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What is the use of an MPRR then??  I guess they have to use something for a standard and the 1007 is it. 
Attached is a spreadsheet I use for PIL Calculations.  This is NOT for official use and dollar values may vary based on your individual circumstances.

Yellow Column - Rate of Pay in effect based on PIL Election (1 Mar 12) or non-Election (date of release);  number of years of PIL  (or if you want to convert that over to a # of days here is a website that will help with that -->  http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html

***** - the Rate of Pay that you input in Yellow will automatically calculate downwards to add on a marginal yearly pay increase of 1.5% up to 8 years out

Pink Column - Amount to be invested
Blue Column - Rate of return on your investment

Enjoy....any questions about this spreadsheet, feel free to PM me....
DAA said:
(or if you want to convert that over to a # of days here is a website that will help with that -->  http://www.timeanddate.com/date/duration.html
In Excel, if you subtract one date from another it will give you the difference in days.
Clerk sent me the link to Access to Information.  Said I need the info back to send in my form.  Also heard from another former reservist that he was told only Class  B time counts if you went reg force later.  :facepalm:
Sheep Dog AT said:
Clerk sent me the link to Access to Information.  Said I need the info back to send in my form.  Also heard from another former reservist that he was told only Class  B time counts if you went reg force later.  :facepalm:

The former Reservist is incorrect.

All time in the Primary Reserve is counted, provided there was no interruption of service between the Reserve service and Reg F service.  CFSP will also be reduced for any period where RFRG or the prior CFSP was received.
Well truth be told I am assuming he is only going by the info given to him.  I didn't think he was correct.  Sending off the info for archives will at least expedite my claim.
Just received this email today (highlights mine and the email was reviewed by DMCA):

Despite efforts by DGCB and the chain of command to inform mbrs of potential consequences related to their decision about the PiL of CFSP, it may be necessary to amplify the fact that, if mbrs intend to release from the CF soon, more specifically after submitting their application for PiL, this decision is irrevocable and may affect and/or delay the receipt of applicable CF benefits.

For example, if a mbr opted for PiL, and in April 2013 he receives a posting msg to a destination he considers "undesirable", and subsequently decides to release from the CF, then the mbr should be aware that, although his release date is not affected, the PiL verification process could delay his first pension payment.

Because the option period for PiL is fast approaching, we suggest that ORs or teams that will receive PiL requests confirm mbrs' intentions about a possible release of CF in the next year. This will serve to ensure that mbrs make their decision in an informed and responsible manner.

We acknowledge that it may be difficult for some mbrs to make a decision about PiL because they can not predict what the future holds (posting, release, etc.). However, mbrs must understand that they are responsible for their decision, which is irrevocable.

Please dist this email to all CA mbrs in your Area/Fmn.
This PIL is an absolute mess, if we beleive our RMS people.

We are being told the pay out may take 2-3 years. So if you elect now, and get out in a year, you may not get a pension cheque for 2 years? That cannot be correct, yet thats what they are telling us.

When the Civ's did this last year it only took a few months to have the severence hit the banks. Why the heck would it take 3 years for the Military system to figure this out? It almost seems unreal they expect people might go months or years without a pension...........where is the Ombudsman on this one? It's a travesty, and with the election period already started there are no real answers yet, only haphazard incomplete information releases and misinformation from pleople who know very little but should now a lot more.

Is the civvie situation cut and dry?  It potentially is not so for thousands if not 10's of thousands in the military.  How many civvies were there vs. the amount of military people?  How many people worked on the civvie process vs. the 2 doing it for the military in Ottawa?
It was actually more complicated, with dozens of classifications and levels within those classifications. Also the civ pay out was for almost all public servants across Canada in different departments. Only a couple of barganing units are still in negotiations. Not to mention the most of the actual calculations have been done with the letter that told you how many total years you had available to collect serverance on.

As for size, in 2010 there were over 280 000 Federal Public Servants. There are around 94 000 Reg & Res CF members.

If there are only 2 people total administering this in Ottawa, I will simply quote myself from above with the following....


Three years is too long, we could and should be able to do better than this timeframe of delivery.  We seem to be the only Federal Dept that will be years behind the rest to settle this affair.
jollyjacktar said:
Three years is too long, we could and should be able to do better than this timeframe of delivery.  We seem to be the only Federal Dept that will be years behind the rest to settle this affair.

Its like anything else we are the last to get anything. We are the last to get wage increases,and its the same reason I have been waiting over 4 years to get my buyback on my pension. We don't matter. That being said more resources should be applied to this problem.
Greenman said:
This PIL is an absolute mess, if we beleive our RMS people.
We are being told the pay out may take 2-3 years. So if you elect now, and get out in a year, you may not get a pension cheque for 2 years? That cannot be correct, yet thats what they are telling us.

If you believe that this will impact on your future pension benefits and receiving them, then who ever told you that is out in left field.  Severance and Pension are two different distinct issues and definitely not inter-linked...
To clarify, it is the verification process that may cause the delay.  A stated in the email I posted....
Verification process?  They've already done the hard part, that was figuring out how many years people had.  After that it's just -  (years in)(monthly pay)(7)(1-tax rate)/30=the money they put in bank.  Get 2 people to do calculation and it's verified.  Sheesh! ::)
My clerks wanted me to prove I was in the Reserves, because Ottawa was too lazy to do a pull from RPSR when they issued the letters stating service. Its not like I served in the 70s...  ::)
GnyHwy said:
Verification process?  They've already done the hard part, that was figuring out how many years people had.  After that it's just -  (years in)(monthly pay)(7)(1-tax rate)/30=the money they put in bank.  Get 2 people to do calculation and it's verified.  Sheesh! ::)

Not for people whose time was calculated incorrectly.
It was so "hard" that I never received the letter from Ottawa so I worked it out for myself.  I'd hate to see how they do "easy".
DAA said:
If you believe that this will impact on your future pension benefits and receiving them, then who ever told you that is out in left field.  Severance and Pension are two different distinct issues and definitely not inter-linked...
I've heard that once you retire, it'll take 2-3 years to recieve either one, if you're a Reservist. Severence or pension. So it doesn't matter if they are two different distinct issues and definitely not inter-linked, you're still not getting them in a timely fashion.