marries and why they married them.  Obviously, some marriages just don't work out, but I'd sooner have someone say "It's over" than fool around on me.
PMedMoe said:
So it is a two-way street then? 

I don't think the fact that there's "nothing to do" has anything to do with why spouses (male or female) cheat.  It's more to do with who one marries and why they married them.  Obviously, some marriages just don't work out, but I'd sooner have someone say "It's over" than fool around on me.

Cos some end up hooking up for the wrong reasons. There is a fine line btw a quick shag and someone you want to take home to your parents or be a parent your child/ren in the future.
ruckmarch said:
Cos some end up hooking up for the wrong reasons. There is a fine line btw a quick shag and someone you want to take home to your parents or be a parent your child/ren in the future.

Well, then, that's their problem, isn't it?  When they can't distinguish between the two or cross the line one too many times.
PMedMoe said:
Well, then, that's their problem, isn't it?  When they can't distinguish between the two or cross the line one too many times.

You got to feel sorry for the kids that get caught up in all this eh?
ruckmarch said:
You got to feel sorry for the kids that get caught up in all this eh?

Of course I do.  I've been divorced myself, though not for the reasons in this thread.
My wife divorced me, then forgave me and took me back. 
hahahah I don't remember! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Except to say it was a very humbling experience and I will be forever thankful. Lesson learned for me! hahaha
Gumby said:
its been a while since posting on this thread... regardless, she cheated, i took her back, she is (was) now cheating again.  I left her this time, but the way I found out needs to be shared.  Couple weeks ago, I had some symptoms that were scaring the shite outta me.  I went and got a std test, and got wicked suspicious.  Wouldn't you know, I found evidence (emails sent and recieved) and she was cheating again.

My worry is that I left her, and now she is out whoring around petawawa, and she gave me the clap.  If any of you on here from pet are on p.o.f. be wary of new users looking for their one and only.  If you aren't on p.o.f. good for you, and stay away from the hammered chick with tattoos all over her arm and back. 

This is a matter of public safety, not a flame on her, my revenge on her will be to focus on and be successful in my career, and to replace her with a massive upgrade (it wont take much).  I just dont want anyone else around here catching this from her, and spreading it etc....

I'm glad your doing well gumby. If you do not posess the honour and integrity to respect the person your with you probably won't ever have it. She was clearly not worth yours or anybody elses time. I'm glad to see your keeping your head high and taking that high road. I struggled to do it for quite some time and it caused me more problems than good, thankfully I have changed my ways and all I have to say is Kharma is nasty. What goes around comes around, she will get hers all on her own without any help. People like that are parasitic generally s**t magnets. Thankfully your little medical issue is completely curable and you caught it early.

God I love kharma...
patriot1112 said:
Ha ha. I would have thought this thread would have died out quite some time ago. If I remember correctly I wrote this in one of my many retardedly drunken nights.

In a nutshell I am doing very well. I've moved on with my life and am quite content. The ex has tried getting back together with me several times, and is still trying, to no avail. That chapter of my life is done and I'm very happy with that. That was one of the hardest things I have had top deal with, especially after coming back from Afghanistan and dealing with that crap as well. It was a tough time. However I believe now that it was all for the best. I feel like a lot stronger person, a little more cynical but very much stronger. Life is good, I'm happy to be alive, and I wake up every morning looking forward to my day. My glass is half full now, and no one or anything will change that for me ever again.

I don't care how long it's been since this post, or how many people said the same thing...

Good for you man, best of luck. Seriously...  :salute:
God I love kharma...

You get what you give and unfortunately this gives the rest of us "good girls" a bad name!  >:( It's too bad some don't have enough self respect for themselves or others! Shame, but if others get the clap... well serves them right!
What ever hapen to old school morals, values and self respect?  ??? Sorry 1 night of fun is not worth a life time of heartbreak. (children) Besides Divorce costs more then marriage!  :nod:
Whats kind of funny is it has now been just over a year since I wrote this thread, and only a few days longer since I returned home from Afghanistan. Those days went by and I never even thought about it. It never ceases to amaze me how life can change in just one year, for the better. It goes to show there really is a silver lining to everything. Life really is what you make of it. I know my cup is now usually half full, as opposed to how it was half empty.
I know my cup is now usually half full, as opposed to how it was half empty.

Yes I too would have to say it is a wonderful feeling! ;D

If you do not posess the honour and integrity to respect the person your with you probably won't ever have it.

I couldn't agree with you more with this statement! :nod: You soooo get what you give!!! Just imagine being able to stand and witness on Judgement Day! ;)

It goes to show there really is a silver lining to everything.

OH you bet!
