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Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

Who is most likely a Cylon ?

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we only get BSG on Sky (Murdoch's satelite monopoly in the UK) and I don't have Sky - but love getting the Box sets and watching it in 3 hour sessions - yessss baaaby!  8)
After watching last night and thinking about it this series is still really running parallel to the old one.  The same thing happened Galactica finds ruins which helps it find Earth and recapture Baltar.  If they make a main character like Starbuck a Cylon this series takes a hard right turn and ventures off on its own.  I still believe Baltar is the most likely candidate.  Being the main Antagonist in the story line. 

My main worry is how they will deal with the 80's version of the plot.  If they are not very very careful this show could jump the shark.  :-\  my fingers are crossed and I'm knocking on wood.

Anyways that's my thoughts on this


Blue.  :cdn:
davidhmd said:
Did anyone else notice Dee's increadably futuristic communications system last night? Looked a lot like a field phone to me... this just has me convinced the BSG is a projection of CF tranformation 2125. Fighting tomorows wars with yesterdays technology  :P.
Well, it is taped in Canada, most of the cast are Canadians, most of the kit is Canadian.
:cdn:                  :cdn:                          :cdn:                          :cdn:                          :cdn:                    :cdn:                    :cdn:

Buy locally owned.
I thought the other 5 D'anna saw was like the people in white (angels) from the orignal series. 

Also did anyone catch the previews of next week?  They have made Baltar "Christ" like.  I was wondering why he was growing a beard.
What do you like the writers are trying to say?
BYT Driver said:
Well, it is taped in Canada, most of the cast are Canadians, most of the kit is Canadian.

I noticed the Alcan sights on their weapons last night.  Now I'm going to watch for Bombardier logos on the Vipers. 
zipperhead_cop said:
I noticed the Alcan sights on their weapons last night.  Now I'm going to watch for Bombardier logos on the Vipers. 

Remember at the start of the series how the fleet had just upgraded its Vipers, and how it turned out they were all self propelled death traps?
Shamrock said:
Remember at the start of the series how the fleet had just upgraded its Vipers, and how it turned out they were all self propelled death traps?

Clearly Bombardier. 
  It wasn't that the upgraded vipers where death traps.    They just had Baltars program running in the software of the computers sleeping time bombs they went  off when they had contact with the Cylons as time showed when they corrected this problem the upgraded vipers did pretty good against the raiders toe to toe
Watched on tv-link.co.uk .


D'Anna model canned... interesting.
Do you think cylons also figured out the little super nova road side marker thing? Are they going to pretty much just go from one super nova to another?
Baltar is IMO not a toaster, president is one.
Could it be Col. Tigh's wife she was apologizing to? She miraculously survived and was just found in a container? C'mon.
Doubt it's Tigh's wife, when she was having sex with the Cavel, her back didn't glow.  Cylon's back glow during sex...besides, where would the imbalance of power be in that relationship? Why would a cylon hold out for sex with another cylon as an exchange for favours?
Going back to the Vipers and other craft from the Pegusus........where are they now?  Not to mention the crew?
The reincarnated 5 are humans and are leading humanity to unification with the Cylons (They act intuitively as they are only now becoming aware of their purpose / destiny).

The Cylons in their highest evolution are human. They will come to realize this, but will have to fight a civil war over this discovery.

Humans will realize it when they arrive on Earth and find out that the humans on Earth are just like the Cylons, however, some humans (Adama for example,) are already aware of the Cylon evolution.

Since this has all happened before we can assume that humans are in fact an evolution of machine intelligence that in turn evolved from an organic life form. Earth is where the Cylon's and humans came to live together in peace.

It is likely Adama, Apollo, & Baltar are reicarnations of 3 of the five.

Of course I could be totaly wrong!
Besides D'Anna no one knows what final 5 look like.
Interesting how in that Kobol episode when Baltar went walking around on his own and "found" that same temple. In that one there were same 5, but they were in cribs...
George Wallace said:
Going back to the Vipers and other craft from the Pegusus........where are they now?  Not to mention the crew?

The crews and ships were saved. They are on BG.  Apollo offloaded the vipers before he went back with a reduced crew to save his father and the BG. 

That is why they have more viper mk6 and raptors than they did in the first season. 
The only thing I got from D'Anna's reaction to one of the five cyclons, if they were
cyclons, is that she apparently recognized one of them.  A confused surprise.

The on-going and annoying love/hate thing with Apollo and Starbuck is boring.  I wished
I had one of those interactive electrocution buttons; everytime the script calls for Apollo
and Starbuck to look at eachother, BANG! goes 75,000 volts, and then we can move with
the next part of the show.
Well here you go, if anyone can digitally improve the faces, go for it...

Looks like 3 females and 2 males...
Niner, where oh where did you get the un-overlite screenshot of D'anna with the lost 5?
You can almost make out some of the faces but not enough to get a good guess.
Like always, only bits of info (pun intended, Aye thank you) are given out every episode. 
The wait, the horror!