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Are We Wasting Our Effort?

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  Terrorism is an act of desperation , not ideology . People only succomb to the preposturous when they are faced with no other alternatives . People that have there needs taken care and prospects for a future  do not become terrorists . This is where the war  on terror is mis guided ,  terrorism thrives in areas where people see little other options . Poverty and a perception of injustice , is the true route of terrorism . Northern Ireland , Palestine  , Saudi  Arabia , Nigeria , Egypt etc... , are examples of this , to paint it with an ideology brush  is  over simplifying the situation .
Say a hundred US dollars for an assault rifle or 15 for a grenade

So if these guys can get an AK from some supplier in Pakistan for $7 and we buy them at $100 what are the chances that everyone and their 16 brothers are going to flock to these black market arms dealers and buy everything they can get their hands on because when they sell them to the us they make a $93 profit?

Arms dealers get rich.  every day civilians start carrying weapons to try and sell. Weapons FLOOD Afghanistan. We wast money on resources.

In the end the people who benefit most are the guys illegally bringing weapons into the country.

Just consider what would happen if police agencies buy drugs off people at inflated prices.  Is it going to remove drugs from the street or increase them by 1000%

Bad idea.
Terrorism is an act of desperation , not ideology . People only succomb to the preposturous when they are faced with no other alternatives . People that have there needs taken care and prospects for a future  do not become terrorists

Disagree with this.
I just watched a program on TV about a white woman from a well to do family who started dating an islamic zealot type guy.  She had everything going for her. Long story short he brainwashed her into blowing herself up as a suicide bomber. I think it said she was the first white female suicide bomber in iraq or something.  Sounds more like someone following an ideal than an act of starving desperation.

Aren't you getting a bit ahead of yourself telling us what exactly terrorists are and how exactly they are made?
Cannonfodder said:
Northern Ireland , Palestine  , Saudi  Arabia , Nigeria , Egypt etc... , are examples of this , to paint it with an ideology brush  is  over simplifying the situation .

The IRA, a Christian terrorist organisation, never employed sucide bombers (not deliberately anyways.  Some IRA "operatives" inadvertently blew themselves up.)  All the other locales you identlfy are Islamic.  Does that not undermine your "not ideology" argument?  OBL is a very wealthy man, so are many of his followers.  Where's the desperation angle with them?

Ghost778 said:
In the end the people who benefit most are the guys illegally bringing weapons into the country.

Quite true.  Following the weapons "buy back" in the Balkans, succesive rotos saw an increase in the quality and sophisitcation of weapoins being seized (as opposed to turned in) from folks, some of whom participated in the "buy back" program.  Clearly, the "buy back" money was reinvested in new weapons.
 Ghost ,take a look at the situation , Afghanistan is awash in weapons . Pay the going rate for the weapons it will have more results in less time than any other actions . Unconvential  situations demand unconvential solutions this is a radical departure from traditional military mind set . More  weapons will be pulled out of circulation  ,  you will be able to identify  Arms dealers and  shut them down .
Ok...I,m not deffending Cannon...he can do it himself...but we are talking about women!!!!.....Men can convince women to preety much do anything...I for 1 know this:)..GULIT is a powerfull tool!....so it doesnt surprise me....as a matter of fact..we will probably see more of it....(caucasian women)....remember Ghost they had suicide bombers in korea...vietnam...and on....male and females...Remeber Islam is like every other religion or organized Ideal...its a brainwasher...when used properly.
I still think it's a bad idea.  It's a matter of supply and demand.
People will go out of their way to find weapons in order to selll this increasing the demand for them. Suppliers will react and dump even MORE weapons into theater.

In bosnia some of us had the bright idea of rewarding kids with box lunches when they would turn in grenades. The higher ups shut us down fast.  The last thing they wanted were children trying to find UXOs and grenades and carrying them to us to trade for food.   Way too dangerous for the kids.

Your idea is the same. You would have children digging around for bombs and grenades putting them at SERIOUS risk in order to turn them in for money.

 A mind is like a parachute , it works better when it is open . Unfortunately if we succomb to this ideology arguement we will never solve the problem . Western nations send the message everyday to the islamic world  that the human rights of your people are not as important our standard of living . Do what you want but just keep sending us oil so we can live in luxury at your peoples expense . No ideology there , just  a distribution of wealth problem . People that have reasonible qaulity of life simply do not become terrorists.
Meatpuppet it's neat how you and cannonfodder agree but have *obvious* different posting styles and personalities.  Kinda same names too and joined around the same time.  Now when have I seen that before?  ::)

Replying to your message where you're not defending cannon but agreeing with him,
Men can convince women to do anything and women can convince men.  Both are equally stupid when it comes to the other sex.  The comment was that terrorism wasn't an ideal but an act of desperation.  My post reflected that this woman didn't have a hard life leaving her desperate a la some dirt farmer with no way left to feed his family so out of desperation he blows himself up so his family gets $50.  This woman wasn't desperate in the traditional sense. Sure you can beg the question and say maybe she was desperate for his love or approval or some garbage but thats arguing semantics.

It's a little lofty saying terrorism is only carried out by individuals and not by someone with ideals.   You mean to tell me these terrorists are traveling to Iraq from all over the world because they are desperate for food or money or whatever?
People that have reasonible qaulity of life simply do not become terrorists.

And what are you basing this statement off of?

Can the american soldier who fragged his own officers be considered a terrorist? Did he commit the act out of religious ideas or desperation because he wanted a better quality of life?
The girl who came from a well do to family? She gave up her quality of life to follow her boyfriend around.
Hundreds of other examples you can dig up of wealthy people both supporting and carrying out acts of terrorisim. Turning their back on their quality of life to follow an idea.

Cannonfodder, you commented on how poor the leadership in the Canadian forces is without stating any military experience.  Thats like saying a car is a piece of shit without ever having drove it.

You're commenting on who terrorists are and their motives behind terrorisim without any practical backround on the subject.  I'm assuming you've never been in a theater since you suggested we pay children to pick up grenades or it's okay to line the pockets of arms dealers.

You're WAY out of your lane dude.
    Religion is a tool used by some to manipulate the masses . Religions generally recruit followers when they are a low state in there life  , they  give them hope of a better future . Being that they are at rock bottm in there lives they are susceptable to mind control , they generally approach disaffected young men . Desperate acts being carried out by desperate people , give them an alternative and hopefully they will take it .  Of course Afghanistan has no oil  but in general The Muslim world is rich in oil reserves , and that was were my previous arguement lies .
Ghost , it is obvious that you do not listen a half as much as you speak . Let the forum know that I did at no time advocate that childern turn in hand grenades .  Being that I was in the Infantry for seven years  , twice  to Yugoslavia  [ 2 PPCLI C Coy 1993 , 1PPCLI C Coy 1994 ] , have travelled extensively through the third world as civilian  ,  I feel that  allows me to comment on the  Military . Perspective  is a some of your experiances it appears  that you seem resolute to name calling  and jumping to conclusions . Read my posts again I only state a differring opinion  that is in controvention to yours  , you offer no solutions , care to elaborate ? .
Let's not turn this into a Reg vs. Reserve bashing thread. There's no need to be ignorant, let's get back on topic folks.
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