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Are you a pet owner?

What kind of pets do you have?

  • Dog

    Votes: 41 23.4%
  • Dogs

    Votes: 14 8.0%
  • Cat

    Votes: 23 13.1%
  • Cats

    Votes: 34 19.4%
  • Reptile

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Reptiles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bird

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Birds

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Rodent

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • Rodents

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Combination (what do you have)

    Votes: 24 13.7%
  • I don't have pets

    Votes: 8 4.6%
  • Fish (Yawn)

    Votes: 3 1.7%
  • fishes (boring)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • I hate pets (So I am a loser)

    Votes: 2 1.1%
  • Yes ... I am a "ZOO" keeper like Vern. ;-)

    Votes: 11 6.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 2.9%

  • Total voters
My three boys, Socks, Joey and Maxwell smart.

All big old toms, love them to death!!

If there's such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a house cat.

Eat, drink, sleep, poop and sleep somemore, what a life!
Two Chocolate Labs here.  Faith and Callie 3 and 2 years old.


Cheers,  Shayne
Herc said:
Two Chocolate Labs here.  Faith and Callie 3 and 2 years old.


Cheers,  Shayne

nice, my brother has two chocolates as well....beautiful temperaments....your dogs look great!
Dogs for me, the one gal's a lab/retriever mix, picture a black golden retriever, that's Bailey. Up until recently sadly  a big ole retriever, Moose. Cancer took him at 11 years on December 7th. This is the two of them 9 years ago, when Bailey was just a pup.
Ok this is an email my mom just sent to me... gave me a good chuckle.

Fw: Government Cat - if only it weren't true.‏

The Four Cats !

Four men were bragging about how smart their cats were .

The first man was an Engineer, the second man was an Accountant, the third man was a Chemist and the fourth man was a Government Employee.

To show off, the Engineer called his cat,
"T-square, do your stuff."
T-square pranced over to the desk, took out some paper and pen and promptly drew a circle, a square, and a triangle. Everyone agreed that was pretty smart.

But the Accountant said his cat could do better.
He called his cat and said,
"Spreadsheet, do your stuff."
Spreadsheet went out to the kitchen and returned with a dozen cookies. He divided them into 4 equal piles of 3 cookies ............Everyone agreed that was good.

But the Chemist said his cat could do better. He called his cat and said "Measure, do your stuff."
Measure got up, walked to the fridge, took out a quart of milk,, got a 10 ounce glass from the cupboard and poured exactly 8 ounces without spilling a drop into the glass.
Everyone agreed that was pretty good.

Then the three men turned to the Government Employee and said, "What can your cat do?"
The Government Employee called his cat and said....
"Coffee Break.....do your stuff."
Coffee Break jumped to his feet!
ate the cookies.....
drank the milk.....
sh*t on the paper....
screwed the other three cats....
claimed he injured his back while doing so....
filed a grievance report for unsafe working conditions....
put in for Workers Compensation......
and went home for the rest of the day on sick leave!!!!!!!


retiredgrunt45 said:
If there's such a thing as reincarnation, I want to come back as a house cat.

Eat, drink, sleep, poop and sleep somemore, what a life!

We can't forget to lick one's balls and 'lip stick' too, and hopefully you/we won't be neutered - eek!

Life as a male Siamese cat would be great, but I had Sammy's dim-sims clipped as a kitten. I don't know if I could handle a nutless life, ha! My meows would be suprano.

Council regulations permit only two cats per house in Cabooltureshire. Kind of of sucks.


We used to have a little thug at work called Ringo.
A classic tabby with a seriously wild attitude, but a curious gift for manipulating humans.

He actually learned to phone home!

When it was quitting time he would pull his disappearing act........
He's stay out to play all evening.

When he got hungry and wanted to get back into the shop,
He'd simply stand beside the payphone at a nearby restaurant
until some poor schmuck had to drop a quarter to please his girlfriend.

One night the meat delivery van pulled up and Ringo made buddies with the driver.
Naturally we didn't get a call until all of the driver's deliveries were done
at about 3.00 Am.  The driver sat with Ringo until I came to let him in.

When we were out of town on business we arrived home to find Ringo nowhere near the shop.  As It was midwinter, I was furious with my employee and she helped us look for him.  Sure enough, there he was, holding court - at a table of his own - in the middle of the above mentioned restaurants' lounge. A ring of empty creamers surrounding him.
That cat knew how to run a tab!!

Ringo's ashes are on the mantle above the TV.
I miss him............but he was a jerk.

This is Otis two summers ago: he's a Lab X Boxer (runs and chases stuff like a lab, but clowns around like a boxer).
Here are my guys.  Max is the orange tabby (11 yrs), Skylar is the grey and white (9 yrs), and my parents cat is the grey mean-looking guy who passed away a few months ago.

I have a 7 yr old Akita named Diesel and a 12 yr old cat named Frederick.

Both have moved with us form coast to coast to coast!
I have a 6 year old tonkeniese(sic?) named Eleena... some sort of mixed siamese that has the intellegence but isn't homicidal to humans other than it's owner... other cats on the other hand... She hunts constantly and follows me around when I'm home... likes to wrestle.

And my mother gave me one of her cats, Huri, that was afraid of water, not good when they were planning on living on the sail boat... he's twice the size of a normal cat and runs the neighbor hood cat gang. He's pretty laid back, and likes to try to catch his little ball when you bounce it for him.

When we first got him at the house he went outside to play for a while with Eleena and disapeared, didn't find him until the next week... there was construction down the street so he was hiding in the woods till late at night when it was quiet then comming back, unfortunatly no one was up when he would be home until saturday I was outside BBQing at 3 am with a few beers and heard him calling out... I called to him and he came home... so we kept him inside for a few months for him to get the idea that he lives there now... then my buddie's wife put a harness and leash on him to take him outside for some fresh air... he wasn't having any of it... he just looked at her with a "Not going to happen B***H!" look and went completely limp.

I have never seen a cat use passive resistance before, it was hilarious, so we let him out of it and he's been fine ever since, he practicaly lives outside now.

My Cleo is strictly an indoor cat - she HATES it outside - but if you can prevent her from hacking you to ribbons on the way, loves to go for a ride in the truck! I thought maybe I could get her used to going out on a leash. She pulled the completely limp routine. I picked her up, took her out to the step and set her down. Ever seen a cat climb up a person from ground level to shoulder level? I gave up - if she wants to stay in, she can stay in.

Funny this thread should stsrt up again........ ;)

Last night I was awakened by one of our small grey female cats.
She was wet from her bath.
Why did my wife give her a bath at considerable personal risk?
Because while she was reading in the living room,
Elley parted the fireplace screen and climbed up the chimney.
I guess she was wondering why Santa hadn't visited her?
Anyhow she was covered front to back and head to toe with black soot.
So there I was in bed after, having a very damp cuddle with a mop
who didn't want to cuddle with Mom just then. ;D

Bye the way - We are looking for a home for a large tabby called Buddy.
He's only 7 monthes old and bit of a character - He's not fitting in very
well with the girls (smaller cats) at work.

Anyone in Edmonton interested? - PM me.
I have 2 cats,

1- is named Guizmo 4 years old, around 18 pounds
2- is named maya 2 years old, around 10 pounds, always purring

Since I got a house at the end of December, ill get a dog this year, possibly as my gift upon completing my QL3. Ill probably get a Brittish Bulldog or a Bouvier bernois. 0(dont know the name in english)

What's the Springer's name - WHAT A BEAUTY!!! I'm particularly fond of them - my Babe was liver and white.
