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Criminal Records Check - CRC (Merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter Havok
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Every CF member has a flaw. I have a lot to offer to the CF. Did you know I can get repeated head shots on flying birds? That is skill and all I want to do is cook.
Cook civvie side then, or man up and do your prison time. The CAF doesn't owe you a job. I also looked up some mandatory minimums in Florida, most involve possession with intent to traffic. With that conviction, kiss your desire to serve in the CAF goodbye. You screwed up, and it shut doors for you. Welcome to life.
DAA said:
If during the "CRNC" process, there is an indication that an applicant is completing obligations to the judicial system or under the judicial process, then the CF cannot interfere with this and as such they are ineligible for enrolment into the CF until the obligation(s) have expired or been lifted.

Understood, but in the case of a certain peace bonds (e.g. where an individual is not allowed to contact another individual, but no mobility restrictions), how could the CF interfere?  If the peace bond says an individual is not allowed to contact someone and the CF sends that individual to other side of the country, it would seem to me that the CF is actually helping (although that is not our responsibility), not interfering with the obligation.
Pusser said:
Understood, but in the case of a certain peace bonds (e.g. where an individual is not allowed to contact another individual, but no mobility restrictions), how could the CF interfere?  If the peace bond says an individual is not allowed to contact someone and the CF sends that individual to other side of the country, it would seem to me that the CF is actually helping (although that is not our responsibility), not interfering with the obligation.

That type of instance could possibly be acceptable.  Usually these matters are forwarded for higher level review prior to a decision being made, so it's pretty much a coin toss.
How about you call the recruiting center closest to you and ask them these questions. Tell them your situation and see what they say. But I can 100% guarantee you that with you having a criminal record, a warrant out for your arrest in the USA and have not gone to take care of your issues the CF is not going to see you as reliable or a good fit for any position in the CF.

Don't waste the clerks time at the recruiting center. Man up, do your time, and find a new career.
For reference,

Criminal charges question 

josebot533 said:
I have a criminal record but one of them was a federal one. I got caught with some weed and got a fine in 2007. It's been paid and I'm done probation.
Is this federal criminal conviction gonna mess up my chances of getting in?

DAA said:
Shouldn't be that big a deal, so long as you declared your Criminal Conviction at the time of your online application.

But I'd recommend that you apply for a "Record Suspension" as soon as possible.  You don't have to hire a Lawyer or anything like that, just fill out the forms, submit the required documentation and pay the fee.

Good luck.


So I went to the CAF building with my criminal charges papers on the 21st of October and was told that someone will get in touch with me via email or telephone call. My criminal charges are for non violent offenses and I'm done serving everything. No fines. No nothing.

How long does it usually take for someone to get back in touch with you?

Thank you
josebot533 said:
So I went to the CAF building with my criminal charges papers on the 21st of October and was told that someone will get in touch with me via email or telephone call. My criminal charges are for non violent offenses and I'm done serving everything.

For reference, perhaps,

Criminal charges question

will be merged with,

Criminal Record (merged)
12 pages.
Try calling the recruiting center. Nobody on here is going to be able to give you an answer.
Depending on what the offenses were and how long ago it was could also cause you to get declined entirely during the reliability screening. Expect to get fingerprinted as well which will delay your file even more.
Hi there, back in March of 2016, I was charged with dangerous driving, failure to stay at the scene, refusal to blow. All three charges were criminal. I had them all dropped and reduced to a careless driving, but the court did give me a 1 year breathalyzer probation which ends in October of 2017. I have no criminal record from this but i still want to make sure if this will affect my chances to joining the airforce as a pilot or the opportunity to be a MP? I know that you can't join till all probations are over so i don't plan on joining till after October. Advice from those who are experienced in this topic would be much appreciated, thanks so much!
zee1231 said:
I have no criminal record from this but i still want to make sure if this will affect my chances to joining the airforce as a pilot or the opportunity to be a MP?

I read the "no criminal record". But, if you have any concerns, you may, or may not, find this of interest,

Criminal Record (merged)
12 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

I can't speak to your ability to join the Air Force, but I can safely say you won't make it through the MPAC background process for MP.
Thanks so much guys, does anyone know if this would prevent me from joining the military for all trades? I wouldlike to do the ROTP and get an education and pursue some sort of a trade.
zee1231 said:
Thanks so much guys, does anyone know if this would prevent me from joining the military for all trades? I wouldlike to do the ROTP and get an education and pursue some sort of a trade.

Keep in mind that ROTP is for officer candidates.  You'll get an education, but you won't get a trade out of that.
Looking for some advice
I have a conditional discharge(not a conviction), and withdrawn charge.
The Record will be purged (destroyed) in april 2017, than I will conduct a record check to make sure it was purged properly.
Once, I have cleared my record, I want to apply but all of this will take much time, It can take up to one year for the fingerprints and record to be destroyed.
Should I wait it out?
Would I still have a chance of being accepted with this record (break and enter).
And if I do wait it out and my record is cleared, and they ask me if i have ever been found guilty of an offence, do I have to reply, yes?
I will be honest with my application to the the recruiters, interviewer etc.
I have no legal obligations, no convictions etc.
thank you in advance

So I know there is a merged criminal records topic but I need a specific answer.

Last year I was arrested for a crime I did not commit, Currently I have been charged and am on bail. The case is not a publicly available one and it does not show up on a criminal records check from the local PD. I started my application today will this stop me?

Thank you
KS98 said:
So I know there is a merged criminal records topic 

For reference, perhaps Current Charges

will be merged with,

Criminal Record (merged)
12 pages.

As always,  Recruiting is your most trusted source of information.

The application asks "Have you been charged with a crime for which you have not been pardoned". You will have to select yes. Also, the military will be thorough. It will stop you regardless of whether or not you committed it. Unfortunately, your application will not move forward.