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Aviation Systems Technician ( AVN Tech )

  • Thread starter Thread starter platinumfx
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            Northern Guardian, being that I am currently undergoing QL3 AVS training (not in Borden) I am curious about these two "recruiting streams" you speak of. Can you elaborate what they are? When I joined the CF two years ago yesterday, plus listening to co-workers recruiting stories, we were told we were joining as an AVS tech and that was that. We knew we would not be working in specific streams the way the old trade was broken down. (IS, IE, Radar, etc) Are you referring perhaps to the two different types of AVS courses currently running? (The 10 month pilot in Borden and the 5 month Legacy course run at NSCC's Aviation Institute in Shearwater which is the English version of the current French AVS QL3 being run in Borden)

            Thanks for piquing my curiosity!
This seems like a good place to sneak in a couple of trade questions, since Sparkplug either doesn't check her email or, more likely, is ignoring me :P

I'm planning on joining your club as soon as my affairs are in order. On January 7th I completed the CFAT and chatted with a recruiting officer.  I've been given an unofficial "You're what we want" from the Halifax CFRC, but since I can't be available until September my file will be closed until August when I finish the process with the interview and medical.  Apparently I scored well and qualified for any NCM trade; of the ones currently in demand AVN Tech appeals to me the most. 

Now, at age 35 I've been out of school for a couple of years - are there any areas that I should brush up on?  In particular, what level of math will I be expected to know?  I spent a week or two relearning it up to about a grade 6 level for the CFAT and that worked out perfectly but I fear this will be grossly inadequate at Borden. I do, however, have several months in which to get my mind into shape (even as I struggle to do the same with the body).  Direct me.

          Are you joining as an AVN or AVS tech? The amount of math is similar but probably slightly more demanding for AVS (my trade) When I was in high school and had no idea what to do with my life I took math courses that would lead into first year calculus, a course which I did not last very long in.  ;D Five years later I was beginning my POET training and had forgotten virtually EVERYTHING. I could not even help my brother who was taking the same stuff in school. To make a story short, any math you needed to know the instructors will teach you or briefly review on if it is basic. In POET they gave us a review on how to add and subtract. The reason they get into the factoring of algebraic equations is so you learn to manipulate formulas rather than trying to memorizing three different variants of 15 formulas. AVS you need to know the basics of trigonometry as well for when you get into vectors and sine waves in POET. Not too sure about the AVN side, but I am sure the math required in that trade is about the same.
        That said, any extra knowledge is usually a good thing. There are several books at Chapters or even your library that can touch on many topics covered in general high school math.

It looks like you're going AVN from your post; if that's the case, don't sweat the math.  The only math we use is simple stuff, you'll do a bit of formula manipulation for your electrical training... but it's very basic.  The instructors generally move at a slow pace, especially during your early training, they are there to help you. 

I've been out of Borden far too long to speak for current conditions there, but feel free to PM me for any questions about the trade you may have and I'll pass along whatever I can.  I'm in Greenwood on course right now, so it will likely be a day or so before I get back to you. 
The only thing you have to worry about during your time in Borden for AVN training is learning to memorize lines of text. More often then not, tests required you to give answers that were word-for-word out of the book. I was very disappointed that the tests didn't ask more questions about how the system works or how components work with each other. As stated, Borden is a zoo right now and the sooner you realize that it's just a game, the quicker your time will pass. Test scores don't matter, everyone is treated the same when they get to the sqn, whether you scored a 98% on the course or a 71%.

Good luck!
Thanks all for the responses!  cp140tech, I'm sure there'll be a few PM's incoming as questions come up - thank you for the offer.

I'll keep picking away on math.com (tremendous site!) and playing Brain Age but I won't bother with the calculus tutor ;) 

Between selling / dissolving my business, trying to bring our house up to a salable condition, and working this 'office chair physique' into something more suitable for my new environment, I'm somewhat relieved to know that I needn't attend night classes in my spare time.

As a side note, for Christmas my wife gave me a Nintendo DS - wonderful little toy.  With it I received a vision trainer and no less than 4 Brain Age type programs.  I'm know I'm getting up there in years but I didn't think she had cause just yet to worry about me going blind and senile  ;D


Hope this isn't a re post, I've just started looking around the site and haven't seen anything, but I'm thinking about applying for AVN tech. I'm not currently in the military or anything, but my brother and some extended family is and it sounds like the place i want to be. Just wondering about how long i can expect to wait to be employed from the time i go apply, if i get accepted and all that. I have my high school, and 1 year of university, plus I'm bilingual.. don't know if these things will help me get in sooner or not, but I'd like to get in as soon as possible. Any info on what i can expect as far as procedure from the time i apply would be appreciated too. Thanks
majingrim said:
Hope this isn't a re post, I've just started looking around the site and haven't seen anything, but I'm thinking about applying for AVN tech. I'm not currently in the military or anything, but my brother and some extended family is and it sounds like the place i want to be. Just wondering about how long i can expect to wait to be employed from the time i go apply, if i get accepted and all that. I have my high school, and 1 year of university, plus I'm bilingual.. don't know if these things will help me get in sooner or not, but I'd like to get in as soon as possible. Any info on what i can expect as far as procedure from the time i apply would be appreciated too. Thanks

I can see that you've "just started looking around" - I suggest you do a bit more "looking around", especially on the Recruiting threads.

In the meantime:

Welcome to Army.ca. Here are some reading references that are core to how Army.ca operates. I strongly recommend you take a moment to read through these to give you a better sense for the environment here. It will help you avoid the common pitfalls which can result in miscommunication and confusion. For those that choose not to read, their actions often lead to warnings being issued or even permanent bans.

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

MSN and ICQ "short hand"http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Tone and Content on Army.ca: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/51970.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Frequently Asked Questions - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/41136.0.html
  • Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html
  • Army.ca Wiki Recruiting FAQ - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions
    • Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977
    • Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:
  • Infantry Specific FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

Google search of Army.ca - http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=+site%3Aarmy.ca+%22search+term%22&btnG=Search&meta= (follow the link then replace "search term" with what you are looking for)

Army.ca wiki pages - http://army.ca/wiki/index.php/Main_Page

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.

Roy Harding
Milnet.ca Staff
Is there anyone here that is currently on the AVN tech course in borden or has just finished it?  I've heard how that course has been revamped so many times and how many are questioning how well this course has been taught/presented. I understand that it's just over a year now as opposed to the 18 months it used to be.  Also, it seems like most people are heading to cold lake or bagotville after the course. The thought of going there is somewhat of a turn off just from the posts i've read. I feel a little indifferent now about this trade now that i've done some reading in this forum. Seems like many folks aren't very satisfied with this course or trade. Can anyone offer some opinions, advice, or info?
lateralus said:
Is there anyone here that is currently on the AVN tech course in borden or has just finished it?  I've heard how that course has been revamped so many times and how many are questioning how well this course has been taught/presented. I understand that it's just over a year now as opposed to the 18 months it used to be.  Also, it seems like most people are heading to cold lake or bagotville after the course. The thought of going there is somewhat of a turn off just from the posts i've read. I feel a little indifferent now about this trade now that i've done some reading in this forum. Seems like many folks aren't very satisfied with this course or trade. Can anyone offer some opinions, advice, or info?

The course, IMO is too long. It should be no more than 6 months consisting of common core, and the aircraft basics (engines, electronics, flight controls, etc). Why does a student who is getting posted to a trash hauler wing need to learn about ejection seats for 4 weeks is beyond me. I learned more on my QL5's, which was less than 3 months,  then I did spending 18 months in Borden. I wasn't satisfied with the course in Borden, if I would've done it all over again, I would have gone to a civy college and enrolled after. The trade itself and working in a Squadron, is alot more satisfying, anyone can tell you that.
thanks ninja...good to know. I guess it's just having to put up with that year in borden.  You in cold lake?
lateralus, I finished the course 6 months ago now. But I didnt find my Borden experience too bad and now that I look back it was a pretty good time.
In my limited time in Greenwood I love the trade and have no regrets about going AVN. Everybody complains about there job but in the big picture this is a pretty sweet gig.
And it just goes to show you... to expect the unexpected in the military!

To be posted to Cold Lake, I had to do this semi-isolated posting screening.  It involves a social worker and a medical officer okay-ing you to go to a posting which is more 'isolated' than others in terms of health care, etc, and is expensive to live in.  Anyway, I'm currently seeing a specialist in Barrie (nothing too serious, just annoying), and the MO (medical officer) here refused to sign off my file as being good to go.  This resulted in some admin issues, and as of right now, I'm stuck in Borden for at least 4 or 5 months.  They canned Cold Lake completely... saying that 3 hours is too far for me to drive everytime I need to see a doctor.  So the latest I've heard is that I'll be here as staff for a number of months...  Working on some of the runup Tutors we have here, and doing some office work with the AVN course directors.  After that, the latest word is that Trenton is likely, just in case I still need to see my doctor, he'll be just up the road.  I'm okay with all of this, mostly because I got to move into staff quarters, and de-link from the rations!!!  That was the best part there... Now there's an extra $420 in my bank account every month, hehe.

So the moral of the story is... Until the day you leave, expect the unexpected!  And try your hardest to NOT let doctors put you on a TCAT if you have an issue that you are not even on restrictions for!  I tried to fight it, but the chain of command said enough was enough, suck it up and enjoy your time in Borden, haha. 

Just thought I'd update with what's going on.
Okay!  So here's the latest.

After being told to settle down in Borden for the next few months, I moved into staff quarters, (no inspections, yay!) and settled into working at 17 Hangar AMF.  As soon as I got settled into my new routine, BOOM, posting message!  So I'm off to CFB Trenton in 2 weeks.  I'll be starting in the engine snags sections, which makes me very happy.  So I'm packing up everything again, and getting ready to go!  I'm looking forward to the Hercs very much... And at least this way I'll be closer to skydiving in Gananoque!

I'll still keep posting here if anything changes, but as for now, Trenton it is!
I am currently looking for the same info if anyone and advise that would be great.
        I spent two years posted to CFSATE where you will be doing your AVN training, although most of my training was done while attached posted elsewhere. Likely the most important factor will be if and when there will be any PMQ's available. When I left Borden in September last year, they were almost completely full to my knowledge. I am not sure if you can apply for them prior, but you will likely end up reporting to CFSATE on whatever date you are supposed to be there and taking a room in the shacks initially. If you have your status sorted out prior you will receive free R and Q plus separation expense. Then you will have an opportunity to apply for the PMQ and inquire about getting your family and effects brought up. Some people I was on course had to wait a few weeks to a month from the time they filled out the application until they moved in. You end up on the PAT platoon for some time while awaiting course or get loaded onto a course right away which is what usually happens for people who OT from a previous trade. (I am assuming this is your situation as you state you have recruit school bypass)
      If you are going to be at your present location for a while before reporting to Borden, I would recommend looking into whether you can apply for one before you arrive there in case there is a waiting list. The people I know who are living in them seemed to find the process fairly straightforward for the most part. Have fun at CFSATE!  ;)