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Computer Problems & Solutions

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It must be the Ouija Board topic that I was reading last night....because right after I read this thread my computer started emanating this high-pitched whining noise. I sure hope my HD isn't about to go... ::)
Gerrycan,  It sounds like you blew your power supply.  With laptops it happens a bit although it is dependent on where you live and the quality of your power. It could have been a lightning strike, brownout, surge, etc.

BTW a PowerbookG4 kicks ass over any Imac any day.

CCleaner is the bomb and will fix alot of background stuff and it doesn't cost 45 bucks. The best solution that a friend of mine uses is to swap OS keys so he can constantly D/L the latest and greatest in demo's without ever paying a cent. The best solution for using freeware applications is to use as many as you can. Don't rely on one, rely on them all.
sheikyerbouti said:
  BTW a PowerbookG4 kicks ass over any Imac any day.

My buddy has one, he also paid upwards of 3 grand for it. Plus I have no use for a laptop anyways. But I'd like to hear why it's a better computer.
sheikyerbouti said:
 BTW a PowerbookG4 kicks *** over any Imac any day.
My husband wanted the powerbook, but I am a mean wife..hehehe If any of you get the chance to travel down to the USA with your units, make sure to bring your ID and go to an apple store. They do give a very decent military discount. Hubby's iBook retailed for $1200USD and he got it, after taxes and all the extra warranty stuff $950USD
The G series are fast processors, stable platforms and very compatible with high demand programs like Maya or 3D Studio MAX. If you are a major techie then the G5 is like owning a ferrari. It is highly capable and most notably has the capability to be linked with other processors creating, in essence a "poor man's supercomputer".

Apple is good for stuff like word processing or surfing but if you play games or truly want the highest specs you still have to stick with a PC platform. Windows Vista (the next XP) is looking  better and better with each announcement of its capabilities.

Blakey..... It could be your HD or you might have a fan on the verge of breaking. My Graphics card blew last week and the only way I could tell was from the scraping sound the fan was making on the card.
it said it detected over 800 errors in the registry
You got nothing on me, Im running the scan as I type and its 3800 and counting.... ;D
Edit: Just finished, 4550 total  :o
sheikyerbouti said:
  Apple is good for stuff like word processing or surfing but if you play games or truly want the highest specs you still have to stick with a PC platform. Windows Vista (the next XP) is looking   better and better with each announcement of its capabilities.

Word Processing and Surfing? So that's why so many graphic designers and animators use macs, so they can make spreadsheets and surf the net...whatever.

Remember the hype about XP and how great it was supposed to be?  Instead we yet another unstable, resource hog, piece of crap operating system. Windows Vista can kiss my A$$.
If you would like some specific info on the mac's, I can get my hubby to come on here and type out some stuff for you??
I have all the info I need thanks. I did about a year of research/humming and hawing before I made the switch to mac. A good buddy of mine uses nothing but mac so i messed around with his a lot and drilled him with questions. What model does your husband have?
If you read my post correctly then you would notice that I said it is good for high demand programs like Maya or 3Ds Max.

If you are going to flame someone make sure you have a greater understanding of the written English language.

When it comes down to it, there is virtually no support for games on an Apple computer, hence my statement that the Apple computer is  best left in the domain of apps like word processing or surfing.

The biggest problems people have with operating systems is their finite understanding of its capabilities. There is little wrong with XP or any other OS provided they aren't overtasked and updated frequently. Remember that your computer does exactly what it is told.

My point still stands.... the best performance is garnered through PC's but in terms  of application stability then one must readily acknowledge the superiority of Apple.
GerryCan said:
I have all the info I need thanks. I did about a year of research/humming and hawing before I made the switch to mac. A good buddy of mine uses nothing but mac so i messed around with his a lot and drilled him with questions. What model does your husband have?

My husband has the iBook G4  http://www.apple.com/ibook/

He did the same as you. played with his buddies all the time. Problem was that his buddy was single, so he had more disposable income than us. My husband's buddy, Mike, had the 17" powerbook with the works...ended up costing approx $7k CDN.
Springroll said:
My husband has the iBook G4    http://www.apple.com/ibook/

He did the same as you. played with his buddies all the time. Problem was that his buddy was single, so he had more disposable income than us. My husband's buddy, Mike, had the 17" powerbook with the works...ended up costing approx $7k CDN.

Shouod have added that he has the 14" and loves it when he is away. Types out his letters on it, saves them to his MP3 and then upoloads them into emails and sends them off. Take way less time than having to wait for a computer to be free and such.
sheikyerbouti said:
  Apple is good for stuff like word processing or surfing 

I'm pretty sure I read this right. By the looks of your name perhaps you're having a problem with the written english language???
But my intentions were not to start an argument, have you honestly ever heard of anyone buying a mac at sometimes 3 times the cost of a pc for word pro and surfing? Kind of like buying a Hummer for a commuter vehicle.
I don't play games on pc, I have an xbox for that so I don't have to update my vid card everytime a new game comes out. Although with 360 coming along it may be time to do so anyways.

SpringRoll : do you use OS X Tiger or Panther?

Hey Gerry, suck it up and admit you didn't understand my post. I explicitly stated that it is good for programs like Maya or 3Ds max both of which are the primary game design platforms in use by game developers

There is nothing wrong with my name by the way. In fact there may be more than a few who understand the inside joke behind my name. Since you need a little help, I will give you a hint... FRANK ZAPPA

Google his name and then apologize you ignoramus.
Springroll said:
Hubby is running tiger, but he does have a copy of panther..hehehe

I don't want to jump to any conclusion here but why do you say 'hehehe"? Is he pirating the operating system?


In my civvie job I am the troubleshooter/sys admin for all our mac computers and one pc that we are running at our office. We have G5's, G4's, everything from ibooks, powerbooks, imacs to towers. We are currently in the process of discussing our future needs....where I work this could take a very very long time because we like to build concensus :D

I still love the macs but they are falling behind in terms of compatibility and ability to upgrade.

Somedays I spend all day installing the latest updates of web-based software like media player because somebody received an email attachment they can't open. Usually what's happened is a newer version of the player has come out and the mac version isn't available yet (if it ever will be), so the mac user can no longer 'read' that email attachment.

For older mac O/S like 9, you can no longer get any updates because the demand is not there. So now you are faced with upgrading your system. This used to be as simple as buying the new OS for as many units as you were installing on. That doesn't happen anymore. Now the system software is specific to the unit and therefore even more expensive than ever before.

A perfect example was when our accounting dept. could no longer receive the Canada Tax tables using the payroll software because that company was no longer producing that product for mac users. We were forced to buy a pc running windows xp pro, or do payroll deductions manually.

Seems like Mac is pricing themselves right out of the market and unless you are in the print or graphic/music/arts industries, these computers will be out of reach of the average user in terms of price and compatibility.

It comes down to knowing what you need/want your computer for and purchasing the equipment that will meet those needs. That's my $0.02 :D
NavComm said:
I don't want to jump to any conclusion here but why do you say 'hehehe"? Is he pirating the operating system?

Well, as many know, the iBook G4 came with panther as it's "stock" operating system.
Since the release of tiger, that has been his new operating system.

He does love it alot.
sheikyerbouti said:
Hey Gerry, suck it up and admit you didn't understand my post. I explicitly stated that it is good for programs like Maya or 3Ds max both of which are the primary game design platforms in use by game developers

There is nothing wrong with my name by the way. In fact there may be more than a few who understand the inside joke behind my name. Since you need a little help, I will give you a hint... FRANK ZAPPA

Google his name and then apologize you ignoramus.

Yup I understand it, fully and completely. Remember you mentioned it around 4 times? You still didn't get what I was saying after repeating it twice. I'm not going to argue with you over it, after all, you're a genius in your own little world. And yes I am sorry..sorry that you have the misfortune of listening to Frank Zappa ::)
That's it, I'm taking my ball and going home. Talk to you guys when I get back to canada next week.
Springroll said:
Well, as many know, the iBook G4 came with panther as it's "stock" operating system.
Since the release of tiger, that has been his new operating system.

He does love it alot.

Thank you for clearing that up. I'd hate to think that anyone would pirate software let alone admit it on an open forum :D
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