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Nfld Sapper

Army.ca Fixture
Reaction score
1993: Army.ca comes online as the Canadian Army Home Page
Army.ca can now join the PRes, pending Mike's permission ;D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, to the thing that I spend hours on! (Why can't I say that about a woman? ;) )

Hey Mike, is there a party? ;D

NFLD Sapper said:
1993: Army.ca comes online as the Canadian Army Home Page

That's pretty impressive!  Probably one of the oldest sites on the Web, relatively speaking.
Ah I remember the days of the Canadian Army Mailing List and the The Old War Diary
In two more years we can hold a get-together in Quebec, so Army.CA can have its first legal drink.
A happy birthday to ARMY CA.  :cheers:

And congratulations to Mr. Bobbit.  :salute:

Wow, thanks guys... I'm like the proud father of a brooding, angsty teenager. Hard to believe it's been 16 years... and hard to believe some of you have been around for the whole time!

Thanks to everyone who's made 16 years online a possibility.

Quite a long time for a website isn't it? That is great though, lets hope for another 16? :P

Happy Birthday

P.S: I am just less then 3 years older then this site.. oh lawd.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! Congratulations Mr Bobbit on a very successful and helpful website. And may there be many more years to come as well.
wow! I didn't think the site was that old.

Very neat and congratulations!

A sincere thank you to all those people who keep this site going and make it such a valuable resource.

I'm not sure if you know how useful these forums are for someone who decides to look into joining the military, but they have helped me immensely every step of the way. I have not finished jumping through all the hoops, but if I manage to do so, it will have been largely because of the wealth of information and the quality of the posts that I have found here.

Thank you to the moderators that keep this place in top shape, and the members that contribute valuable insight.

Good on you for hosting such a 'post pubecent' monster.

I am sure the monster will grow into a senior citizen one day, as I feel this site is here for the long haul.

