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Computer Problems & Solutions

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If someone were to come on here and say that they pirated software...well, they obviously are not very smart then.
We do things legit in my home, and the closest we come to "pirating" anything would be taping movies and shows off the tv... :)
Springroll said:
Legally you are allowed to make copies of your stuff for personal use, such as making a copy as a back up.
Here in Canada, it is legal to upload music from the internet, but not to download it, believe it or not.
Ummm, I do not know where to start... You are unbelievably wrong. The Canadian legal system does not "allow" you to do any such thing. The End User License Agreement (EULA) allows you to make a copy of some (SOME) software for back-up purposes. In most cases it does NOT allow you to make copies for your personal use elsewhere or on other computers you may own. Always check your EULA. Various manufacturers have differing EULAs, and the Canadian legal system will not afford you any protection if you are found in breach of the EULA, and the manufacturer is feeling nasty.

I am assuming that the operators of this BBS do not endorse anyone making backups and use of software against EULAs. Please PM them or me if you have any questions.

As well, your reference to a Canadian news source (Gee, ALWAYS a fine place for finding legal precedent  ::) ) is from 2003. That law has been reviewed and amended since.

Recently, some Canadian ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have been in court to fight American-style actions against uses of P-2-P software. So far we seem to be OK, but I would not allow my kids to download movies and MP3s.

For everyone else: please do not follow this advice/statement
pronto said:
As well, your reference to a Canadian news source (Gee, ALWAYS a fine place for finding legal precedent   ::) ) is from 2003. That law has been reviewed and amended since.

Recently, some Canadian ISPs (Internet Service Providers) have been in court to fight American-style actions against uses of P-2-P software. So far we seem to be OK, but I would not allow my kids to download movies and MP3s.

For everyone else: please do not follow this advice/statement

Sorry, when i did my search, the date read Aug 2005....my bad.

Do you have a current link for the new law??
You're not getting it. Don't look up Canadian law and interpret it for yourself or others. do this:

Always read the End User License Agreement, and don't do anything for which you would be embarrassed.

Copying software illegally would qualify for that in my books
Listen, this is the last time I am going to say it: Getting legal precedent from the CBC is a silly idea. So is copying software without knowing if you can, and for what purpose. Give this up, you're wrong and gaily looking for support on the internet is silly

This is now officially a silly thread, and the Mods should lock it.

By the way, I know whereof I speak this is a subject which falls under my purview
If it is, can you please present me with a link that will substantiate what you are saying?

That is not a a bad request.

What is it now, 3 threads that you turn into legal arguments ?  I'm seeing a pattern here and it usualy ends with you on the losing side.  Maybe its time to realise that no one likes barackroom lawyers.
All i am asking for is a link that says it is illegal, thats all.

I did not start this topic on the legailities of it, and I know that we have not knowingly committed anythign illegal in my home, but if it is illegal, PLEASE show me so that I know.

I have even tried to google it and there is nothing coming up...

I am not trying to start a fight pr anything, just want a link....or some sort of reference place that I can go to, to find out the truth.
Last comment:
You said that legally you can make copies of software. You are wrong. Consult a lawyer. I am not going to provide you with a "link" to a legal database. You are a dangerous putz. Always read your EULA. Don't do illegal things. If you are in doubt - consult an expert. Downloading MP3s from a P2P "network" is silly and whilst saving you money, is questionable ethically. It may someday be illegal. It is in some other jurisdictions.

Geez - give it up. You are wrong, and offering dangerous, and potentially actionable advice. (although I think Microsoft is not likely to engage in action against someone at home!!!).

Now - you really should log out and take a break. Averaging 11 posts per day since late July is a sign you probably need another hobby, and from some of the other comments, I suspect you are rapidly wearing out your welcome.
pronto said:
Last comment:
You said that legally you can make copies of software. You are wrong. Consult a lawyer. I am not going to provide you with a "link" to a legal database. You are a dangerous putz. Always read your EULA. Don't do illegal things. If you are in doubt - consult an expert. Downloading MP3s from a P2P "network" is silly and whilst saving you money, is questionable ethically. It may someday be illegal. It is in some other jurisdictions.

Geez - give it up. You are wrong, and offering dangerous, and potentially actionable advice. (although I think Microsoft is not likely to engage in action against someone at home!!!).

I DO NOT download music or anything else of the sort from the internet....if we do download something, it is usually a song from the apple store, where we pay for it. As for us making back up copies of our computer software, I honestly thought it was okay to have a back up...MY bad.

Now instead of jumping on me and calling me a "dangerous putz" maybe people should really give me a freakin' chance here and if I ask for some help in understanding something(like I just did) then maybe you should give them help instead of being quick to criticize and call them names.

Many of you have forgotten the whole LEAD BY EXAMPLE motto, I've noticed.... ::)

Springroll said:
All i am asking for is a link that says it is illegal, thats all.

I did not start this topic on the legailities of it, and I know that we have not knowingly committed anythign illegal in my home, but if it is illegal, PLEASE show me so that I know.

I have even tried to google it and there is nothing coming up...

I am not trying to start a fight pr anything, just want a link....or some sort of reference place that I can go to, to find out the truth.

GOD - yes you did - you said that "legally you can make backups and copies for your own use". You can't!!!

You said you can download music. No one is disputing that! (You probably shouldn't but no-one said you can't.)

Here's the truth - READ THE FRICKIN' EULA to see if you can make copies of your software and for what purposes. This includes Operating Systems.

Good Lord - give it up. If you are really hoping to get into the Forces as an Engineer, I seriously question both the perspicacity of the Forces and their judgement.

Kincanucks - I really wish you luck - you have far, far more patience than I, and are obviously a better human being, as I am not thinking particularly pleasant thoughts.  I need Tea, Crumpets and a good hug o' Trees
pronto said:
You said you can download music. No one is disputing that! (You probably shouldn't but no-one said you can't.)

Actually I said you can upload music leagally, I did not say you could download it...read it again.

"Here in Canada, it is legal to upload music from the internet, but not to download it, believe it or not."

Now I am done arguing this with you. I was not looking for a fight.
I honestly believed what I was reading on the internet news sources...sorry.  ::)
Springroll said:
I DO NOT download music or anything else of the sort from the internet....if we do download something, it is usually a song from the apple store, where we pay for it. As for us making back up copies of our computer software, I honestly thought it was okay to have a back up...MY bad.

Now instead of jumping on me and calling me a "dangerous putz" maybe people should really give me a freakin' chance here and if I ask for some help in understanding something(like I just did) then maybe you should give them help instead of being quick to criticize and call them names.

Fair enough, lets leave it at that now.

Many of you have forgotten the whole LEAD BY EXAMPLE motto, I've noticed.... ::)

For most of us, LEAD BY EXAMPLE is a way of life we put into action everyday, not some buzzword to be thrown around - as you have just done - by people who have no idea what it means.   May i suggest you be very carefully with that one.
I lead by example in my everyday life.

I volunteer in a variety of different places.

I have worked with seniors, those with mental and physical disabilities and the homeless. I have assisted young moms with caring for their kids in a variety of capacities. I have volunteered for the past 4 years with a dog rescue as a member of their transport(driving anywhere from Vancouver, BC to California) and I am a qualified foster home for abused Akitas. I also treat those, that show me courtesy, with the upmost respect that they deserve, but I also don't deal with the BS of those who seem to talk the talk but can't, or won't, walk the walk.

Unless you know me personally, then you have no idea of what I have had to endure to get to where I am now. It has been an uphill battle from the get go when I had my oldest son at 16...and I have never asked for a hand out and was not living at home under my mothers roof. I was supporting my son and I by working and trying to go to school. I have worked my butt off!

Don't even TRY to tell me what lead by example is because I have been doing it all my adult life and will be until the day I die!
That is something that I was brought up with, thanks be to my grandfather....the most amazing man anyone has ever met!

When I ask for help, I mean it....it is hard to eat crow, but I have no problems doing so when I have screwed up.
Springroll said:
I lead by example in my everyday life.

I volunteer in a variety of different places.

I have worked with seniors, those with mental and physical disabilities and the homeless. I have assisted young moms with caring for their kids in a variety of capacities. I have volunteered for the past 4 years with a dog rescue as a member of their transport(driving anywhere from Vancouver, BC to California) and I am a qualified foster home for abused Akitas. I also treat those, that show me courtesy, with the upmost respect that they deserve, but I also don't deal with the BS of those who seem to talk the talk but can't, or won't, walk the walk.

Unless you know me personally, then you have no idea of what I have had to endure to get to where I am now. It has been an uphill battle from the get go when I had my oldest son at 16...and I have never asked for a hand out and was not living at home under my mothers roof. I was supporting my son and I by working and trying to go to school. I have worked my butt off!

Don't even TRY to tell me what lead by example is because I have been doing it all my adult life and will be until the day I die!
That is something that I was brought up with, thanks be to my grandfather....the most amazing man anyone has ever met!

When I ask for help, I mean it....it is hard to eat crow, but I have no problems doing so when I have screwed up.

And do not be so presumptuous as to tell me or anyone else here what leading is.  I have "been there done that" and so have alot of people here

As for the rest of your story well, i feel for you.....

no wait, its just heartburn
aesop081 said:
And do not be so presumptuous as to tell me or anyone else here what leading is.   I have "been there done that" and so have alot of people here

As for the rest of your story well, i feel for you.....

no wait, its just heartburn

take some TUMS then... ;)

NOBODY should be so quick to judge others....no matter what!!

Aesop - watch out - a classic case of "I have to have the last word" here. Just have a tea and crumpet with me... Most relaxing. Kincanucks reccomends it highly.  ;D
Springroll - Like it or not, you are attracting attention. This is the second thread today that I have locked, that you have been involved in. Quite awhile back, I noted in a thread, your irritating habit where you absolutely HAVE to have the last word.

Please - slow down and bite your tongue for awhile. Otherwise, rightly or wrongly - your days here are numbered. I don't think you are a malicious person, nor do I think you post here with the intent of being disruptive. Sadly it seems, that has often been the result, in your brief history on the board.

No one doubts your tenacity, nor your ability to endure adversity, nor your commitment regarding your career path. That being said, there are many people on this board who have military experience that numbers in double digits. Over the years, we grow to have a feel for thos who have the combination of qualities to make it, and those who won't. Most here feel that you won't. Not because of your personailty at home, nor your volunteer experiences, or your intelligence level - toughness, independence, and determination can be a hinderance in life, as well as a boon. I would offer that your husband may not be the best judge of whether you can make it, as he loves you very much I am sure, and therefore lacks objectivity. Nor would your friends and family necessarily be the best judges. I can assure you that you have hundreds, maybe thousands of years worth of service looking at you and not thinking you will make it. Knowing you (online, I agree) - that will just get your hackles up, and that is part of my point. In the Military, you will have to follow/listen to people who you don't know, or think are stupid - without hesitation. It may be years before you can, without retribution - have the last word with people that are your superiors. If you want to say "Well, this is just the internet - you don't know me" - that's fine also. If it's just the internet, you shouldn't need to be so adamant about making your point.

Please - sit back, put it in "Park" instead of "Race" for awhile. If a Mod has to get involved with another thread that you are also involved in your warning will be upped, or you will be gone. Whether or not you are blatantly violating Conduct Guidelines, your presence here is starting to be disruptive.

Thanks in advance.

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