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BFT+Air Force deployment policy...I don't get it !!!!


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I'm an ex combat engineer who's trying to enjoy a continuation of my career into the construction trades and my journey took me to an Air Forces base. Like anny other place, we do work up training to deploy, the only diference, is the Air Force one last for ever. Early May to September for the BFT ( no kidding!! )

Here's my beef. I was some guy replacement for a ROTO ( somewhere in the middle east, but not Afghanistan, if you know what I mean) and despite the fact that he had so much time to train for the BFT, he still found a way to fail it. Like any soldier who want's to go over, I got all excited, but it was only to find out that the BFT was not a requirement, as far as the Air Force was concerned, to deploy in this country. How fair is that? I bust my @ss off and he get's to go. Once again, I see mediocrity beeing rewarded. What is wrong with the Forces. Why not send the best they got?

The story does't end there. Mr BFTFAIL found a friend while overseas, things built up as far as fraternisation and him and his new love get RTU'd for their disregard of CF policy on the mater. Since I was over has his HLTA replacement guess who get to stay?Me, but not long enought for the medal. He just proven the point that peolple that don't care about their hown fitness are more likely not to care about the mission and put their personal maters in front of the CF commiments.

The truth of the fact is that if you wear the uniform and you can't pass something as simple as the BFT you should get out. I agree with the latest debate about the BFT saying that it does not prepare you for battle but if you can pass it, it just proves how lazy you are.(please, don't give me the "if I've been broken for the past 2 years and I'm excuse everything except breathing bull sh**) I'm a 1 CMBG Mountain Man Chalenge finisher and I'm not saying it should be the test, but it should be where all soldiers should want to be.

Is there anyone on this forum who can explain to me why the ratio "effort put into your job/reward" is so grossely disrepected. On the civy street, if you don't do your job, you don't get paid and you eventuly get fired. The day the military put a cut in pay for members that can't perform to the minimum standard (1) will be the day those members will have a real incentive to pass... or get out.

(1) By minimum stardard, I mean doing what soldiers do and it mean's puting a load on your back with your FFO and your weapon... soldier first!

Meanwhile, I guess I'll just suck it up and soldier on. I was just told it was futile to even think about a redress to ensure a spot on the ROTO's to come. I guess this medal will go to an other BFT FAIL EXTRAORDINAIRE who realy deserve it! ( with loads of sarcasm, of course!!)
Relax my friend.... you might get invited to do another HLTA replacement stint - thus qualifying for your gong....
(those days can be accumulated)
Mr BTFFAIL's supervisors shall surely ensure his PER reflects his conduct, ethics and he definitely should get a Low Potential rating for dedication for putting his carnal needs before DND's requirements.  It will all come out in the wash. 
I see WAY too much mediocrity, laziness and plain old stupidity in the CF.  It embarrasses me and pisses me off.
Just to clarify, what you're saying is you're upset?  Quit worrying about this guy, chill out and wait for the old Karma wheel to spin around.
eurowing said:
Mr BTFFAIL's supervisors shall surely ensure his PER reflects his conduct, ethics and he definitely should get a Low Potential rating for dedication for putting his carnal needs before DND's requirements.  It will all come out in the wash. 

If it was only true - He'll probably get promoted before the PER is written
rifleman said:
He'll probably get promoted before the PER is written

Probably not - since all promotions after Corporal or Captain are based 100% on your PER standings.  CO's don't even promote anymore - DMilC takes care of that.
Zoomie said:
Probably not - since all promotions after Corporal or Captain are based 100% on your PER standings.  CO's don't even promote anymore - DMilC takes care of that.

And PERs are never inflated
I would say that most PERs are written rather concisely and fairly in the Air Force.  The nature of the job doesn't really allow for thuds to slip through the cracks - if a tech is bad at his/her job it is going to show in his/her work.  Same goes for aircrew and other trades.
Yes, it's true. PER on Air Force base are written the way they should be when it's about work. If you take some of the situation I've seen and transfer them to an Army base the matter become completely different. When I was in 5 RGC Valcartier, you ad to complete the Co's challenge to be deployed overseas. I missed Bosnia ROTO 5 that way because I was out of shape and I paid the due price for my laziness and lack of dedication. This as noting to do with PER, I did not go overseas because I did not put the same effort than all my peers. Here again, I see Chubby Mc Tub, Fatty Mc Greasy, Constant-Broken Mc Crutches and Junkie Mc Crystal-Meth getting away with murder at the expanse of the hard working individual ( I know it doesn't sound professional, but I'm sick of all this and the only thing I can do is laugh at it!). Not only I have to pick up the slack for them abroad, they get my spot on tour!!! Even if this individual PER gets crushed, he still got away with 4 point of overseas service. 4 points I should of get. It's hard enough to keep people in those days... why not helping the ones that want to stay by giving them what they deserve!
Sounds to me that you really need to stop worrying about what others are doing, and concentrate on yourself.
Zoomie said:
I would say that most PERs are written rather concisely and fairly in the Air Force.  The nature of the job doesn't really allow for thuds to slip through the cracks - if a tech is bad at his/her job it is going to show in his/her work.  Same goes for aircrew and other trades.

I think where air techs are concerned it's more of an artificial inflation issue than thuds who keep slipping through the cracks.  Not to say that we don't have our fair share of fools running around who manage to dance their way up the merit list, like anywhere I guess.  If you look hard enough I guess you can find something good to say about anyone, some supervisors just look harder than others it seems.
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    Re: BFT+Air Force deployment policy...I don't get it !!!!
« Reply #11 on: Today at 04:44:14 » Quote 

Yes, it's true. PER on Air Force base are written the way they should be when it's about work. If you take some of the situation I've seen and transfer them to an Army base the matter become completely different. When I was in 5 RGC Valcartier, you ad to complete the Co's challenge to be deployed overseas. I missed Bosnia ROTO 5 that way because I was out of shape and I paid the due price for my laziness and lack of dedication. This as noting to do with PER, I did not go overseas because I did not put the same effort than all my peers. Here again, I see Chubby Mc Tub, Fatty Mc Greasy, Constant-Broken Mc Crutches and Junkie Mc Crystal-Meth getting away with murder at the expanse of the hard working individual ( I know it doesn't sound professional, but I'm sick of all this and the only thing I can do is laugh at it!). Not only I have to pick up the slack for them abroad, they get my spot on tour!!! Even if this individual PER gets crushed, he still got away with 4 point of overseas service. 4 points I should of get. It's hard enough to keep people in those days...

Sounds to me that you really need to stop worrying about what others are doing, and concentrate on yourself.

Why don't you just get out if it is such a sore spot for you, really.??
Guys, we're all being a little harsh, aren't we?  Looks to me like someone just needed to vent.  We've all been there and if any of you haven't then I want some of what you're taking!  ;D
krustyrl said:
Why don't you just get out if it is such a sore spot for you, really.??

Ah, I just love that line, "get out" instead of actually addressing the observation.
rifleman said:
Ah, I just love that line, "get out" instead of actually addressing the observation.
Strike said:
Guys, we're all being a little harsh, aren't we?  Looks to me like someone just needed to vent.  We've all been there and if any of you haven't then I want some of what you're taking!  ;D
SF2 said:
Sounds to me that you really need to stop worrying about what others are doing, and concentrate on yourself.

Thanks for your input guys. Yes I needed to vent... and I'm not sure I'm done. Has for the people that suggest tho take the easy way out and can not reckon the injustice in all this, I hope you're not part of the problem. If you stop to read it, it's because you're concern about it and you want to see if you can do something about it, right? Or maybe I'm wrong about all this. I guess it's just a fantasy of mine to want to steer the boat in the right direction making sure we don't lose good potential people. Obviously, the system is not working if we entertain all this. And getting out... it's just saying you win and I give up. Now, if you're one of those that give up...I return the suggestion... As for concentrating on myself I don't see what else I can do beside learning a second language, top student on my 5's and finishing the Mountain Man Challenge in 7 hours. When we don't worry about others, it's when it start to get out of control. I don't know about you guys, but it just make me sick to see our resources being waisted. Who wants to do something about it? I do... :cdnsalute:
airforcemissingthearmy said:
As for concentrating on myself I don't see what else I can do beside learning a second language, top student on my 5's and finishing the Mountain Man Challenge in 7 hours.

I'm sorry but i went and got a second language, did very well on my QL6A, BAC, MOAT and category upgrade. I completed the Mountain Man Challenge twice. My career has gone pretty well. Sometimes its a shit sandwich but do the best you can at what you are assigned to do and look for ways to improve yourself. It will get noticed and having the ability to look at yourself in the miror in the morning and tell yourself that you did things right is worth its weight in gold IMHO.

airforcemissingthearmy said:
Chubby Mc Tub, Fatty Mc Greasy, Constant-Broken Mc Crutches and Junkie Mc Crystal-Meth getting away with murder at the expanse of the hard working individual


CDN Aviator said:
Sometimes its a crap sandwich but do the best you can at what you are assigned to do and look for ways to improve yourself. It will get noticed and having the ability to look at yourself in the miror in the morning and tell yourself that you did things right is worth its weight in gold IMHO.
