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CF Rank

What[u] is[/u] or [u]was[/u] your rank in the CF?

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My bad.  Corporal i believe is first 'semi' NCO rank.  But it's also E-4 so it's kinda confusing.  But E-5 is definately NCO.

razorguns said:
My bad.  Corporal i believe is first 'semi' NCO rank.  But it's also E-4 so it's kinda confusing.  But E-5 is definately NCO.

Cpl is the first NCO Rank as per QR&O Vol 1 Chap 1.02 http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qr_o/vol1/ch001_e.asp#1.02

"non-commissioned officer" means a member holding the rank of sergeant or corporal; (sous-officier)

ArtyNewbie said:
Cpl is the first NCO Rank as per QR&O Vol 1 Chap 1.02 http://www.admfincs.forces.gc.ca/qr_o/vol1/ch001_e.asp#1.02

"non-commissioned officer" means a member holding the rank of sergeant or corporal; (sous-officier)

You do realize that razorguns is US Military and that they don't use the QR&Os....
Left the CF in Jan 95 as a Sergeant with WO qualifications awaiting promotion.

Entered the Army here in March 1995 as a Temporary Sergeant, got my promotion courses within 12 months and kept my rank, so still a Sergeant in the Australian Army, and comfortable with that. My recent 5yr plan was go get my WO2 crown, then AWOCS myself to Captain, then discharge. That was my plan, now I am happy to coast until CRA as a Sergeant.


Not that it matters, but just curious Wes what AWOCS means?  I know that it would be the equivalent to CFR or UTPNCM etc..., I'm just curious as to the terminology the Australian Army uses.  ( I lead a boring life ;D)
Quag said:
Not that it matters, but just curious Wes what AWOCS means?  I know that it would be the equivalent to CFR or UTPNCM etc..., I'm just curious as to the terminology the Australian Army uses.  ( I lead a boring life ;D)

Google is your friend. 1st hit for AWOCS:

Army In-Service Commissioning Scheme (AICS) (Formally AWOCS)


Army Senior Noncommissioned Officer and Warrant Officer Commissioning Scheme (ASWOCS)

ASWOCS is a method by which Warrant Officers (WO's) and Non Commissioned Officers (NCO's) may apply for in-service officer commissioning. The scheme can provide a career change within the Army, where that change is in the interest of the Service. ASWOCS is not a promotion scheme. Candidates whose education, training and experience may be suited to officer appointments within the ADF, are selected to appear before an Officer Selection Board (OSB). Successful applicants will be offered employment as Specialist Service Officer (SSO) Service Commission (SC).

The commissioning of WO's and SNCO's as SSO SC is intended to meet specific employment needs of the Army.

Eligible applicants may apply for SSO SC commissioning, or be nominated by the Director Army Personnel Agency (DAPA). Candidates are assessed on suitability, employability, experience and skills.

Sounds about the same as the SRCP in Canada - something that the Army is now approaching CMP to implement in the Reserves as well as the Regular Force... imagine that - common policies between the components.  Will wonders never cease?
Ex-Dragoon said:
You do realize that razorguns is US Military and that they don't use the QR&Os....

Indeed but it provides some meat to an otherwise highly debatable post (there are some who still don't believe Cpl's are NCO's here in Canada)
Wesley  Down Under said:
Left the CF in Jan 95 as a Sergeant with WO qualifications awaiting promotion.

Entered the Army here in March 1995 as a Temporary Sergeant, got my promotion courses within 12 months and kept my rank, so still a Sergeant in the Australian Army, and comfortable with that. My recent 5yr plan was go get my WO2 crown, then AWOCS myself to Captain, then discharge. That was my plan, now I am happy to coast until CRA as a Sergeant.



Sergeant is a good rank!
There are many days when I dream of shucking some of the burden of age & wisdom.  Return to a younger time when I didn't have such a high proportion of grey hairs :)..... or should that be hairs, plain & simple? ;)

5.    To be eligible for consideration under the SRCP a member shall:
    a.  be a Canadian citizen;

    b.  be of CWO rank (MWOs may be considered on an exceptional basis);

    c.  Superseded by ADM(HR-Mil) Instruction 14/04

    d.  have been awarded within the past 12 months at least the minimum
          medical category for the officer MOC for which the member is
          being nominated.  Members with a medical category below that
          required for the appropriate MOC may be considered if found
          suitable for employment without restrictions by the Officer
          Career Medical Review Board.

Currently I'm an Ordinary Seamen, but i will be changing to Private by the end of my BMQ, i had gone on a pre-recruit course affiliated with the navy, but now I'm joining the infantry regiment in my hometown,
Another "old rank" that I didn't see mentioned in earlier posts, was the "I'll put the fear of God into you" rank in the Canadian Army at one time --Staff Sergeant!

I hadn't thought about the fact that the posn of "batman" might derive from rich officers (who'd bought their commision in the old British Army) bringing their servants with them.  One of the things I DO recall is that , in battle, the batman was used as an officer's personal messanger. 

Oh, and BTW, Sergeant.
I guess you learn something new every once in awhile.  I had always though that a person was an NCM until they achieve the rank of WO, which then makes them an NCO.
stealthylizard said:
I guess you learn something new every once in awhile.  I had always though that a person was an NCM until they achieve the rank of WO, which then makes them an NCO.
Huh? nope.
stealthylizard said:
I guess you learn something new every once in awhile.  I had always though that a person was an NCM until they achieve the rank of WO, which then makes them an NCO.


NCM covers Pte to CWO while NCO is Cpl - Sgt.