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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

H-Coy 2RCR is trialing the boot right now, we were issued it just prior to summer leave and are wearing them through our rotation at CMTC. Some people love them and some hate them. Any other questions feel free to Pm me.

What sort of boot is it?  Black all leather? or something new.  Any details you can give would be appreciated.
Go to page one of the thread and start reading it from the beginning. Your questions will then be answered....why it's almost magical how that happens.
Had a pair of Mk3s, and a pair of the new ones for IAP/BOTP.
Wore the new ones 90% of the time.

Cloth perferated liner inside means you don't sweat right into the leather/back into your socks.

Soles are nice and squishy.. unfortunately they dont sound all that great when marching.

long laces/metal loopy things are great for getting on/off in a hurry.

unfortunately the leather is soft.. not really great for the field as they provide little support, and stretch REALLY easily. I keep putting insoles in the boots to get my foot in tight, otherwise im floating around. They don't polish up as well as the Mk3 either.

Defintely saved me from more shinsplints and sore feet though.

I dunno about anoywhere else, but in St. Jean the QM is handing them out for the common sizes that they have run out of Mk3s for.. 9-9.5s.

If you are floating around in your boots they are the wrong size. These boots come in 72 sizes, by the mm, get yours exchanged for proper fitting ones. They are not meant to be polished. They work the same as the WW Boots, use the paste they give you at clothing for them..NO KIWI POLISH...it WILL ruin them.

You've called it the "QM" below. Clothing Stores doesn't = QM.

QM = 1st Line Unit
Clothing Stores = 2nd Line Unit

I only point this out, because many times staff will tell their students to go to the "QM" and pick something up....and the kid ends up at Clothing looking for it...and we send him back to his Unit QM. Two totally different places and functions.
inferno said:
unfortunately the leather is soft.. not really great for the field as they provide little support, and stretch REALLY easily. I keep putting insoles in the boots to get my foot in tight, otherwise im floating around. They don't polish up as well as the Mk3 either.

Not great for the field, stretch really easily... and don't polish well?

Unbelievably, DLR has once again hit the ball out of the park, producing something unsuitable for field as well as garrison wear! <applause>

Here's a thought - buy Danners - tried, tested and true, available in Gore-tex, thinsulate, vibram, desert..... and right off the shelf - where I got mine.

I suppose that would be too easy.
GO!!! said:
Not great for the field, stretch really easily... and don't polish well?

Unbelievably, DLR has once again hit the ball out of the park, producing something unsuitable for field as well as garrison wear! <applause>

Here's a thought - buy Danners - tried, tested and true, available in Gore-tex, thinsulate, vibram, desert..... and right off the shelf - where I got mine.

I suppose that would be too easy.

GO!!!, Stop making sense, Dammit!!!
PhilB said:
So apparently the shitcanned the Cadpat/Green boots? Also wasnt the requirment for a non leather sided boots i.e. along the lines of magnums, jb's etc?

A couple of weeks ago I actually saw someone wearing a pair of the CadPat Boots in Kingston.  I couldn't take my eyes off of them, they looked so strange.  I don't know who the guy was, or what unit he was with.  It was in the Sgt's and WO's Mess, during the "Bring your MCpl to the mess day"

Anyone else there see?
I work in the same building as DLR, and there's several MWO's and a few Captains/Majors wearing them.

Are they "field" testing them? Maybe. Why are a bunch of cubicle residing headquarters types "field" testing them? I dunno. Not my place to ask

I can tell you the one guys Cadpat boots look ever so lovely against the backdrop of his Blue motorcycle when he's leaving work  >:D
When I was issued my boots, they fit great.. about 2 days later, i had to put on 2 pairs of socks to make up for the slack..
Next set of boots I get, I'll get the size that fits good with a really thin innersole.. and then I'll break them in, and then stick in a thicker innersole to get them nice and tight again.

As for the polish on them, it's basic, you polish everything. I wasn't issued the correct kind of paste, and the canex didn't have it. Additionally, if I'd turned up to the first class of the morning without polished boots, I'd get yelled at. So polish I did.
According to the card that came with my Mk3s, I belive I wasn't supposed to polish those either. C'est la vie.

On a side note, throughout 4 weeks in the field, I was the only person who never got my boots flooded in the swamp... so I can confidently say that for short exposure to an underwater environment, they are waterproof. :D
I went into clothing stores here in Petawawa, to exchange my size 11D boots and they said they didn't have any, when i asked for an approx. time to get them in she told me that in Jan we will start to get issued the CADPAT boots, I personal haven't seen them before so hopefully they will be better than the old ones.
inferno, I'm going to assume you weren't in Gagetown because in the swamps of Gagetown, EVERYONE'S boots get flooded, no exceptions  ;D. Mind you, i do like having dry boots. lol
Infantry_ said:
I went into clothing stores here in Petawawa, to exchange my size 11D boots and they said they didn't have any, when i asked for an approx. time to get them in she told me that in Jan we will start to get issued the CADPAT boots, I personal haven't seen them before so hopefully they will be better than the old ones.

I have a real bad feeling that you are going to be let down.

On the other hand, I went to the Government Auction this past week.  Tri-walls of boots, from danners to swats, to the new desert boot with tags still on them, BEW, NEW 5 man Arctic tents, NEW dry suits, wetsuits, winter whites, and even a pile of CADPAT items.  I put in a novelty bid of 5 bucks for a lot of 8 tri's worth.  If I get it, I'll be your boot guy from now on.  I also bid on a brand new HOnda Generator and an xbox 360.  There is also a nice Lexus and a Bimmer 540 that are still tied up in the courts, but hey, I got time to wait for them.
George Wallace said:

Next time you go to an auction, do want some company?   ;)

Same here please...I'll even buy the first round
This is crap!

All the guv'mint auctions out here have are rusted out Ilti (plural of Iltis)!


Leeds Avenue off Walkley.
Bomber, from past experience and also looking that the final bids on the closed auctions, mosts lots of textiles are going for about $800, but hey you never know, I got a lot of 6 tri-walls for $410.......but as you said..........new 5-man arctic tents, only got one out of it but well worth the money, and I have enough shop rags to last a lifetime.  At times you spy something that is worthwhile and you go for it, not like dealers whom will sell CF dress shirts at there "store" or on ebay  The worst part is hauling the tri-walls home and sifting trhought it all.
Auction is coming this week, 8 and 9 Feb.  Army textiles and material are on the block.  If youfe thinks you have to much stuff now, image when you have 6 pallets of snowshoes or 8 tri-walls of boots delivered.