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British Military Current Events

How a Royal Navy submarine was locked in deadly game of 'hide and seek' with Russian hunter killers in the Mediterranean before air strikes on Syria

• Russian Kilo-class submarines chased British Astute-class vessels backed up by two frigates and an aircraft
• They hunted the UK vessel as it carried Tomahawk missiles with a range of up to 1,000 miles close to Syria
• Britain joined the U.S. and France in airstrikes against the Assad regime and its chemical weapons facilities
• Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of 'consequences' and said said there was no evidence of the attack
• President Donald Trump has vowed to carry out further strikes if Assad crosses the chemical 'red line' again
• Assad met Russian politicians today and told them the West was spreading 'lies and misinformation' at the UN
• Theresa May has faced criticism for authorising the military action without a vote in the House of Commons
• Boris Johnson defended the PM but said the UK would take 'precautions' amid fears of Russian cyber-attacks
• Labour's Jeremy Corbyn questioned their legality and demanded a 'war powers' law to give Parliament a say

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5617799/Royal-Navy-submarine-hunted-Russia-cat-mouse-pursuit.html#ixzz5ClVAxapm
daftandbarmy said:
How a Royal Navy submarine was locked in deadly game of 'hide and seek' with Russian hunter killers in the Mediterranean before air strikes on Syria

• Russian Kilo-class submarines chased British Astute-class vessels backed up by two frigates and an aircraft
• They hunted the UK vessel as it carried Tomahawk missiles with a range of up to 1,000 miles close to Syria
• Britain joined the U.S. and France in airstrikes against the Assad regime and its chemical weapons facilities
• Russian President Vladimir Putin warned of 'consequences' and said said there was no evidence of the attack
• President Donald Trump has vowed to carry out further strikes if Assad crosses the chemical 'red line' again
• Assad met Russian politicians today and told them the West was spreading 'lies and misinformation' at the UN
• Theresa May has faced criticism for authorising the military action without a vote in the House of Commons
• Boris Johnson defended the PM but said the UK would take 'precautions' amid fears of Russian cyber-attacks
Labour's Jeremy Corbyn questioned their legality and demanded a 'war powers' law to give Parliament a say

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5617799/Royal-Navy-submarine-hunted-Russia-cat-mouse-pursuit.html#ixzz5ClVAxapm

Jeremy Corbyn is slammed by his own MPs after saying he would NEVER take military action in Syria without getting approval from RUSSIA

actually it was more like:

. . .
Jeremy Corbyn was slammed by his own MPs today after demanding Vladimir Putin is given the final say on British military action in Syria.

The Labour leader insisted he would never countenance deploying UK forces without a UN resolution - even though Russia has the power to veto them.
. . .

The veteran left-winger - who for decades has been urging NATO states to disarm and suggested the West was to blame for Russia's annexation of Crimea - claimed chlorine had been used by 'a number of parties in the conflict'.

Asked if there were any circumstances in which he would back air strikes in Syria, Mr Corbyn replied: 'I can only countenance involvement in Syria if there is a UN authority behind it. . . ."


Tovarich Corbyn takes his lead from Moscow as far as I'm concerned.  WWPD....
Perhaps.  And that is a very solid possibility, not disagreeing with it.

Although the alternative could simply be that he's a career politician, trying to figure out what position to take on a matter that will look good for him in his future ambitions.  And if "not taking military action without UN approval" is a soundbite he thinks sounds responsible & appealing to his voting base, that's what will come out of his mouth.

Politicians need votes to stay employed, and as such they will say whatever dumb s**t they need to in order to get those votes.  Substance behind the words is a distant 2nd priority.
. . .
Jeremy Corbyn was slammed by his own MPs today after demanding Vladimir Putin is given the final say on British military action in Syria.

The Labour leader insisted he would never countenance deploying UK forces without a UN resolution - even though Russia has the power to veto them.
. . .

Which was, of course, exactly what Stephan Harper said about Jean Chrétien when, back in the very early 2000s, the latter said that Canada would not send troops to support the US in Iraq without a UNSC resolution ~ which France was sure to veto.

E.R. Campbell said:
Which was, of course, exactly what Stephan Harper said about Jean Chrétien when, back in the very early 2000s, the latter said that Canada would not send troops to support the US in Iraq without a UNSC resolution ~ which France was sure to veto.
I'm curious if he would seek a UN resolution before defending his own country? I think our own PM would... just saying...
SA80 Rifle gets an upgrade

The SA80 is the designation for a revolutionary family of assault weapons. On its initial introduction, it proved so accurate that the Army marksmanship tests had to be redesigned.

The SA80 A2 is being phased out for a new and improved SA80 A3. The Grenadier Guards, who have been the first infantry battalion to fire the new weapon system, have been putting some of the new features to the test. This year sees them deploy on three separate operational tours on OP TORAL to Kabul, OP TRENTON to South Sudan and OP SHADER in Iraq. The busy deployment period sees them adapt to three different theatres where they will be doing three completely different jobs. Training has therefore been paramount and helped them get to grips with a number of differences in the weapon systems.

Perhaps the most noticeable difference is the ‘Flat Dark Earth’ paint with Cerakote coating. These features minimise both the visual and infra-red spectrums allowing the operator to stay unseen. They also give a specialist resistance to weathering and abrasion - important for an army required to complete their tasks in any number of conditions.

This paint job extends to the Picatinny Rail which is welded to the A3 body’s upper receiver. The handguard is also new and supports the Picatinny Rail that sits on the upper receiver. This Picatinny Rail sits on all sides and allows the attachment of in-line night optics, hand grips and other attachments that can increase the potency of the weapon system. The handguard is also free floating, meaning that when the weapon is fired the barrel can resonate freely. This further increases the exactness of a weapon system which is already accurate out to 300m when deployed individually.

In all, the changes allow soldiers to better carry out the varied and diverse tasks that are being asked of them in the modern army. As shown by 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards, who have an exciting 2018 ahead of them.

Defence Minister Guto Bebb said: “This multi-million-pound upgrade will give our Army a lighter, more hardwearing, better-camouflaged combat rifle so our soldiers can perform on the frontline of some of the most dangerous locations across the world.

“This investment is also a boost to Nottingham’s highly-skilled gun-makers who proudly support our troops in their task to protect our country in the face of intensifying threats."

Somebody really screwed up.

That colour's not going to go with their scarlets on parade. Was no fashion consultant involved?
They screwed up when they first adopted the thing in the 80s. Since then they’ve just been putting earrings on a pig. And they solved the ‘green furniture problem years ago by wrapping the butt and stock in black leather. Shaggariffic baby!!
Loachman said:
Somebody really screwed up.

That colour's not going to go with their scarlets on parade. Was no fashion consultant involved?

No different than here with the C7A2s.
The Parachute Regiment will not be pleased... all of them  :tsktsk:

Tory candidate Matt Lynch suspended over war claims

A Conservative election candidate in Sussex has been suspended over doubts about his claim to be a war veteran.

Matt Lynch is due to stand in the Hastings local election on Thursday.

In his campaigning profile - which has now been removed from the local party website - Mr Lynch claimed he served in the British Army for 14 years.

Members of the local regiment said they do not believe this to be correct. Mr Lynch has not replied to the BBC's requests for an interview.


Bombshell inbound....

Northern Irish police to release Troubles-era report on informants

PSNI say they will publish 1980 Walker report on agent-handling practices within three months

The Walker report was commissioned to improve intelligence penetration of paramilitary organisations in Northern Ireland when IRA activity was high. Walker subsequently became director general of MI5 from 1988 to 1992.

The report is believed to recommend that RUC special branch give priority to informants over solving crimes.The report’s existence was revealed in 2001 by the UTV Insight programme.

Since when did any politician have a 'moral compass'? ;)

'This is insane': Ministers face Tory fury over DITCHING plans to protect British troops who served in Northern Ireland from prosecution

Ministers not expected to protect British troops who served in Northern Ireland

There have been complaints about a 'witch hunt' against ex-forces personnel

Tory MP Johnny Mercer accuses government of 'losing its moral compass'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5704813/Ministers-face-Tory-fury-DITCHING-plans-protect-NI-troops.html#ixzz5EvtJ6XED
You can't get there from here while they are negotiating/disputing "power-sharing" "open borders" and the price of Guiness and Cadbury's Dairy Milk.
Wasn't there so B'S in the UK not too long ago about all these lawyers going after Afghanistan and Iraq war vets for trumped up charges?
Yes there was.  One scumbag lawyer in particular who was overly zealous in hounding the troops.  Thankfully he eventually fell from grace and crawled back under his slimy rock.
jollyjacktar said:
Yes there was.  One scumbag lawyer in particular who was overly zealous in hounding the troops.  Thankfully he eventually fell from grace and crawled back under his slimy rock.

The campaigning human rights lawyer Phil Shiner has been struck off as a solicitor after he was found guilty of multiple professional misconduct charges, including dishonesty and lack of integrity.

The decision, made in his absence on Thursday, followed a two-day hearing at the solicitors disciplinary tribunal in central London.

The Iraq Historic Allegations Team (Ihat) said it would now reassess cases referred by Shiner and his firm, Public Interest Lawyers (PIL), to decide whether they should still be pursued.


See here:


I've seen worse filmed and shown on national TV in Britain, with the full support and approval of the highest levels (and been part of it :) )

An Army instructor is facing a court martial after he filmed a female recruit and reduced her to tears in a shocking video that has been watched more than 250,000 times online.

Last night furious top brass were trying to track down the corporal, who may be booted out of the Army after using a phone to record the moment he subjected the distraught trainee to a torrent of verbal abuse during a bayonet exercise.

Defence sources said the instructor should not have filmed the recruit during her training, with or without her consent.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5695311/Foul-mouthed-Army-instructor-faces-court-martial-reducing-female-recruit-tears.html#ixzz5F8UgK3Nk
