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Boot, General Purpose (Mk III acting/interim replacement)

Well my pair that I used in Texas worked fine.. did mountain hikes with 'em on and had no chafing issues.. will break in my other pair next week when I start my DP3A.
Hey Vern, is the Boots, GP the new WWB look alike? or is it something completely new?
they look so comfertable that i want them lol but i have to start saving money to get them next year  :cdn:  ::)  ;D
If you are in the military, they give you them for free!

Margret, welcome to Army.ca. I am sure someone will post about it soon, but please use proper punctuation and capitalization in your posts, it goes a long way to support any credibility.  I also suggest you put more details in your profile, as "was a sergeant" doesn't give much information.  I can assume you were a cadet by you mentioning 3133 as your unit.  Details make everyone happier here.
from my perspective, the resoled job on my own WWB came out great.
at last, a winter without falling down on my a$$
RequiemVK said:
They are a lot of talk lately at the job that we are getting new combat boot to replace the Mk III. Was on the range all the week so tomorrow gonan check about this. Supposely they coming out in 1 month to 1 year i heard so far.

Whatever new Combat Boots of ANY type (Mk IV, WW, etc) that we bring into the system SHOULD have a speed lacing system, as opposed to round eyelets.

Okay ladies and gentleman.. here are pictures of the new Boots, general purpose and a pair of Boots, combat, wet weather.

You can take a look at the differences yourself, make assumptions if you'd like, but to me they look a heckuva lot alike.  Speed lacing IS included.

Ah very nice. Do they have the same drop in soles like the Wet weather ones? Can you get a well lite photo of the inside please?
I wonder if we can put in our own "gell" insoles in the new GP boots.
Here you go.. Goretex soles on top.. General purpose on bottom.

And a couple of closeups of the inside.. the little leather edge cause me no grief when I wore the boots in Texas recently.

I'm so gellin' I'm Magellan!!  :D

Actually, they look okay.  I wore Boulets for desert boots and they were comfy.  Maybe I'll finally get a pair of CWWB.  ::)
Mine are issued to me in lieu of ordering vibram soled MkIIIs.. I have issued Magnum Stealth 1 and 2 though.. I suspect they might be getting returned soon, we'll see.
Buzz do you know of anyone that has orthodics and if they were able to wear the boots with them in them??
Law & Order said:
any word on when the masses wil get them?

http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/50234/post-538796.html#msg538796  If you go back, you'll see the delivery date that PWGSC is specifying.  From there, distribution to the various ASU clothing stores will probably be some 2-3 months after.  Also, if you factor in that every CF member has an entitlement of 2 pairs, the initial batch of some 42,000 boots will likely go to some 21,000 Reg F members, and with future conracts continuing to outfit the Reg F, then Res F.
I would have thought that the supply system would ensure that new boots were issued as the old ones wore out. There is no specific urgency to replace all of em - same as with the WWB and those slippery vibram soles.
I think Vern would be able to provide a better answer regarding the fielding plans for these boots, rather than both of us 'stabbing in the dark'.
I'm not going to post before I pull the PIP (Project Implementation Plan) to confirm the distribution priorities.

I seem to recall the details but will post once confirmed. (I can't pull everything off the top of my head!!  :D ) I'm on March break so I don't have access to my work computer until Tuesday and will post then.


To those that asked.. the boots are boots.. of course there is room for insoles in them.  And with the multiple sizings, I am sure you can find a size that will accommodate orthodics.