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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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    Main article: Caprica (TV series)

Caprica is an upcoming television series described as "television's first science fiction family saga," based on the fictional universe of Battlestar Galactica and set on the fictional planet Caprica, around fifty years before the events depicted in the 2004 re-imagined series. It will tell the story of how the Cylons are researched and built, ultimately leading to the Cylon War. It will revolve around two families, the Adamas and the Graystones.

Anyone know about that?

prequel!!! whoohoo  ;D

I'm heading for BMQ on Sunday  ;D ;D ;D -


I'm gonna miss BSG  :crybaby: :crybaby: :crybaby:
Came across this at http://www.geekmonthly.com/news/2006/12/28/galactica-direct-to-video-movie-set-to-launch/

Despite declining ratings for Battlestar Galactica on SciFi Channel, nearly universal critical acclaim along with robust DVD sales have led Universal Home Video to consider greenlighting a Battlestar Galactica direct-to-video telefilm, which will presumably air on The SciFi Channel, after debuting on home video, sources tell Geek. If it goes forward, the two hour telefilm will shoot in March during the series hiatus and prior to the commencement of production on the series fourth season in June. While there is no story for the telefilm at present, plans are afoot to come up with a screenplay that doesn’t step on existing continuity for the series, but utilizes most of its existing sets. There is also speculation the telefilm will somehow tie into the mythology for the Galactica spin-off series, Caprica, which has not been officially greenlit by SciFi Channel.
BYT Driver said:
Someone should take all the mini-stories, add some more gravy to it and sell it as a novel and send the proceeds to Army.ca so that we can all be subscribers for free.  But that would require the Thunderbirds to chirp in with their two cents worth and five neat-o undrerwaterskyspacecargo ships.
And I'm sure we could get Marina to pose semi-nude for Playstring monthly.

Crumbs! I ran out of sci-fi personaes...

There is a whole genre of Russian Sci-fi that hasn't been touched and no one has yet mention people popping out of pods. I am waiting for a Bollywood version of sci-fi where the Star wars clones break out in perfect choreographed dance routines. At least if Bollywood does some re-makes we will get much more gratuitous violence and some very hot babes.
Colin P said:
I am still waiting for the day when SG-1 meets the Cylons who are battling the Borg while the Wraith are trying to figure out how to make the blood sucked out of a Vulcan taste better. Col O’Neil gets saved by Capt Picard, who in turn has *** saved from the Peacekeepers by Andromeda, FarScape lads show up looking for a cushy gig. Meanwhile the Moon pushed out of orbit by nuclear explosion was threatening Deep space 9 where the crew there used it to plug the wormhole, after sending all the delics through to conquer the Dominion.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy puppets in zippy 1970’s outfits are battling Muppets for control of a insignificant plant ruled by a beer drinking robot, whole had been booted off of Earth by MIB for selling the game Asteroid as the secret defense of Earth to the Martians. The Martians were about to invade earth to steal our women until they started receive the Martha Stewart show, Rosie O’Donnell and Jerry Springer, after which they all decided to become gay and will die of in a couple of generations.    ;D

Check this out then http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb6LWk1-tDc
Colin P said:
I am still waiting for the day when SG-1 meets the Cylons who are battling the Borg while the Wraith are trying to figure out how to make the blood sucked out of a Vulcan taste better. Col O’Neil gets saved by Capt Picard, who in turn has *** saved from the Peacekeepers by Andromeda, FarScape lads show up looking for a cushy gig. Meanwhile the Moon pushed out of orbit by nuclear explosion was threatening Deep space 9 where the crew there used it to plug the wormhole, after sending all the delics through to conquer the Dominion.
Elsewhere in the Galaxy puppets in zippy 1970’s outfits are battling Muppets for control of a insignificant plant ruled by a beer drinking robot, whole had been booted off of Earth by MIB for selling the game Asteroid as the secret defense of Earth to the Martians. The Martians were about to invade earth to steal our women until they started receive the Martha Stewart show, Rosie O’Donnell and Jerry Springer, after which they all decided to become gay and will die of in a couple of generations.    ;D

LOL you are behind the times.....Col Oneil is Gen oniel and SG1 is led by Col Mitchell...sheesh lol
I think you lot have filled your pocket protectors.

Am I the only one that seems to think no contest between any and the Star Wars genre?

Resources, technology, manpower aside... they have the Force.  Imagine telling the Cylons, "This isn't the Battlestar you're looking for."

Or suing the Borg for copyright infringement?

Or subjecting a vulcan to sitting in a room with Jar Jar Binks.
Shamrock said:
Or subjecting a vulcan to sitting in a room with Jar Jar Binks.
I think that sort of behaviour has been covered in the torture thread ;D
All right...no more fraking around...it's less than 24 hours and the show will be on again. So, ante up on who is the cylon(s), who is the dead guy and who ends up being able to read a map. 

My guesses:

Cylon(s): Doc, Dee, Anders, Chief, some guy in a red shirt and some guy with a pointy head (who could also being wearing a red shirt)
Dead Guy: D'Anna and Chief
Map Reading Guy (and person who can ask directions): Caprica Six
Well it's back ;D

After seeing that episode and the preview of the next one, my bet for dead guy is Baltar. As for the episode itself, pretty good all around, nice MP-7's with Elcans, but I did think the ending was a bit rushed, the rescue part and all.
WAY too rushed.

Baltar to die?  Seems like the logical choice at this time... but would
the writers really tip us off?? Could be a tactical diversion to fool us.

OK.. Lucy's character saw the 5 cylons and apologized to one.
Which HUMAN characters has she met in person?  That would
greatly reduce our choices for who's the newest cylon.

Speaking of which... I guess she's off the show now?
Trinity said:
OK.. Lucy's character saw the 5 cylons and apologized to one.
Which HUMAN characters has she met in person?  That would
greatly reduce our choices for who's the newest cylon.

Time to download and re-watch all the ones with her in it
Trinity said:
...OK.. Lucy's character saw the 5 cylons and apologized to one.
Which HUMAN characters has she met in person?  That would
greatly reduce our choices for who's the newest cylon.

Did she kill anybody back in the first few episodes where they were on the planet? If she did they could be good candidates.
Sierra Kilo said:
My gut reaction says Gaeta...  he was on the staff all occupation.

Yes he could possibly a Cylon, even if he was cleared from those collaboration charges by his helping the insurgents with messages.

Well here's an idea- could it Colonel Tigh or his wife (even she is dead)? They were both down in New Caprica during the occupation- it might have been D'Anna who took away his eye during the occupation. Or D'Anna may be apologizing to her wife for treating her husband that way. Besides, during the first season, after Col. Tigh's wife was found on one of the civvy ships, at the end of the episode, Caprica 6's imaginary self said to Baltar "Besides, you're not really going to tell them what the test reall said, will you?"

Just a few things I picked up from watching the whole series one more time.
I think the one she apologised to was either the Oracle/crazy lady who told her about Hera being alive on New Caprica or the spiritual advisor Elosha from season two who was killled on Kobol when they were looking for the purpose of the arrow. 
And what about Starbuck who Helo said was painting pictures of the Eye Of Jupiter because she liked it.  And she says "...I have a destiny"
"Oh I didn't know it was you"= Laura the Pres.
Deanna is now dead=the dead charactor. BUT what about the other models that are around and about in the fleet?
Baltar could be a Cylon, BUT that would be a givaway since we're all speculating about it.  Why give the fans what they want.
Geek button off...
GAWD it felt good to watch after 4 weeks...