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Are you a pet owner?

What kind of pets do you have?

  • Dog

    Votes: 41 23.4%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • Cat

    Votes: 23 13.1%
  • Cats

    Votes: 34 19.4%
  • Reptile

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Reptiles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bird

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Birds

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Rodent

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Rodents

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Combination (what do you have)

    Votes: 24 13.7%
  • I don't have pets

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • Fish (Yawn)

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • fishes (boring)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • I hate pets (So I am a loser)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Yes ... I am a "ZOO" keeper like Vern. ;-)

    Votes: 11 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 2.9%

  • Total voters
We have a Jack Russell Terrier. She is 4 and full of energy. I hear she will slow down around 12 or 13.  :-\

The kids have some "fishies" that become daddy's when you can't see them through the glass anymore...
SupersonicMax said:
Just a comment, you forgot to put "Girlfriend/Wife" in the options ;)


I hope your signifigant other doesnt read that. Or else its going to be the couch for you. :rofl:
Rayman said:
I hope your signifigant other doesnt read that. Or else its going to be the couch for you. :rofl:

She actually did, and it deserved a big slap on the back of the head :P  Now she says I am the animal !

Four cats:

Two are house cats, about 6 years old.  Both have six toes on each paw, and are Maine Coons (littermates) who weigh in at around 20 lbs (and they aren't overweight).

The other two are little old ladies - about 14 years old now, about five lbs each.  They helped raise the kids.  They're both ornery now, and don't seem to get along with anyone but me.  So, they live in the shop (where I am most of the time).  They're slow now, but still can demand respect when required (ask the two house cats and the dog).  I'm not looking forward to their inevitable and fast approaching demise - they kinda' make me feel special - they won't come near anybody but me.

One dog:

A year old Old English Mastiff (NOT a Bullmastiff which is a related but different breed).  She's my constant companion - it's like having a growth on my left hip, she's always there.  Rides shotgun in my truck, and is extremely loyal and well behaved.  She weighs in now at 120 lbs and is still growing (the Giant breeds usually don't reach full growth until 18 months so she's still got six to go, more or less).  She can be fierce when need be - this spring she chased off two bears while we were walking in the local woods.  Tail between her legs, pissing the whole time - but still driving those bears off.  Kept herself between me and the bears.  You've got to admire that - scared to death, losing bladder control, and STILL doing what she thought needed to be done.  I work from home, so she's with me always - except at night.  No animals (except me) allowed in our bedroom - that's a house rule.  She gives the two shop cats their due respect, and after her first experience with them (bloody nose), she gives them a wide berth as well.
Well, the beasts that own me are two four year old Seal Point Siamese cats. Sam, who is the king of the house, and Asia, his submissive female cousin, who he dominates all the time.

To me Siamese cats are like dogs in cats bodies. They are intense, he constantly is alert and patrols his AO with authority, while she would rather sit and watch. Both are well balanced curious loveable creatures, who make a bad day good, and I apprecaite their company. We all get along well.

They both enjoy a game of fetch, torture their cat toys, eagerly play cockroach hockey, and love chasing lizards, and are indoor cats only, going out to the backyard with me only, for a salad of grass, a vomit, a roll or two, and then back inside. They have 24hr access to the outdoor pergola thru a cat flap, the pergola is a secure area, and acts like an outdoor room attached to the house, where the BBQ, outside furniture and another TV and stereo are. So they can get fresh air as required, and cannot escape.

I enjoy them very much, and being on my own, its good to have them wating for me, when I get home at the end of a work day. As wierd as it sounds, next to them, my next family member is back in Saskatchewan.

The more I date the local Sheilas, the more I love my cats.

Pic to fol, once I get home tomorrow.


My most memorable pet was a West Highland White Terrier. This thing came up to about your shins but would bark and growl and try and break every leash it got if it saw a dog. The bigger the better. It hated every German Sheppard it saw, and Rotweiller for that matter. It always used to put the run on any squirrel or mouse or cat it saw. In fact in the house we lived in while we had him he would sit at the top of the stairs watching out the back door and start making little barks and growls the odd time until something came in the yard then it would have a heart attack at the back door till it got to go out and go Blitzkreig on whatever had chose to trespass into "his" yard (he let the birds in cause my mom had a bird feeder and basically we more or less trained him to put the run on cats and squirrels or other varmin that tried to put the run on the birds). Dog toys would last maybe two days and we had to give this dog construction gloves to chew on...and needless to say it would chew them to nothing in a month flat. An ankle bitter that had the attitude of some kind of demon. Though he had a real weak digestive system and eventually passed due to cancer. Though that dog was a fighter right from day one till the end. 
I have four  cats at my house, three females named Dot, Sophi , and Twister, and one male named Junior  who meows for food constantly and eats all the time but never gains any weight. He used to be fat but he got sick and became skin and bones. Dot is the boss cat and she swats all the other cats whenever she wants something and they are in the way. Twister was a stray but we adopted her and she is skittish but is getting bolder. Sophi is also skittish because my siblings and I would chase her through the house when we were young .I previously had four cats named Graham, Moe, Lizz, and Carbin . Carbin was really old, about 20, when he died. I like kittys!
One Blue Tick Beagle at this house, he chases deer and rabbits for me during hunting season and follows his nose into all sorts of trouble the remainder of the year....neighbour has cats....beagle thinks cats are rabbits (I never said he was smart)....neighbour should keep cats in their yard ;D

i swear if he brings one more of them to me and drops it at my feet things could get ugly..... :-\

For anyone considering a Beagle let me warn you they howl a little....

Anyone else have working/hunting dogs?
Our first dog was a Lab named Pilot. No, not after Maisonneueve's Chien in the early days of Montreal; our guy earned his name as a pup after he dry humped the leg of the female half of a couple we are very close too. Our logic, impaired or heightened by booze: the beast was not too bright and terribly horny.
Currently, 3 cats (one mother and her kitten + 1) and one Cross2 breed dog.  Gerbil, dog and cat graveyard plot owners as well.  As a child we had a makeshift baseball diamond with family pets buried under each base/position.
Orange tabby kitten named "Milo" (yes, my daughter named him after the movie Milo and Otis) he's about 4 months old, and my dad surprised her shortly after we had our 12 yr old cat put down back in the fall :( he recently learned how to fetch and kept bringing me his little ball the other day. He actually let out this little growl when I tried to take it away from him. It's been cool having him around.

Currently I have one cat named Padma (given at birth, not by me) she goes by Ms Kitty.  She is a Maine Coon

At one time I owned two cats and two dogs. All rescue animals.  A beagle, Lois,  who lived to 19 years, a mixed Huskey Wolf, Gus, two calico cats.

Ms.Kitty came to me 6 years ago from a breeder that was going to have her euthanized because she was the runt. When I heard this I asked for her, and because the breeder knew me said yes.  She has been a great friend.
This runt currently weighs in at 15 lbs. and is not fat!.

If I can get get a pic posted I will.

One Dog - Belle - The worlds only fat Dalmatian, barely bites her own food.
One Cat - Tinker - Um, she's a cat. terrorizes the aforementioned dog

For those of you who are paying attention, yes, that's Tinker - Belle.  Aren't Kids cute when they're in that Walt Disney stage.  ::)
Owned by an 8 year old female Akita/Chow mix named Kinook who can't resist an open door.  One morning, while we were walking off-leash in Ottawa's National Arborteum,  the Bytown Gunners were holding a lecture on the grounds just outside their perimeter fence.  Kinook just had to make a beeline for the tent/CP that was the subject of the lecture and inspect it, endearing herself to most of the troop in the process although I don't think the Instructor was too impressed. 
My best friend in the world, a 12 year old, 140 lb Alaskan Husky/Arctic Wolf X named Yukon, passed away this summer.  No intention to do it again, it just sucks too much to say goodbye at the end.
Kat Stevens said:
My best friend in the world, a 12 year old, 140 lb Alaskan Husky/Arctic Wolf X named Yukon, passed away this summer.  No intention to do it again, it just sucks too much to say goodbye at the end.

Understood. they become like another child in the family. When we lost our first dog to cancer in 02 it took us 2 years before we could think of another dog....now it seems like Tobi's been here for ever....now that the nest is empty he's great company and he doesn't eat as much as my kids did!
I agree - its like having a two-year-old in the house. We had a beautiful English Springer when we were raising our son. Babe was his constant companion - and as an only child almost his sibling! (In the car, "Mom, Babe's leaning on me", "Mom, Babe's breathing on me"). She died when he was in high school, and we haven't been in a position to own a dog since. She was one of the world's great dogs!

At the same time we had a foundling cat, Promise (found the first Sunday in Advent - the day the Sunday School kids lit the Promise candle). Prom and Babe were good friends, but if the dog got too rough the cat would open up her nose. If Prom wasn't in the mood, she'd raise her unsheathed claws and Babe would sit down.


Two cats, Socks and Cesare. Cesare was born outside of Naples, Italy and I brought him and his littermate Athena back with me when I was posted back to Canada in '03. Unfortunately, Athena caught a lung infection and passed away a couple of years ago. So, I adopted Socks to keep Cesare company and for the first two weeks she absolutely terrorized poor Cesare! Fortunately, she settled down and the two now get along. Cesare mainly sleeps ( 6 1/2 years old) and Socks (5 yrs) constantly seeks attention.