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Computer Sciencer ROTP


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Hello, i have been reading posts here for a few days now, and i am sure most of my questions have probably been answered many times, but i just couldn't find enough on it.

I am in grade 11 right now, and extremely into computer sciences (programming). It is my plan to study Comp Sci. at Waterloo while in the ROTP. I was just wondering whether anyone knows what exactly a member of the forces who deals with advanced computing does. On top of this, i had a few questions about ROTP, so i will skip to the point. When should I apply? What are the marks needed? Does the required service after university heavily involve what you studied? Is there basic training? I probably have more questions that i forgot about as well.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and i apoligize for the brusque manner in which those questions were presented.

The trade you select depends on what you'll be doing.  There are a ton of them, and there are a few which involve computers, haven't seen a lot relating to programming but they are out there I'm sure.

As for the when, how, what, etc etc these are all answered many times.  Also doing a search on these forums, and more importantly the RMC, CMR, ROTP forum will bring up the answers to all these questions you have about ROTP.  They are very comon questions.
I suppose CELE officer or INT officer(sigint) would be the most involved in computers. As far as programming, I don't know, Canada buys its programs for all of their systems from compensated companies, we do not program ourselves as far as I know.
Good luck with ROTP.
You may want to check the Communications Security Establishment (CSE). It's not part of the Armed Forces but its closely linked. Or it's part but the people there are civilians. Something like this. Anyway, they have programmers.

Well, I know this reply is just a little late, but I figured I would post a status report so that anyone who was asking the same questions I was would have at least a few answers.

I went through the whole process, and after everything (the aptitude test, medical, and interview) I ended up not accepting the the offered ROTP plan. The reason for this is partially because I ended up being able to finance my own university education. However, I was (and still am) under the impression that most of the actual research and development for the Canadian Forces is done through Defense R&D Canada and the CSE (for cryptology). Now I know that might seem obvious, but it is something that you should look into if you are more interested in research than administration.

Please correct me if I am wrong, because I more than anyone would be excited to find it out. I am currently studying Computer Science and Physics, and still hope to one day use what I learn for the benefit of the CF in some way or another.

Thank you as well to the replies I got, as small as they were they did help me quite a bit in my coming to a decision.


PS. I cannot remember whether I am allowed to talk about the specifics of myself and the ROTP program, so if I am violating any rules please let me know or better yet, if you are an admin, please use your admin powers and delete this post.
Frokrad..... my bachelors is in computer science as well. I opted for CELE AIR after looking through all the options open to me at the recruitment center. I have worked in the IT industry for over 15yrs both here and in the UK, and just fancied a change, and to contribute to my newly adopted country.

I am heading out to BMOQ st jean before the Aug 18th start date.
Former291er said:
Canada buys its programs for all of their systems from compensated companies, we do not program ourselves as far as I know.

You may be right when it comes to desktop-type computers and stuff but when it comes to weapons systems, the CF most certainly does its own programing.

Case and point , 14 Software Engineering Sqn.

This is a specialized unit ( discussed on this site before ) but you see what i mean.