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And he's off...


Reaction score
Hey, my name's Jon.

The journey starts seven months ago. Having looked up the vision requirements and testing myself, I realize my medical category (V4) won't be enough for the combat arms.

So I get my eyes zapped. Few months later, I'm seeing 20/15. More than enough. Forms get all messed up thanks to surgeon, I find out I have to wait an extra few months, not fun at all since I'd quit my lucrative position at Walmart in anticipation of enlisting. Months later, after a quick case of appendicitis, I'm medically cleared.

Got the offer about eleven hours (but who's keeping track?) ago. It was very surreal and didn't set in for a while.

Parents are proud. Friends are inquisitive. Parents of friends are warning me about the fact that I might die while serving.

I appreciate their concern but kindly disregard it.

Swear in: March 6th
Fly to St. Jean: March 14th
Start BMQ: March 16th
End BMQ: June 19th
Trade: 031 Infantry
Reg't: PPCLI

Thanks to anyone who has ever posted on this forum, because chances are I've read your post(s). This really is a great resource and has helped guide my decisions with regards to my life in the year or so. Thanks to all the mods for doing what you do.

Alright, I'm done sucking up.

Peace, wish me luck.
Congrats and good luck.  At least you had the perseverance to wait it out.
Congrats Jon
You truly are a dedicated individual.
It really is surreal when they call eh?
I start March 16th as well
See you on course!
Thanks PMedMoe, all the waiting certainly wasn't fun but I'm confident it's worth it in the end.

SeaGully, thanks for the kind words. And yeah, I was just zoning out the rest of the day, trying to work it all out, since I've never been away from home for more than a few days.

See you over there, best of luck to us both. (can I wish luck on myself?)