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Cabinet Shuffle- (Wednesday 26 July).

Some fringes are better than others.

For the CPC, they would benefit from growing the Red Tory fringe while the SOCONs probably not so much.
You mean trading a smaller number of much less electorally significant votes in already secure ridings for a potentially much larger number of votes in ridings that are in contention? Heresy! Why are you such a woke commie, G2G?
...and if he wins the election and forms govt, have a Pikachu face reaction when some of his more right-wing base condemn him for "selling out" to the Centrists, a la Erin O'Toole.
I haven't seen much bitching or whining from a Conservative 'fringe' so far. Given Poliviere's numbers, most seem pretty happy, including walk away red and orange liberals. While trudeau and singh will get votes, I think they will only be from their cult base. Losing your home to live in a tent has a tendency to polarize voters against those responsible.
I haven't seen much bitching or whining from a Conservative 'fringe' so far. Given Poliviere's numbers, most seem pretty happy, including walk away red and orange liberals.
I think that's because the "softer" messaging is still pretty new. He's known as the "attack dog" against the LPC, which is what his base wants. If the softer messaging continues and he stops attacking, I suspect some will start wondering when he "sold out".

While trudeau and singh will get votes, I think they will only be from their cult base. Losing your home to live in a tent has a tendency to polarize voters against those responsible.
Weird - Doug Ford won another term...
The CPC needs to excise that fringe of the party that insists on eating itself.
freedom of speech provided what you have to say is politically acceptable? Not much of a democracy is it? The sign of a true leader is one who can work with those who more or less side with him on most issues whilst still giving those he may not agree with a voice. Otherwise all you have is a party of yes-persons (like the liberal party is now). Might just as well appoint a dictator for 4 years and have one man rule
freedom of speech provided what you have to say is politically acceptable? Not much of a democracy is it? The sign of a true leader is one who can work with those who more or less side with him on most issues whilst still giving those he may not agree with a voice. Otherwise all you have is a party of yes-persons (like the liberal party is now). Might just as well appoint a dictator for 4 years and have one man rule
Whoa, when did the PPC stop being an option for folks?
I think that's because the "softer" messaging is still pretty new. He's known as the "attack dog" against the LPC, which is what his base wants. If the softer messaging continues and he stops attacking, I suspect some will start wondering when he "sold out".

Weird - Doug Ford won another term...

And trudeau needs attacking at every turn, as does singh. Poliviere puts them on the spot with hard, topical questions that they refuse to answer and expose themselves for what they really are.

Yup. Because voters were tired of the lies, deceit and theft of the red and orange liberals.
Whether you sit in Ottawa, Levis or Lethbridge.
Precisely. Lethbridge and Levis are both absolutely safe conservative ridings. The CPC could afford to take quite a hit in both and still safely hold them. Ottawa of course has a number of ridings, but a few are perennially in contention from election to election, and tend to be more centrist with enough persuadable voters for it to matter. So- do the CPC need to reinforce their vote share in Lethbridge (no) or capture more centrist seats from areas like Ottawa, the GTA/Golden Horseshoe, or metropolitan Montreal.
freedom of speech provided what you have to say is politically acceptable? Not much of a democracy is it? The sign of a true leader is one who can work with those who more or less side with him on most issues whilst still giving those he may not agree with a voice. Otherwise all you have is a party of yes-persons (like the liberal party is now). Might just as well appoint a dictator for 4 years and have one man rule
That’s just silly. “Freedom of speech” means you can express an opinion and you don’t face legal jeopardy. Any political party inherently has a need to tailor its platform positions, and to decide what portion of the political spectrum it wants to invite in and what part it wants to exclude. That has no bearing whatsoever on anyone’s rights or freedoms. If a group finds their particular stance on certain issues not welcomed or sought by an existing party, they can form their own- see, for instance, Bernier’s PPC offshoot.

Any party that can’t keep a grip on what’s attached to its name is a party that will not enjoy significant or meaningful representation in Parliament. And I know you know this, so I’m not really sure where this is coming from.
Precisely. Lethbridge and Levis are both absolutely safe conservative ridings. The CPC could afford to take quite a hit in both and still safely hold them. Ottawa of course has a number of ridings, but a few are perennially in contention from election to election, and tend to be more centrist with enough persuadable voters for it to matter. So- do the CPC need to reinforce their vote share in Lethbridge (no) or capture more centrist seats from areas like Ottawa, the GTA/Golden Horseshoe, or metropolitan Montreal.

Centrist is an interesting term.

Centre of Canada. Centre of Government.

One of the major "innovations" adopted by government in the interests of saving money was the elimination of relocation for new hires. If you wanted a job in Ottawa you had to be living in Ottawa. That, with the bilingual requirement, tended to reduce the number of "fringe" elements in the "centre". That happened some years ago.

As a result there is a tendency for Carleton University to be over-represented in Ottawa and the Universities of Calgary and Laval to be under-represented. Together with their views and class-mates.


I had a conversation with a sister-in-law some years ago where I said that I didn't agree with the Globe and Mail and Maclean's. I was told that not to agree with those views put me in the fringes. I guess that must be true.