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British Military Current Events

Good2Golf said:
I prefer the Royal Marines adverts of years past, where they show an obstacle course and something that 99% need not apply, or such.  :nod:


The problem was.... 99% weren't applying and of the 1% who did, 99% weren't capable of passing.
daftandbarmy said:
I went through RMA Sandhurst. We had Muslims and people of many other faiths in my company. A few from ME countries, a few from African countries. No one had any time to do anything else but do show cleans, dig holes, get yelled at on the parade square, or run around with the 84mm anyways.

Regardless, none of them had to have all round defense to do whatever praying they felt they needed to do. 

Except those forking Covenanters, of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameronian.

I'm sure Pookie can elaborate ;)

If you'd had to put up with Bloody Clavers you'd be putting out pickets too.  Up the Cameronians!!  ;D ;D
daftandbarmy said:
The problem was.... 99% weren't applying and of the 1% who did, 99% weren't capable of passing.

So is that why they might want the Bootnecks taking on the Paras so they might find a few who could pass?  :whistle:
jollyjacktar said:
So is that why they might want the Bootnecks taking on the Paras so they might find a few who could pass?  :whistle:

The pass rate for the Royal Marines is much higher than for the PARAs, so I’m not sure that would be a good thing :)
Uh oh...

daftandbarmy said:
I went through RMA Sandhurst. We had Muslims and people of many other faiths in my company. A few from ME countries, a few from African countries. No one had any time to do anything else but do show cleans, dig holes, get yelled at on the parade square, or run around with the 84mm anyways.

Regardless, none of them had to have all round defense to do whatever praying they felt they needed to do. 

Except those forking Covenanters, of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cameronian.

I'm sure Pookie can elaborate ;)

Concur.  IIRC, Islam makes dispensations when prayers aren't possible at the appointed moment such as flying an aircraft, performing surgery, fighting a fire, driving a train, or doing a section attack. This ad sounds very stupid and patronising.
FJAG said:
It would appear that, besides the ad campaigns, that the British Army's recruiting system is as badly screwed up as Canada's.


No business in the civilian sector could survive with a human resources system this inefficient.


I believe you mean non-public sector.  Since Government of Canada public servants give the CAF a run for its money when it comes to inefficient HR... and payroll.  (A backlog of 633K pay transactions, and counting... that's up 103K since November).
Northern Ireland suicides outstrip Troubles death toll

4,500 people have taken their own lives since conflict ended, sparking calls to tackle crisis

dapaterson said:
I believe you mean non-public sector.  Since Government of Canada public servants give the CAF a run for its money when it comes to inefficient HR... and payroll.  (A backlog of 633K pay transactions, and counting... that's up 103K since November).

True enough - must say though that I've never considered any part of the civilian civil service to be a "business" either.

For my three years in Ottawa I became thoroughly familiar and contemptuous of the civil service hiring process. Had some good people working on it but the system itself strikes me as broke as recruiting in the military. Did find out that the hiring process is more efficient if all that you are doing is stealing existing civil servants from other offices or departments. Lost a good number of people that I sent to the States on SharePoint training when it was new within DND.

And in news that make our shacks sound like virtual palaces...

Soldiers at a British Army barracks in Aldershot say they have been living without reliable hot water and heating for almost a year.

The soldiers believe the problem stems from a burst pipe that has not been repaired.

As a temporary solution, the Army has paid the private contractor who maintains the barracks, Carillion Amey, to install generators to provide heating and hot water.

However, the soldiers said the generators regularly ran out of fuel leaving them without hot water and heating for days at a time.

The MoD insists soldiers still have access to hot water in the mornings and evenings.
garb811 said:

We used to enjoy run down accommodation because we were never there anyways (3 month deployments to Norway and 5 month deployments to NI - plus 2 months of workup training - for example), and when we were no one cared much how we altered it to make it more comfortable.

Oh, and they usually paid back our food and accommodation deductions :)
Why do I think that the "hot water in the mornings and evenings" is something along these lines...

“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”
dapaterson said:
Why do I think that the "hot water in the mornings and evenings" is something along these lines...

“But the plans were on display…”
“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”
“That’s the display department.”
“With a flashlight.”
“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”
“So had the stairs.”
“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”
“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.”

That restaurant likely served British food as well.... :)
Soldier spared a driving ban because he needs his licence when he is deployed to the Falklands Islands

Captain James Golding, 26, was caught travelling at 130mph on the A12 in Essex

Police followed Golding for 0.9 of a mile before pulling him over near Dedham

The court heard he needed his licence for a six-month Falklands deployment

Golding had previously driven his car on German autobahns with no speed limit

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5459793/Soldier-escapes-driving-ban-despite-caught-130mph.html#ixzz58nM8fxm8
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Courts made a mistake.  Take the license, and let the Capt deal with a pissed of chain of command as well.

If I need my license for my job, I'd damn well better be well behaved so I don't lose it.
BBC film about IRA funeral murders to air in March

Exclusive: The Funeral Murders will focus on atrocity at Milltown cemetery and the revenge attack


Officer who led SAS's disastrous secret invasion of Argentina during the Falklands war says he blamed HIMSELF for the failure of the mission

• Captain Andy Legg led team of eight men into Argentina as part of Operation Plum Duff during Falklands War
• Planned to collect intelligence on enemy airbase at Rio Grande on Terra del Fuego ahead of direct assault
• Mission failed due to bad weather, a lack of food and appalling planning - but Mr Legg says he blames himself

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5481611/Falklands-war-captain-says-blames-mission-failure.html#ixzz59GCtcdVs
