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August 2009 BMOQ


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Hello to all,

I was wondering if anybody has news on the August 2009 BMOQ ? I have been told by my recruit center that May BMOQ was already fully booked.

Also, based on last year postings, offers for 2008 August BMOQ were already being issued as early as end of March.

Thank you
Congrats Logairoff !

By your name, I guess you are in Log...

May I ask you when you were merit list ? Are you applying as DEO ?

I would like to compare with my situation... Going Navy Log DEO. Was merit list mid March.

Thanks ReadyAyeToBe,

I was merit listed sometime in January don't know exact date because I only found out when I called my cfrc for an update on the status of my application for Log DEO. Hopefully, you'll get the call soon.
I sure envy you to be out of the waiting game.

It seems that you are one of the first (the only one ?) to have received the Call for the BMOQ in August (at least on this forum).  From which recruit center are you ?

I'll keep the fingers crossed. I am beating myself up to not call my CFRC yet.  ::)
I wouldn't say out of the waiting game just yet, there's plenty of waiting left.

I've actually seen a few posts of people mentioning that they got the call, they just haven't posted in this thread.
I got the call Thursday morning (April 2)  and they let me know I was on the course strating August 31. Im enrolled for CEOTP AEC. Merit Listed in January. I started my application almost a year ago to the day. Can't wait to get going finally!
ReadyAyeToBe said:
[...] I'll keep the fingers crossed. I am beating myself up to not call my CFRC yet.  ::)

There is no harm in contacting your file mgr at CFRC -- it is their job to provide you with serv and they can call the prod mgr to find out the status of crse loading.
Good for you Formulasteel ! It must be quite a relief to finally get a confirmation after almost a year ! I'm curious; may I ask why it took so long ?

Good2Go: I totally agree with you... I just don't want to be a pain in the a**. I learned I was merit list after I called (!) on March 16. I'll wait for April 16th to call back. I've been told to follow-up on a monthly basis...

Anyway, based on last year, the Call from CFRC for BMOQ can span over 2 months... I guess the odds are still very good to be enrolled on the August one.

Anybody out there that also got confirmation for Aug ?

Just some additional information...

I personally haven't received a call however when I talked to the Halifax RC on April 2, they told me that there has been 2 english and 2 french BMOQ courses set for August.  There was also mention of possibly adding a third english class.

As well, they mentioned that offers would start going out now and would continue over the next few months.

Lots of time yet.  :)

  :nod:  (Congrad's to those who have their August confirmations.)  :nod:​

Formulasteel said:
I got the call Thursday morning (April 2)  and they let me know I was on the course strating August 31. Im enrolled for CEOTP AEC. Merit Listed in January. I started my application almost a year ago to the day. Can't wait to get going finally!

I got my call on the 30th...I'm also CEOTP in AEC.  It's good the waiting is finally over for the call....but now for the next wait...
* Correction / Update *​

I just finished talking with the Halifax RC and they retracted a statement which was made to me on April 2nd.  In regards to BMOQ in August, there have been two classes scheduled for August 31st; one English and one French.  Previously, as I was told and therefore posted, there were two and two scheduled.

They apologetically corrected the information they gave me... and I'm now doing the same.  My apologies for posting inaccurate information.

NS Valley Girl said:
Just some additional information...

I personally haven't received a call however when I talked to the Halifax RC on April 2, they told me that there has been 2 English and 2 french BMOQ courses set for August.  There was also mention of possibly adding a third English class.

As well, they mentioned that offers would start going out now and would continue over the next few months.

Lots of time yet.  :)

  :nod:  (Congrad's to those who have their August confirmations.)  :nod:​
Thanks for the correction NS Valley Girl.

I wonder how many people they can fit in a class ? Also, I know we can't establish stats from this site, but it seems that the CEOTPs get their calls first before the DEO's (except for logairoff)...
ReadyAyeToBe said:
I wonder how many people they can fit in a class ? Also, I know we can't establish stats from this site, but it seems that the CEOTPs get their calls first before the DEO's (except for logairoff)...

I wonder if it could be a function of how busy the specific RC is? I'm in Sudbury, and I don't believe the RC here is too busy...
j_r_42 said:
I wonder if it could be a function of how busy the specific RC is? I'm in Sudbury, and I don't believe the RC here is too busy...

Could be... Anyway, I just got a call from CFRC. I was so excited. They asked me if I prefer English or French training ! I told them I prefer English but I would go on French if there is no more room in the English class. So the waiting game is still on ; they couldn't confirm if I was scheduled for August  :P !  My take is that it's a good sign if they are calling to validate this.

Oh boy. This is very good for "patience" training...
I got the call on the 2nd. I don't remember them being any more specific than August for the course, and sometime in July to do the paperwork (this is for the anglo' class, as a DEO Infantry, out of Windsor).

I was physically in the recruiting centre on the 1st, and while I was there they said offers for some trades would be going out - if everything worked out - the next day, and to expect a call... which came in the morning ;D

p.s. I was merit listed in October, and sometime in late 2008 I got a call out of the blue: someone had dropped out of the course, and I could take their place right away for Artillery (which was my 3rd not-seriously-considered choice)... after ~2 minutes of soul searching I decided to pass and wait (not sure if I got the first bite at the apple or not), so that decision cost me nearly a year :o

At least I'll have a relaxed - if impoverished ;D - summer to get in shape.
Looking at posts from last year some people got the opportunity to do OPME courses and some sort of work/physical fitness at cfrc while they waited over the summer. Any info on whether or not they will run this program again this summer?
logairoff said:
Looking at posts from last year some people got the opportunity to do OPME courses and some sort of work/physical fitness at cfrc while they waited over the summer. Any info on whether or not they will run this program again this summer?

I would be interested in learning more about this.  I have to stop by the RC to drop off some documents, maybe I'll inquire about it...quick question though...what is OPME?
Officer Professional Military Education (OPME).

"The OPME Programme is intended to orient the junior officer to select topics within a common body of knowledge related to the military profession. From this body of knowledge, officers will begin to enhance their critical thinking skills and develop innovative responses to a myriad of issues." http://www.opme.forces.gc.ca/index-eng.asp
Congratulations to those who have received their offers. I am going for CELE(AIR) DEO position and merit listed in the first week of FEB 09. Is anybody out there lucky enough to get an offer for CELE (AIR) position yet. 