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Biggest Fear

I actually never knew running could do this.

I know very well to stay away from greasy things and CHEESE!  I work at a burger joint and when I get my lunch some people forget that I cannot eat cheese without having.....a side-effect?....So they go "Do you want cheese?" which gets my reply of "Do you want me to die?".  The other day a girl who doesn't make burgers that often put cheese on my burger and about 3 people jumped her and said "We would like to keep her for the afternoon shift!"

This post made me laugh....you are all very open about your "daily activities" (or at least should be daily!)
My sister is the same way with cheese...so she tries to avoid it unless she has some imodium with her...lol
Do you find that all dairy does that to you, or just cheese? For my sister, it is only cheese.
Ice cream upsets my stomach a bit, but it doesn't give the same reaction as cheese.  I dont drink milk that often, but last week at work I drank 500ml and I was fine.
Has it really comes to this?  Talking about bodily functions...  ;D

Oh well...I've sort of had this problem, it depends on when/what I eat before my run.  Usuallly if I start to feel things might be headed for the back door, my system will calm itself if I just don't run.  I find if I eat dairy or anything with high fat/grease and run too soon, the movement stirs everything up and creates an unhappy situation.  If I've eaten pizza within the last six hours, a run is out of the question all together.  One too many near accidents.
On every course I've ever been on, the young guys (when they have spare time) talk about women, music, and how drunk they got last night. The old guys talk about their bowel (ir)regularity.

I think that's in the CFAOs or something.

this is a great post haha

Being young but married, I'll probably be somewhere in between.  :D
I say like everyone else.. Nature is nature and the instructors will understand.  But if you can get your system flushed out in the morning before the run. It will be greatly appreciated for the instructors. and your teammates.

Good luck :o