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Any favourite BMQ memories?

I remember one day after a PT session our instructor had joined us for. We get back to the shacks, told us we had like 8 minutes for everybody(56 troops) to get upstairs, changed, showered and back downstairs. Get dismissed haul ass upstairs, strip down and head to the shower. On my way there I notice everybody in the washroom getting a quick bird bath. I for some reason chose to go into the shower room, and as I walk through the door there is our Sgt standing there after getting a shower(nobody knew he had come up). He asks me where the f*** is everybody at? Not wanting to get in crap myself I told him(I know blade them all) at which time he says I'll fix them. He tells me to get a shower and to work as the weapons sentry while he goes back outside. I get my shower, go get dressed as everyone is running down the hall. I get dressed, go down the hall to sit as sentry. This is about the time I can hear yelling outside, which I figured out was my instructor out there telling them they were disgusting f***in pigs, he was pissed they disobeyed an order yadda yadda. Next thing everybody comes bursting through the doors upstairs, stripping down as they are coming up the hall. He looks at me, says YOU!!!, go to lunch and enjoy it. I say yes Sgt and haul ass out of there. About 45 minutes later, long after I had finished lunch my course comes in. Anyways he apparently had them marking time for like 30 minutes outside the mess hall.

Moral of the story for the newbies reading this. Always do what the instructor tells you, even if it's impossible to meet the timing.
MAMS_933 said:
I remember one day after a PT session our instructor had joined us for. We get back to the shacks, told us we had like 8 minutes for everybody(56 troops) to get upstairs, changed, showered and back downstairs. Get dismissed haul *** upstairs, strip down and head to the shower. On my way there I notice everybody in the washroom getting a quick bird bath. I for some reason chose to go into the shower room, and as I walk through the door there is our Sgt standing there after getting a shower(nobody knew he had come up). He asks me where the f*** is everybody at? Not wanting to get in crap myself I told him(I know blade them all) at which time he says I'll fix them. He tells me to get a shower and to work as the weapons sentry while he goes back outside. I get my shower, go get dressed as everyone is running down the hall. I get dressed, go down the hall to sit as sentry. This is about the time I can hear yelling outside, which I figured out was my instructor out there telling them they were disgusting f***in pigs, he was pissed they disobeyed an order yadda yadda. Next thing everybody comes bursting through the doors upstairs, stripping down as they are coming up the hall. He looks at me, says YOU!!!, go to lunch and enjoy it. I say yes Sgt and haul *** out of there. About 45 minutes later, long after I had finished lunch my course comes in. Anyways he apparently had them marking time for like 30 minutes outside the mess hall.

Moral of the story for the newbies reading this. Always do what the instructor tells you, even if it's impossible to meet the timing.

Morale of the story from my point of view?  DON'T FUCK OVER EVERYBODY ELSE and then brag about how you DIDN'T join the rest of your coursemates while they are in the shit.  I'd of loved to have had a smuck like you on a BMQ I taught on back in the day,  Mr Special Treatment.

For the newbies reading the words of our 23 year old Pte who posted this, the BIGGER morale of the story from my perspective?

Always cover your coursemates ass and don't blade them to make yourself look better.  If you do, you should expect what you have coming to you.  Full stop.

So, then Mr Got-It-All-Figured-Out, you are trying to tell people that timings aren't important?  You're wrong.  Full stop.  Don't believe me??

Try remaining in an area that there is going to be an airstrike or arty at a specific time, stay there an extra 5 minutes.  You can explain to the families of the people you just killed that 'timings aren't important'.

For the new people, disregard the timings aren't important idea.  Its out to lunch.  I trained troops in places like CFLRS, Gagetown and I can state quite positively its important to follow orders AND meet timings.
Eye In The Sky said:
Morale of the story from my point of view?  DON'T frig OVER EVERYBODY ELSE and then brag about how you DIDN'T join the rest of your coursemates while they are in the crap.  I'd of loved to have had a smuck like you on a BMQ I taught on back in the day,  Mr Special Treatment.

For the newbies reading the words of our 23 year old Pte who posted this, the BIGGER morale of the story from my perspective?

Always cover your coursemates *** and don't blade them to make yourself look better.  If you do, you should expect what you have coming to you.  Full stop.

So, then Mr Got-It-All-Figured-Out, you are trying to tell people that timings aren't important?  You're wrong.  Full stop.  Don't believe me??

Try remaining in an area that there is going to be an airstrike or arty at a specific time, stay there an extra 5 minutes.  You can explain to the families of the people you just killed that 'timings aren't important'.

For the new people, disregard the timings aren't important idea.  Its out to lunch.  I trained troops in places like CFLRS, Gagetown and I can state quite positively its important to follow orders AND meet timings.

So I f**ked up. BMQ is the place where you make mistakes and learn from them so you don't do it again. Did I learn blading is not on. Yes. Did the rest learn to maybe take a shower next time(or at least check). Probably. I made the choice I thought was right at the time. Was this a stupid spot to post this story. Absolutely. Can't change it now though.

Maybe the real moral should be always check to make sure your effin Sgt isn't in the shower before taking a bird bath in the sink. :o

To the newbies. Yes timings are very important. That was a foolish way to put that and disregard it.

Well, now I have made myself out to be a total jackass!
Hey MAM's it's just BMQ, it's a game and anyone who gets their panties too twisted in a knot over it is usually the kind that isn't worth worrying about.  You all would have been jacked up regardless, It's BMQ, that's what's supposed to happen. It's a funny story, glad you posted it.
Cardstonkid said:
Hey MAM's it's just BMQ, it's a game and anyone who gets their panties too twisted in a knot over it is usually the kind that isn't worth worrying about.  You all would have been jacked up regardless, It's BMQ, that's what's supposed to happen. It's a funny story, glad you posted it.

There is no such thing as "just" when it comes to training young soldiers.  Shake your head. 
Eye In The Sky said:
There is no such thing as "just" when it comes to training young soldiers.  Shake your head. 

... Are you serious right now?
RCR Grunt said:
... Are you serious right now?

Sure am.  Building a good troop is like a building a house, no?  BMQ is the foundation.  You want guys in your platoon that are of the "me first" mentality?  Its gotta get weeded out somewhere. 

But this is the "Favourite BMQ Memories" thread.

Not the "life lessons with uber-serious internet poster" thread.

Anyone using this site as a training aid should give their head a shake.
MAMS_933 said:
I remember one day after a PT session our instructor had joined us for. We get back to the shacks, told us we had like 8 minutes for everybody(56 troops) to get upstairs, changed, showered and back downstairs. Get dismissed haul ass upstairs, strip down and head to the shower. On my way there I notice everybody in the washroom getting a quick bird bath. I for some reason chose to go into the shower room, and as I walk through the door there is our Sgt standing there after getting a shower(nobody knew he had come up). He asks me where the f*** is everybody at? Not wanting to get in crap myself I told him(I know blade them all) at which time he says I'll fix them. He tells me to get a shower and to work as the weapons sentry while he goes back outside. I get my shower, go get dressed as everyone is running down the hall. I get dressed, go down the hall to sit as sentry. This is about the time I can hear yelling outside, which I figured out was my instructor out there telling them they were disgusting f***in pigs, he was pissed they disobeyed an order yadda yadda. Next thing everybody comes bursting through the doors upstairs, stripping down as they are coming up the hall. He looks at me, says YOU!!!, go to lunch and enjoy it. I say yes Sgt and haul ass out of there. About 45 minutes later, long after I had finished lunch my course comes in. Anyways he apparently had them marking time for like 30 minutes outside the mess hall.

Moral of the story for the newbies reading this. Always do what the instructor tells you, even if it's impossible to meet the timing.

I think it's a funny story, for what it's worth.

Think of it this way -- your instructor was IN the fucking shower -- it wasn't like he WASN'T going to notice that only you joined him.

You wouldn't have had to say a single word to him ... he'd still have known the others weren't there. Don't beat yourself up over it.

It's all good. It's BMQ.
Cardstonkid said:
Hey MAM's it's just BMQ, it's a game and anyone who gets their panties too twisted in a knot over it is usually the kind that isn't worth worrying about.  You all would have been jacked up regardless, It's BMQ, that's what's supposed to happen. It's a funny story, glad you posted it.

I know it was BMQ and that is why I'm not really too upset about it. The only reason I posted again was because I couldn't leave that one untouched. I guess he figured I should have known all the ways of the military in week two,which is when that happened. ::)  I don't know but I was always taught to be honest and not lie. My parents must have been crazy though.
Just a girl ... said:
I think it's a funny story, for what it's worth.

Think of it this way -- your instructor was IN the ******* shower -- it wasn't like he WASN'T going to notice that only you joined him.

You wouldn't have had to say a single word to him ... he'd still have known the others weren't there. Don't beat yourself up over it.

It's all good. It's BMQ.

My instructor seems to think it was funny as well, because any time I have seen him since that is one of the story's he remembers(along with getting drug down the road by an ML :o). That was my whole thing. I was like well s*** do I lie to him or just tell him the truth. Being a newbie and not knowing the whole "blade" concept yet I did what I figured was right.

I didn't lose any sleep over it.

MAMS_933 said:
I guess he figured I should have known all the ways of the military in week two,which is when that happened. ::)  I don't know but I was always taught to be honest and not lie. My parents must have been crazy though.

You didn't mention Week 2.  Ok, I think we've beaten this to death.  (FWIW, what your Instructor said pissed me off the most...).

Back on track with the humourous stories??
Eye In The Sky said:
You didn't mention Week 2.  Ok, I think we've beaten this to death.  (FWIW, what your Instructor said pissed me off the most...).

Back on track with the humourous stories??

I suppose that would have been valuable info to have eh??. I think he was more upset that he knew we could have done it with a bit of teamwork(because we had ten minutes the next time and made it with about a minute or so to spare) and just lost it. Knowing what I know now, I would have respectfully have declined the offer to go and eat and joined my course mates marking time but it's too late for that.

Anywho, back to the story's.
#1- Marching to the mess, our Sgt sees people from CFSAL running to get in front of our PL, turns to us and says :  Look at those fatties, I bet they havnt run that much since basic.  *turns to the CFSAL people* RUN FATTIES, RUN!!!!!  and puts us into double time.

#2- roomate who puts his shirt on inside out and backwards....staff:  did you get dressed in the dark pte??
                                                                                                  :  yes mcpl..
                                                                                                  : try not to do that again....

#3- pte falls asleep....DURING the drill test....mcpl walks up, stands in front of him for a minute at least....then he starts snoring, mcpl hauls off and whacks him with his clipboard, the guy jumps 10 feet into the air....THAT was awesome.
I have yet to go to BMQ but this thread is the worst. It makes the waiting muuuuucccchhhhhh worse  :P.
Well I havent done my BMQ yet but when I was getting sworn in there was a Pte. who came up to a Lt. and said " Sir, Can the regiment have a stag and doe?" The Lt. quickly responded with "No, the last time the Sergeants had a Stag and Doe doors were torn off and bent" the Pte quicky said yes sir and carried on.

BMQ Oct. 17th.