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Basic Training - Once For Life


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I heard from a social worker in the military that they recently decided that officer and enlisted basic is now just once and is good for life.  In other words, if you did 5 or 10 years in the CAF 8 or 10 years ago and decide to re-join, they will wave basic training again since you already did it once before.  I understand this is fairly new but am wondering if its new policy to speed up re-entry or if its just a rumour.
Well its not rumour its a fact..How do I know you say...well its happened to me. I went thru Cornwallis in 86...yea ok stop laughing....a Long story short i was granted Recruit Bypass in St Jean in October and right now im in Borden awaiting my 3`s...This came from CFRG HQ here in Borden.
Nice if you can get it. First I've heard of this.

Mamma Bear, you said you got bypass while in St.Jean, is that correct? So not during the application process at the CFRC? Did they assess you in some way?
Did you get any kind of refreshers/updates, like weapons drills with the C7 etc?
Yes i got it while in St Jean.again long story...was approached by someone from CFRG HQ and asked where i was recruited from (Ottawa) and they said this policy has been out for a while and not too many of the recruiting offices know about it. Well right now in Borden and alot of direct entries arriving all the time with more than 10 yrs out. And well all the other stuff im gonna have to take refreshers on like First Aid, weapons and stuff.......Drill well drill never changes and it comes right back to ya...well for me it did...Parts of me scared to death cause being out for 16 yrs alot changes and alot doesnt...Just taking one day at a time....
Yes i got it while in St Jean.again long story...was approached by someone from CFRG HQ and asked where i was recruited from (Ottawa) and they said this policy has been out for a while and not too many of the recruiting offices know about it. Well right now in Borden and alot of direct entries arriving all the time with more than 10 yrs out. And well all the other stuff im gonna have to take refreshers on like First Aid, weapons and stuff.......Drill well drill never changes and it comes right back to ya...well for me it did...Parts of me scared to death cause being out for 16 yrs alot changes and alot doesnt...Just taking one day at a time.... 
Posted on: April 17, 2007, 17:27:16Posted by: x-grunt 

  Hi Momma Bear, that is interesting.  I was honourably discharged in '86 as a Lieutenant in the Reserve and considered
rejoining in early nineties.  At that point Recruiting said that I would have to re-qualify basically from scratch because I had
been out of uniform longer than four years.  Good to see some common sense prevailing in Recruiting.  I'm actually thinking
of getting back in myself.  Good luck!!

Nice little recruiting tool for former military members who got out early.
What about FRP people?  They already got a mitt full when the got out.  Would they qualify for a signing bonus? 
Well i wore a uniform the last time from 86-89 and have been out of uniform since and hey if they give it to one they have to continue the trend...Yes i have to qualify in weapons training, first aid and all that jazz....But good things come to those who wait i guess...Good luck ill keep my fingers xd for ya
Well who knows that would be something these ppl need to look into...no signing bonus for me going Medic again.......oh i wish
I'm in the middle of trying to go back, waiting and hoping my medical will clear.I've be out for more than 10 years I almost hope I don't get a bypass I would rather go through it again and have everything fresh in my mind.
How true thats a good point...but trust me had a wee bit of time in St Jean before this happened and got a good refresher on the mind games...Drill well that didnt change...the major stuff has changed and that im getting done later on so no big worries at this end all in good time is what ive been told...ya know hurry up and wait stuff... :cdn: :salute:
LOL yep classic Hurry up and wait. If my medical ever comes back from Ottawa I'm going to have to report the Ulcer I'm getting waiting for it. ::)
For me it wasnt my medical that took so long it was waiting for my records to get dug out of archives.....medical portion actually was fast coming back from Borden...so i guess im lucky that way...But oh i hear ya on the waiting part of it but it did give me more time to get physically ready for it all  :cdn: :salute:
Mamma Bear could you for the sake of clarity and proper English skills please use capitalization and refrain from such MSN speak as ppl etc etc

Thank you very much.

EDIT: Spelling errors on my part.
Oh sunshine take a chill pill...if I have offended anyone im truly sorry..But I dont think I did. And reference to ppl...i think thats what we are is people...Not trying to be difficult but please alot worse things going on these days than to worry about words and letters... :cdn: :salute:
It will be interesting to see what happens I know the CFRC put me in as a semi-skilled enrollment, I was a Med A in the Reserves and was going Armour in the Regs before. When I started my enrollment the PO doing my medical was looking at all my records and thought it was strange that I had been sent to do Reg basic when I was a TQ1 medic and had already passed basic.
Right now in Borden there are alot coming from previous time and are getting skilled and semi-skilled from getting Recruit Bypass. Alot doing PLA right now to correctly find out how much of their 3`s they are having to redo. With the Medic trade it has changed so much from way long ago. So I`m glad to redo my 3`s again. I was TQ4 qualified when I took my release many many years ago. But once you get a taste of military life again its like you have never left. Just a few years older and a few more grey hairs..... :cdn: :salute:
Mamma Bear said:
Oh sunshine take a chill pill...if I have offended anyone im truly sorry..But I dont think I did. And reference to ppl...i think thats what we are is people...Not trying to be difficult but please alot worse things going on these days than to worry about words and letters... :cdn: :salute:

I am going to try and be nice as this is a good thread and I don't want to derail it from it's purpose.

First thing is my name is not sunshine.
Second in reference to the use of ppl instead of people, I did not mean the word I meant the MSN abbreviation of it.
Third the site has rules regarding grammar and MSN speak I suggest you look at them I will find what we commonly reffer to as the "Rainbow" mod post if you like.
Fourth I am fully and acutely aware of the issues of the world. I do not need you to lecture me on it.

Please continue this thread it's got some great info just for the sake of us reading it try post in full and complete English sentences.

EDIT: To add that reading the post above mine it seems there is no need for me to continue as you corrected your fault on your own  :) and a futher edit  a spelling mistake.
Well at least I can spell people correctly....And thats all I have to say you. Anyone have any other questions or comments feel free to email me. Too much going on in my life right now I dont need comments from someone. Maybe you need a lecture on people skills. Maybe this is why some people dont want to post comments and questions on here because of people like you...