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Diet while training


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I'm currently on a DP1 course in meaford and have finally inspired myself to get more fit, mainly through dieting. I am physically fit but my diet currently is giving me negative effects.

Right now I have completly cut out pop and the good old snacks from the cantee. My question is, if anyone has eaten in the mess in meaford they'd know where im comming from.

Is eating the food at the mess going to completly screw me over when it comes to getting fit, more along the lines of getting my six pack back from before I joined up?
Having a six pack does not always = Being fit.
Being fit does not always = Having a six pack.

You can still get very fit and stay very fit without a nutritionally perfect diet.
Balance your diet, balance your excercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I'm not 100% sure but I'm almost 95% sure that mess food is mostly processed for convenience and likely not the healthiest of choices.

Make sure above anything else that you get as many vegetables as possible during the day and supplement with Veggie Green superfoods if you don't, and if you are allowed.

Remember to count your proteins first, fats second, and moderate your carbohydrates.  People don't neccesarily get fat from consuming fats, your body needs fats.  People get fat from ingesting glutenous amounts of carbohydrates and sending their insulin levels through the roof.

Just remind yourself, vegetables and balance.  You'll be fine.
After you work out is the best time to carb up though.  Have something that absorbs fast and is highly glycemic.  Rice, whatever...use your imagination.  That will reload your glycogen stores in your muscles and has little effect on raising your insulin levels, hence not causing any kind of insulin sensitivity.

True also to what Kratos mentioned.  Lots of guy who may not appear fit are actually quite fit, the larger fellows might not always have a 6 pack.  On the other hand, there is such a thing as being labelled "skinny fat" where you might have a 6 pack, but thats because you are 6'2 and 140 pounds.  Chances are you wouldnt be too fit.  Again it goes back to balance and finding what works for you in the long term.
GenePool said:
Remember to count your proteins first, fats second, and moderate your carbohydrates. 

How much would I need to count? I'm 6"1 and 190lbs. what would be my recommended intake?
I feel your pain; the problem with messes at training bases is that they are catering to a certain age group; that is the 18 to 25 year old average soldier who eats nothing but fries and pizza and drinks lots of pop.  I know it can be very hard sometimes because of this to get a decent meal; however, their are a few things you can do.

1.  Avoid all the fried crap the mess gives you, fries, perogies, etc... (its all junkfood and you would be much better served having something else as a side)
2.  At the Salad bar don't load up on potato salad, macaroni salad, etc... all this stuff is filled with Mayonnaise and other crap and is very bad for you.
3.  Grab a sandwich instead of pizza or whatever else you would normally eat
4.  Always have a salad as your side (the mess has very good selection of salads and vegetables usually... just load your plate up and eat away.
5.  AVOID DESSERT... instead of grabbing your favorite nanaimo bar why not go over to the fruit section and and fill a bowl with strawberries or honey dew or something.

Just every time you eat cut out the fried crap and dessert, and substitute it with vegetables and fruit and you will go a long way to improving your health
Another point to add. I don't know how much you drink, but cutting out alcohol from your diet would be optimal. Alcohol is possibly one of the worst things you can ingest when trying to get "fit". Not only is alcohol high in calories, when alcohol is ingested, the body reacts to it as if it is a harmful substance (which it is) and therefore the first thing it has/tries to do is get rid of the alcohol from your system. So, before your body can go through its much needed repair of muscle tissue (to get stronger/bigger) or burn any fat, it must get that alcohol completely out of your system.

So working out on Friday or Saturday, and drinking loads of beer those nights would be taking one step forward and two steps back. Your body repairs itself the most while your body is in deep sleep...if your body is trying to get rid of all that alcohol in your system throughout that deep sleep, how are you going to repair your muscle tissue? This increases the risk for injury in future training sessions and ensures that you will have no gains from the workout you just did previously. All that hard work in the gym or on the track would be for nothing.

So all in all, just follow what the previous posters said, drink minimal amounts of alcohol or if it's possible cut it completely out (I know it's hard haha), and also get enough sleep each night so that your body can repair itself properly. Just my two cents. Good luck!
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