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CDS Responds to Opponents of Recruiting in Schools

A very interesting point.  The UN does not consider a 15 year old to be a child soldier.  This could be very relevant in other topics.
Dennis Ruhl said:
A very interesting point.  The UN does not consider a 15 year old to be a child soldier.  This could be very relevant in other topics.

I'll assume you're referring to Omar Khadr.... he wasn't wearing a uniform so he's not a soldier, child or otherwise. I think that's a whole other thread that could definately stoke some debate.
Dennis Ruhl said:
This could be very relevant in other topics.
Then take that observation over to those other topics and do not distract this one with a tangent. 
By the way I apologize for misreading the original article. I had thought it meant recruitment straight out of high schools and that they were fine with recruiting in universities.

I agree information sessions in high schools should be allowed and the only reason I applied for the Canadian Forces was because of one of those information booths at a university fair. Denying the Canadian Forces from high schools and universities is wrong.

Dean22 said:
Jobs available to people with a grade 10 "education.............Airborne Electronic Sensor Operator

That is incorrect. Nice try though.
CDN Aviator said:
That is incorrect. Nice try though.

Actually, your incorrect the standards were changed.

For more information read the Canadian Forces recruiting website located here:


Quote from http://www.forces.ca/flash.aspx#/flash/en/1-69-241-64/who-we-are/news--events/news/news

"Two new job opportunities
Two job categories previously open only to serving Canadian Forces members as a specialty trade are now offered to new recruits.

Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators are responsible for the operation of airborne sensors onboard long-range patrol aircraft, maritime helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), using advanced electronic sensor systems to counter threats to Canada's sovereignty. They defend Canada's coasts, and territorial waters, above and below the surface as well as in the far north. They deploy worldwide, in support of Canada and Allied countries' operations and exercises. They are responsible for detecting and tracking submarines, providing support for search and rescue operations/medical evacuations, and assisting Department of Fisheries with evidence collection and pollution violations. They also provide support to the RCMP with counter-narcotics patrols."

or contact your local CFRC for information instead of spreading misinformation.

Sorry, that your so confused but in the future I suggest the prevention of misinformation to potential recruits by checking sources first.
Dean22 said:
Actually, your incorrect the standards were changed.

For more information read the Canadian Forces recruiting website located here:


Quote from http://www.forces.ca/flash.aspx#/flash/en/1-69-241-64/who-we-are/news--events/news/news

"Two new job opportunities
Two job categories previously open only to serving Canadian Forces members as a specialty trade are now offered to new recruits.

Airborne Electronic Sensor Operators are responsible for the operation of airborne sensors onboard long-range patrol aircraft, maritime helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), using advanced electronic sensor systems to counter threats to Canada's sovereignty. They defend Canada's coasts, and territorial waters, above and below the surface as well as in the far north. They deploy worldwide, in support of Canada and Allied countries' operations and exercises. They are responsible for detecting and tracking submarines, providing support for search and rescue operations/medical evacuations, and assisting Department of Fisheries with evidence collection and pollution violations. They also provide support to the RCMP with counter-narcotics patrols."

or contact your local CFRC for information instead of spreading misinformation.

Sorry, that your so confused but in the future I suggest the prevention of misinformation to potential recruits by checking sources first.

I think that a Snr NCO is familiar with the tasks associated with his job, thanks.
Dean22 said:
Sorry, that your so confused but in the future I suggest the prevention of misinformation to potential recruits by checking sources first.

Check the sources ?

Not only am i a serving AES Op supervisor but i was also part of the group of 10 individuals who wrote the new standard.

What do you have ?
It was certainly worth looking into this thread again, just for the chortle-fest resulting from the last three posts.

Got any advice for the CDS while you're telling other people about their jobs, Dean22...?
I certainly miss my younger days, when I had an answer for absolutely everything.  Good thing I have a bunch of kids now that know everything I apparently lost over all those years of actually being in the army.
CDN Aviator said:
Check the sources ?

Not only am i a serving AES Op supervisor but i was also part of the group of 10 individuals who wrote the new standard.

What do you have ?

Your not arguing with me, your arguing with the Canadian Forces. You should perhaps tell the Canadian Forces that they are wrong and you are correct. I think you are more experienced then those bastards who are lying to recruits on that propagandist website that they call forces.ca.

Tell em how it is.

Dean22 said:
Your not arguing with me, your arguing with the Canadian Forces.

I'm sorry i doubted you. Please accept my most humble appology. I will never doubt your superior military knowledge.
Dean22, I can confirm what CDN Aviator is saying. AES Op requires a high school diploma, how do I know this? because I just went through the application process and was told by a CFRC Recruiter what the requirements/qualifications are.

I believe that you may be doing the search on the CF website incorrectly, when I search and select grade 10 and all 3 elements only 3 trades show up (note, I use the HTML version of the website).

Perhaps before arguing with Sr. members of the CF about things that they actually know about you may want to get correct information by contacting a recruiter, not just basing all of your information off of a website. Websites in general may not always be correct or up-to-date. It is quite possible for the trades to be shown incorrectly due to missing or incorrect code and/or search parameters. I will use the fact that if you just search (on the HTML website) for jobs with gr. 10 education then you will get the list you provided on page 1, however if you select all the elements (Army, Air Force, Navy) you will be shown the 3 trades that PMedMoe listed on page 1 of this thread.

I suggest you stop trying to tell those that know what they are talking about that they are wrong, it is quite ignorant to think that you know more then they do on the subject.

What I can not understand is why someone who is supposedly a recruit is taking a position such as yours on this matter.
JBoyd said:
Dean22, I can confirm what CDN Aviator is saying. AES Op requires a high school diploma, how do I know this? because I just went through the application process and was told by a CFRC Recruiter what the requirements/qualifications are.

I believe that you may be doing the search on the CF website incorrectly, when I search and select grade 10 and all 3 elements only 3 trades show up (note, I use the HTML version of the website).

Perhaps before arguing with Sr. members of the CF about things that they actually know about you may want to get correct information by contacting a recruiter, not just basing all of your information off of a website. Websites in general may not always be correct or up-to-date. It is quite possible for the trades to be shown incorrectly due to missing or incorrect code and/or search parameters. I will use the fact that if you just search (on the HTML website) for jobs with gr. 10 education then you will get the list you provided on page 1, however if you select all the elements (Army, Air Force, Navy) you will be shown the 3 trades that PMedMoe listed on page 1 of this thread.

I suggest you stop trying to tell those that know what they are talking about that they are wrong, it is quite ignorant to think that you know more then they do on the subject.

What I can not understand is why someone who is supposedly a recruit is taking a position such as yours on this matter.

1) Your search is trying to search for grade 10 jobs that are in all three elements. Click off the elements and search again as shown in screen shots earlier in this thread.

2) The article about grade 10 AES op openings is in fact on the CF website. That is what I linked, but no one seems to look at links anymore or screen shots for that matter.
Dean22 said:
Your not arguing with me, your arguing with the Canadian Forces. You should perhaps tell the Canadian Forces that they are wrong and you are correct. I think you are more experienced then those bastards who are lying to recruits on that propagandist website that they call forces.ca.

Tell em how it is.

Here, let's try this again.

You're not arguing with me, you're arguing with the oft outdated recruiting website for the Canadian Forces. You should perhaps tell the webmaster of the oft outdated recruiting website for the Canadian Forces that they are wrong and you are correct. I have been informed you are more experienced then those overworked individuals who are passing along outdated information to recruits on that oft outdated recruiting website that they call forces.ca.

There we go, much better! Fixed both the grammar, the know-it-all attitude, and the obvious errors in your post.
Dean22 said:
2) The article about grade 10 AES op openings is in fact on the CF website. That is what I linked, but no one seems to look at links anymore or screen shots for that matter.

What you linked was actually only flash links to the parent location, not the actual articles (click the links you will see what I mean), I did however navigate the flash site to the article in question in which two new trades are available to recruits. That article is referring to trades that were previously not open for DE (meaning that you must CT/OT into the trade prior to the current DE Trial), no where in there does it state that education requirement for AES Op is grade 10. As well, no where on the AES Op trade page does it state education requirements, let alone any civilian requirements at all. Perhaps you are taking this to mean that there are no education requirements; however, were you to speak to a recruiter or any current AES Op member they would tell you that you need to have a high school diploma (in-fact someone here already has, you are just either too ignorant or daft to comprehend that information or perhaps even listen to it in the first place)

People here do still look at links, and screenshots. Members here that are in the know have stated in no uncertain terms that your search results are wrong, however you seem to want to take a oft outdated website (as gcclarke put very eloquently) over the words of actual human beings that know what they are talking about. I am actually quite thrown aback by your audacity to flat out tell someone (who in my opinion knows more about the subject than you or me) that they are incorrect. Has the thought that you may the one that is incorrect even cross your mind (or that it may be possible that the search attributes for some of the trades may not be correct)? Perhaps you should get down off of the high horse you seem to have rode in on and learn some humility, it may do you well during your CF career (however short that may be)

Your is possessive as in your hat, your shoes, etc.

You're is a contraction for you are.

I'm shocked that you don't know that with your wealth of knowledge about everything.
My latest non-sexual fantasy: to be seventeen again and on course with Dean22.

I cannot imagine anything more entertaining than watching him tell his instructors how wrong they are, and on which website to find the correct information, tactics, techniques, procedures, and drills etcetera. Oh, the hilarity which would ensue. Perhaps a whole new sitcom could be born from this.
PMedMoe I can see grammar and spelling mistakes in yours and other people's posts but we are all human. Hopefully, you'll realize that when you log off this forum and stop power tripping.

I talked to a Sgt I know who works at a CFRC and AES op is indeed available to the best of his knowledge to people who have completed grade 10 with some courses as well.

It used to be high school graduates and not available to new recruits.

Hopefully, that will clear up confusion to any new recruits reading these threads created by some.
Dean22 said:
PMedMoe I can see grammar and spelling mistakes in yours and other people's posts but we are all human. Hopefully, you'll realize that when you log off this forum and stop power tripping.

Hello?  Pot?  This is kettle, you're BLACK!

Dean, you know what they say about glass houses and throwing stones, right?  I only corrected you because of your correction of my typo back at reply #13.  That and the "Moe's Waxing Willies Car Wash" comment.  ::)